Chapter 968 The Fellowship of the Ring is destroyed!Sima wins! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
He held down a person so tightly that his palm was deeply embedded in the rock, bloody and bloody!
The hobbit gardener Wu Duan, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, was densely packed with more than [-] injuries.

But until his death, he didn't leave the people under him, not a single cent!
With life and soul, guarding.

Galadriel crouched down with tears streaming down her face.

She called Sam's name and found the Elven sword broken in two on the ground.That is the treasure she presented to Sam and Frodo, and it will automatically shine when encountering enemies.

Sam, the feeble hobbit, fought with his life.

But he and the object he guarded were still unable to escape death.

"Frodo!" Aragorn yelled bitterly.

Beneath Sam is Frodo Baggins, the protagonist of the plot who vowed to protect to the death, the Fellowship of the Ring.

This handsome, stubborn, and full of willpower Hobbit boy had died tragically under Sam.A slender sword pierced from Sam's back and pierced Frodo's heart, sending the master and servant, the protagonists of the plot, to the west together.

Frodo's expression included anger, confusion, anxiety, and even a hint of joy, but more of fear.

"His finger was broken by life." Aragorn sullenly discovered more details.

It is not difficult for people to imagine that this is the process of Frodo's desperate grasp of the Lord of the Rings. He once grasped the Lord of the Rings and clasped it firmly under the palm of his hand.

But the Lord of the Rings has betrayed him and is still trying to escape.At this time, the god of death struck from behind, penetrated Sam's heart and lungs, and finally took the protagonist's life.

Du Yu felt pity in his heart.

The tragic deaths of Frodo and Sam had something to do with him deliberately revealing the whereabouts of the Fellowship of the Ring!
Witnessing the tragic death of the master and servant, he had to feel unbearable and guilty.

But Du Yu's calm heart immediately jumped out of ecstasy.

Because Frodo died tragically in the betrayal of the Lord of the Rings.

As the protagonist of the plot, Frodo is powerless. His only and strongest feature lies in his heaven-defying protagonist luck!

Du Yu once guessed that if Elizabeth and Frodo were to compete for the protagonist's luck, her true luck would not be as high as Frodo's true luck!
Because, in the plot, Frodo took the Lord of the Rings and crossed the entire Doomsday Volcano. Under the eyes of Sauron, he threw the Lord of the Rings into the Doomsday Crater.

How strong is the belief in the Lord of the Rings?How terrifying is Sauron's magical surveillance?

Du Yu, who escaped by chance from the Doomsday Volcano, knew it well.

At that time, he didn't have the Lord of the Rings on him, and he was close to death with Galadriel.

It is estimated that if you change someone, as long as you take the Lord of the Rings and walk within a thousand miles of Doomsday Volcano, Sauron will notice the breath of the Lord of the Rings and grab it!
Only Frodo can do it!

His protagonist's luck can even suppress the Lord of the Rings.

But such a powerful luck, such a lucky protagonist, will suffer tragic death after being betrayed by the Lord of the Rings.

Then, it can be concluded that if Comrade Sima Yi gets the Lord of the Rings and is betrayed, the terrible fate will definitely be ten times more violent than what happened to Frodo!
Because Sima Yi didn't have Frodo's true luck, he could only resist with his body.

Frodo and Sam die tragically.

So far, only Gandalf is left in the Fellowship of the Ring.

As for Frodo's severed finger, the enemy should have walked up to him with a smirk, stepped on the palm of Frodo who was still struggling, and then snapped it off abruptly!
The Supreme Lord of the Rings was thus taken away.

"Mithranda!" Galadriel screamed, holding up her skirt and chasing into the depths.

Now that Gandalf, Frodo, and Sam are all dead, Gandalf is no longer dragged down, so he must run for his life.

Leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood.

This gray-robed wizard must have fled to the depths.

But no matter how hard they searched, there was no trace of Gandalf.

Finally, on the edge of a bottomless cliff, traces of battle and magic were found.

This mountain range is located on the cross section of the continent, and the stretching of the plate creates a terrifying abyss of several kilometers.The trace of Gandalf disappeared at the edge of the abyss.

"Could it be?" Galadriel knelt down, tears rolled down, and looked at the abyss below.

"It should be that Gandalf is outnumbered and knows the greedy face of the enemy's search. Knowing that it is inevitable, he would rather fall into the abyss than let the treasures such as the ring of fire and the enemy's fencing sword be taken away by the enemy." Aragorn said coldly. , kicked a pebble down the abyss with resentment.

For a full 2 ​​minutes, there was no sound of falling stones, which shows that the abyss is unfathomable.

"I feel an extremely strong evil aura here," Legolas said suddenly.

Du Yu nodded.He also has a keen sense of danger.Under the abyss, there should be terrifying monsters left over from the Morgoth era, otherwise it would not have caused such a great pressure.

"Let's go!" Galadriel stood up coldly, picked up Frodo's body, and walked outside.

