Chapter 971 Inhumane!Fu refining ghost soldiers! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
She couldn't understand how that gentle and loyal Galadriel, who was loyal to Celeborn, could be wantonly possessed by this ugly Glimmer?
She buried this secret deeply in her heart and dared not tell anyone, including Aragorn.

She was afraid that the reputation of Goddess Galadriel would be affected by this matter.This scandal will not only severely damage the morale of the coalition forces, but also cause a devastating blow to the image of the goddess.

Poor Arwen, I really don't know who to talk to.

After Arwen fled, Galadriel turned her head angrily and glared at Du Yu.

"Are you satisfied?" She was angrily like a female leopard, her willow eyebrows were erected: "Now even Arwen looks down on me."

Du Yuxin said that there was no prophecy in the water mirror, that you and Arwen are both my women?He smiled and said nothing.

Galadriel turned to pursue Arwen.

She couldn't help being ashamed, and she also had a sense of immorality.

Arwen broke her adultery with Du Yu, which made her feel very embarrassed.

Arwen ran and ran, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"That's right, how could a goddess like Galadriel succumb to a person like Grima? He must have used the most despicable means to force Galadriel." Arwen clenched her little pink fist and said to herself : "This must be the case!"

"Arwen?" Aragorn's figure appeared opposite Arwen.

Arwen was shocked: "It's you!"

Aragorn smiled with relief: "What's the matter with you? What's on your mind?"

In the palace of Edoras, Du Yu faced Arwen dumbfounded.

Arwen looked cold and arrogant, clenched her fists, and stared at Du Yu coldly, her expression was like a little rabbit full of righteous indignation, glaring at the big bad wolf who snatched her mother.

"What did you do to Galadriel?" Arwen said coldly.

"What did what?" Du Yu frowned.

Arwen's beautiful eyes were filled with anger: "With your dignity, how could it be possible for Galadriel to willingly have sex with you and return that."

Her voice became smaller and smaller, obviously as an elf girl, she was really embarrassed to say that word, she was born like a gnat, and her face was flushed.

Du Yu was amused for a while. It seems that this beautiful elf has a lot of resentment towards Galadriel, whom she "occupied" her longing for.

Du Yu stepped forward and touched Arwen's head. Arwen's beautiful and smooth hair felt like Rivendell's water, smooth and pleasant.

"What are you doing?" Arwen took a step back in horror, as if being touched by Du Yu would make the girl pregnant.

Du Yu rubbed his nose and thought, could it be that the reputation of labor and management is so bad that they have become the public enemy of elf girls?

Du Yu said with a vicissitudes of life: "If you want to talk about my friendship with Galadriel, it was forged by blood and fire. It is said that it is in the Doomsday Volcano."

"Stop talking." Arwen said with contempt on her face, "You must have used some despicable means to deceive Galadriel. Just tell me what you want to let Galadriel go." ?”

Du Yu was speechless for a while: "Impossible!"

He approached Arwen, grinned and said, "Elf princess, you love Aragorn yourself, right? You are only allowed to get close to human men, and Galadriel is not allowed to be with me?"

"You!" Arwen was so angry that she clenched her fists tightly, this man is really a rotten person, is he going to stalk him?Sure enough, Galadriel's beauty is too attractive to him?
Du Yu was furious. This beautiful elf princess seemed soft and soft, but she was so unreasonable: "This is a matter between me and Galadriel, and no one else can control it. Stop talking about it!"

Du Yu turned his head and left.

Arwen stomped her feet angrily.

She looked at Du Yu's figure who was leaving with her arms waving indifferently, and said angrily, "You bastard, Galadriel who possesses me, I want you to look good!"

In the heart of the elf princess, the figure of the only hero Aragorn emerged.

In Arwen's view, all human men are filthy and dirty, and only Aragorn deserves to be with himself as an elf.

This Ge Lima cunningly said, trying to get her hands on Galadriel, what a toad wants to eat swan meat!

Looking at Du Yu's back with her beautiful eyes like gemstones and a lone star in the twilight, a gleam of coldness flashed across her eyes.

Baicheng, Sacred Tree Garden.

Sima Yi stood out of nowhere, playing with the magic ring in his hand, and staring in Luohan's direction.

