Chapter 970 Breaking through adultery, Arwen is angry! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The nine ring spirits are the most powerful monarchs, warriors, and magicians among human beings, but no matter whether they were brave or villainous in life, they are all imprisoned in the magic ring presented by Sauron after death, and they cannot be surpassed forever. Long faithful lackey!
Look at how afraid the elves are of the Supreme Lord of the Rings?As long as Sauron and the Supreme Lord of the Rings are not destroyed for a day, they will not dare to use the real power of the three rings of the elves for a day, and they have to go around when casting spells.

Although Sima Yi has not figured out how to use the magic ring to imprison elves and dwarves, but with his unpredictability, who dares to say that he will not be able to do it?Once it can be done, this Middle-earth Continent will become his world.

The more Saruman thought about it, the angrier he became.

He cursed Galadriel and framed Gandalf before, thinking about it now, he unintentionally helped Sima Yi, a bitch, a big favor, otherwise the flooding of the Seventh Army would not have happened so easily!
After sweeping these thoughts in his mind, he finally let go of Du Yu on the other side of the crystal: "Nian Sima Yi is powerful at this time, you want to win over the elves and defend Helm's Deep, I don't want you to send Kailan Cui for the time being." you."

Du Yu rolled his eyes, he is a very shrewd guy, even if he squeezed three catties of oil out of a rock, seeing how Saruman was successfully fooled, how could he not hit the snake with the stick?
"Master! This is not enough!" He said with a bitter face: "Sima Yi's human army is recruiting day and night, and it is estimated that it will be able to launch a war in a month or so. Our army of Luohan Kingdom will take at least two months to form. It is even more terrifying What's more, Sima Yi will not allow our citizens to reach Helm's Deep smoothly, he will definitely send people to intercept us to reduce the resistance to attacking us. This requires your support, Master."

Saruman said impatiently: "What support? Do you want me to send a Warg Knight to escort your people into Helm's Deep? What a joke!"

Du Yu immediately kept silent, but the longing expression on his face made people laughable and pitiful, as if he was really a dog begging for mercy from its master.

Saruman took a deep breath.

He also knew that this was not the time to compete with Ge Lima.

Sima Yi's wolfish ambition has deeply aroused Saruman's fear.

At this time, the state of Luohan was weak, and it was most likely to be attacked by Sima Yi during the retreat.With Sima Yi's skill in commanding the army, he was as wise as Saruman and concluded that he would never allow Ge Lima to easily withdraw the people and the army into the Horn Fort.

Ambush and pursuit are inevitable.

Saruman had to consider that once the Rohan Kingdom was defeated, Sima Yi's troops would undoubtedly point to Essingard who was close at hand.

"Okay! Don't pretend!" Saruman waved his hand irritably: "I will send 2000 wolf knights to ambush in the hills of Edoras, under the command of Catherine. You will send Edoras' treasure and The population and soldiers are all relocated, not a single grain can be left for Sima Yi. If necessary, burn Edoras!"

Du Yu had a hippie smile and wanted additional support, but Saruman had already closed the communication in disgust.

Du Yu took a deep breath.

At this time, he had 3000 Rohan knights and nearly [-] elite elf soldiers in his hands. It shouldn't be a problem for the [-] people who protected the capital of Edoras to retreat.But the opponent is Sima Yi, who is as cunning as a fox, so careful preparations cannot be overstated.

Even better, these 2000 wolf knights may be just a small meaning to Saruman, but it means that the ambitious wizard of Essingard finally officially joined the war and stood on Du Yu's side.In the event of battle, Saruman could not sit by and let his forces be annihilated.

In addition, the commander is Catherine, and Du Yu can cooperate seamlessly with this close lover through the walkie-talkie to maximize the combat power of the 2000 wolf knights!

"Sima Yi, come on." Du Yu stared at the map and slammed his fist on the table.

After a marathon negotiation, Galadriel's opinion finally prevailed.

The elves unanimously agreed to move to Helm's Deep with the Rohan people to resist Sima Yi's sharp soldiers who had won successive victories.

Du Yu didn't know what position his relationship with Galadriel played in the Elf Queen's decision-making, but he was sure that there must be a subtle influence.