Her long black dress dragged on the ground like a heartbroken queen.

Guan He died, Gandalf disappeared, Frodo died, the Fellowship of the Ring was wiped out, and the Lord of the Rings was taken away by the enemy

A series of blows made Galadriel lose her courage.

Everyone looked at each other, cleaned up the battlefield, and left slowly.

"Where's Merry?" Legolas called out thoughtfully.

Everyone looked at each other.Pippin whispered: "Merry has been captured alive by that wicked woman."

"Let's go." Galadriel's clear voice seemed lifeless: "Deep darkness has descended on the land, and the only bright light has been extinguished. Let's go back to the only safe city and discuss the next step."

Meri of the Fellowship of the Ring was standing in front of the enemy, yelling excitedly.

He saw with his own eyes that the old man in front of him stabbed his good brothers Frodo and Sam to death with a sword, and took away the Lord of the Rings.

He even skinned Guan He, not even the bones and claws.

Meili's personality was originally optimistic and enthusiastic, and he would not be so fierce, but after witnessing a tragedy in the world, how could he have the slightest affection for this old man?
In the old man's hand was a thick piece of unknown monster skin, holding the dark golden Supreme Lord of the Rings, carefully playing with it and appreciating it.

This magic ring, which was newly stained with the blood of the old master, lay quietly in Sima Yi's big hands, quietly exuding a charming brilliance.On the inner ring of the ring, one can see the black language of the demon written in the font of Elf Wentengwa: "The supreme ring controls all the precepts, the supreme ring seeks all the precepts, the supreme ring attracts all the precepts, and imprisons all the precepts in the darkness."

Chewing these four sentences, Sima Yi showed a satisfied smile, and then turned his attention to other trophies.

Wind King Guan He's wings, claws, beak, and bones were roughly stripped off and piled up in the center of the room.Of course, the most valuable thing is the magic core of the legendary Maya-level giant eagle, which is an indispensable material for making A-level weapons.Maybe after the world is over this time, he should upgrade his [Zhongda Black Fan] to an AA-level weapon?

This victory can be described as a complete victory.

The Fellowship of the Ring was wiped out.

Perhaps Gimli and that Pippin were not dead yet, but the scabies disease was not a serious problem.

Opposite Sima Yi, sat Feng Ru, the priest of the Flame Sect, the leader of the dead warriors, and Bei Ye Nan, who were coveted by the resplendent Supreme Lord of the Rings.

Sima Yi coughed and hid the Supreme Lord of the Rings in his arms.

The Flame Priest managed to recover his eyesight with great difficulty.

Just now, he was even lured into an illusion by the Supreme Lord of the Rings - he snatched the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and with ten times, a hundred times the mighty magic power, blasted the stinky Sima Yi in front of him into scum, and then killed him Everyone in the know, play Bloody City.In front of the leader, he sneered at stealth, killed, seized the throne, and then pushed the wife of the leader who had always looked down on him to the ground, raped him in public, then unified the underworld, became the supreme existence, and finally became the bloody city, the strongest dark god !
But Sima Yi's cough finally brought him back to reality, and he laughed dryly.

YY is still limited.

The priest of the fire god also knows his own weight, so how dare he compete with Sima Yi?
But the magic power of the Supreme Lord of the Rings will erode the people around him bit by bit, making them less and less resistant.

And Bei Yenan's cosmetic contact lenses were also a little dizzy, and he had a big dream of age.

Bei Yenan laughed twice: "Master Zhong Da, it really is considered exhaustive. This ambush wiped out the entire army of the Ring Squad. The only pity is that old man Gandalf, seeing that there is nothing to do, unexpectedly chose to jump off the cliff." The cliff is too steep, we have no choice but to give up, otherwise the enemy's fencing sword, the ring of fire, and the summoning order of the horse king Jieying should all fall into our pockets."

Regretfully she stroked the elven cloak she had snatched from Pippin.

Sima Yi laughed: "Brothers have lost a lot in this battle. This is 100 million survival points. Take it and share it with everyone. As for the dead adventurers, there is also a pension of 30 survival points for each person. Distribute it to others."

Feng Ru, the priest of the flame god and the leader of the dead, and Kitano Nan cursed in their hearts at the same time!

Because this reward from Sima Yi is really cheating.

You know, if it is a reward from the outer city, 100 million survival points is barely justified.But this is the inner city.

What a stingy vampire that the rewards for the adventurers in the inner city are only a mere 100 million, and they have to be distributed among as many as 30 adventurers.

Even including the 9 adventurers who died in battle, the 270 million survival points are not many.

Compared with the many famous treasures harvested like a combine harvester in these few wars, these people estimate that throwing out a legendary treasure at random is one more zero than the 270 million!

Sima Yi is really a vampire who sucks the marrow and squeezes the bones.

The leader of the dead soldiers, Feng Ru, was a retainer, so he didn't dare to say anything, but the priest and Bei Yenan, who were only allies, immediately smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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