Even if Galadriel didn't want to, her secondary personality, the Charming Queen, was ambitious, and she wanted to join forces with Du Yu to destroy the great enemy Sima Yi first.

Now that she decided to move to Helm's Deep, Princess Eowyn used her influence among the people to mobilize them successfully, and the people of Rohan Kingdom embarked on a long journey to the south with their young and old.

Eowyn stood on the hill, and the wind blew through her fair hair, and she looked very beautiful.

This beautiful princess, her beautiful eyes are staring at the people who meandering out from the capital, with deep worry.

Du Yu hugged Eowyn's slender waist from behind: "What are you worried about?"

"Too many things." Eowyn twisted her waist and found that she was unable to break free, and forced a smile: "Winter is coming, and we don't have enough food for 10 people to survive the winter. The journey is long, and it is very difficult to migrate hundreds of miles." There may be many old people and children who can't survive. There are also safety issues. Sima Yi is so cruel and cruel, how could he sit by and watch us escape to Helm's Deep? The pursuit and ambushes on the road are hard to guard against."

Du Yu listened with a smile: "Unexpectedly, you are a princess or a female Zhuge, so there are so many things to worry about. But don't worry, as the regent of Luohan, I will solve these things one by one."

Eowyn shook her head and said: "Food alone is a big problem. We Rohan are nomads and live by water and grass. Although King Edoras has no danger to defend, he has vast pastures. After the valley, there are no pastures, no livestock, what do we eat? The grain there may not be able to last for a month.”

Du Yu took a deep breath.

Fighting a war is a trivial matter, and it doesn't mean you can win if you have a strategy and insight.This Helm's Deep Pepsi does not have, it is a headache in front of him.

Fortunately, Du Yu has a skill, which is to leave headaches to the right people.

He went straight to Galadriel.

Since the elves and Luohan formed an alliance to fight against Sima Yi, the elves allies must show enough sincerity.

The elf queen frowned when she heard Du Yu's rude request for supplies from the elf kingdom.

"The food we elves eat is completely different from your humans." She frowned. "Sucking wind dew and flower sorrel juice are enough for us to eat. Elf cakes are staple foods. We don't have food for humans."

Du Yu frowned.

Fortunately, he still has Shen Luoyan. The pretty military division frowned and said: "Our people can also temporarily move to the surroundings of the Golden Forest to be sheltered by the elves. If only the army enters Helm's Deep, the food stored in it will be enough Support for a year."

Galadriel hesitated for a while: "There are rules in the Golden Forest. Humans are not allowed to enter. These 10 people eat, drink, scatter, chop wood and make fire in the Golden Forest. How can the elves bear it?"

Du Yu waved his hand, signaling Shen Luoyan to back down.

After the two were alone, Du Yu threw Galadriel down on the table, showed the prestige of the Doomsday Volcano, and shouted: "Well, you elf queen, I will avenge and fight for your dead husband, let me let you go!" Help me take care of the common people who are pushing back and forth!" ""

She proudly said: "Let me be clear, this time it's not because of your rudeness, but because I saw hundreds of thousands of people suffering, so I extended a helping hand."

Who knew that at the door, Galadriel bumped into her granddaughter Arwen.

"You" Galadriel panicked and Arwen didn't see it, right?
"I came to you to discuss things," Arwen stammered.

But her shy girl with a face like a red apple has completely betrayed her.

While talking, Arwen backed away slowly, especially when she saw Ge Lima's clever words, she was so frightened that she wanted to run away like a little rabbit.

She worshiped Galadriel since she was a child, and she was attached to Galadriel all day long.Later, because the mother was intercepted and killed by a half-orc on the road, she was injured and frightened, and returned to Aman continent, the continent of gods, ahead of schedule.Arwen, who has no maternal love, except for her father King Elrond and lover Aragorn, the rest of her relatives is Galadriel.

Every few years, Arwen, the elf princess, would go to the Golden Forest to spend some quality time with Galadriel.

"I have something else to do, let's go first." Arwen ran away like a frightened little rabbit.

The elf princess was thinking in her heart: "Galadriel, what's wrong with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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