"My lord!" Bei Yenan landed behind Sima Yi like a ghost, "As you expected, the Luohan Kingdom is moving from the city of Edoras to the south."

"What are they going to do?" the priest of the fire god was puzzled.

A gleam of coldness flashed in the eyes of Sima Yi of "Holy Helm's Deep": "Idoras is located on the great plain, with only [-]-meter hills, and there is no danger to defend. Du Yu and Catherine had nowhere to go, so they had to put all their eggs in one basket. Helm's Deep Migration."

"Hmph! The trapped beast is still fighting!" Feng Ru's eyes burst into a gleam of brilliance: "They are just lingering, hoping to delay for a while."

"Master Zhongda had expected it a long time ago, and sent me to start investigating Helm's Deep." Kitano Nanao said: "I brought people in to investigate. Hmph! The Holy Helm's Deep was not only in disrepair for a long time, but also collapsed in many places, and the largest The biggest problem is that there is a serious shortage of food. The 10 people in Edoras are fed by horses, and they can’t even survive for a month, so they ate them all!"

"There is not only Helm's Deep in the south, but also the Golden Forest." Sima Yi said gloomyly: "The Luohan Kingdom is in collusion with the elves. There are too many people. Du Yu will not take it in. He will only bring the army in, and he will die." recalcitrant"

"But isn't Catherine's main mission in Baicheng? And the royal family cannot be exempted from obliteration punishment in any way?" The priest said with a sneer, "Aren't they afraid of being obliterated?"

"Looking at it now, it's a pity." Sima Yi's wolf eyes flashed: "They seem to have a way to avoid Catherine's obliteration. There are many loopholes in the space rules. If Queen Shinra has a life-saving stunt, I won't be surprised."

Everyone regretted for a while.This change means that from the beginning of the plot, the initiative has shifted from their side to that of Du Yu and Catherine for the first time.

The middle land is so big, if the two of them are brave enough to avoid obliteration and choose to retreat, Sima Yi can only choose to take the initiative to attack.

Taking the initiative to attack means more variables.

The battle of Helm's Deep seemed inevitable.

"More than three months have passed in a year." Sima Yi pondered: "Our number of adventurers has also lost more than 20. It seems that we can't delay any longer."

His gaze swept across the huge engraved map of Middle-Earth in the center of the palace.

The focus is on Helm's Deep!
A glimmer of gloom flashed across the hearts of all the assassins.

No one dares to forget that in the plot, Saruman, who was once so powerful, sent his proud orc army to invade Helm's Deep, but the final outcome was a miserable defeat!
So much so that he even lost all the wealth he had accumulated before!
And speaking from history, ever since Rohan Kingdom enjoyed the state title, Helm's Deep, as the kingdom's last sanctuary, has never had a record of falling.

What a horrific and ominous record for an ambitious assailant?

This time they will attack Helm's Deep again, will they be able to break this record?

"How about our troops, where are they conscripted?" Sima Yi asked majestically.

"4 militiamen have been conscripted, and they are still recruiting more and more people." Bei Yenan said with a smile: "We are going all out, and it makes people feel a little angry."

Sima Yi looked coldly at the once prosperous but now dilapidated villages and towns at the foot of the mountain, and said with a cold smile, "There is no need to worry too much, we only have less than 8 months. Even if these mud legs start an uprising, we will not die!"

"But" Feng Ru, who was in charge of the training, said with a look of embarrassment: "The 40000 soldiers recruited here are all peasants with muddy legs, and they will not be able to fight for a while. Time is needed to strengthen training."

Sima Yi smiled, and coldly took out a pack of medicine from his bosom, and threw it to Feng Ru.

"Give this to their drinking water"

"This is..." Feng Ru was stunned.

"Ghost Soldiers Talisman" Sima Yi said with a sly smile: "Immortals can cut grass into horses and scatter beans into soldiers. My knowledge is not that deep yet, but with a living person as my body and ghost soldiers as my body, I will kill these fearsome people." I have a way to turn a mud leg that fears death into a ghost soldier who fears death overnight!"

Feng Ru himself was stripped of all human functions by Hou Shenjiang through inhuman surgery, leaving only one brain, and a chip that would never betray was implanted in the pituitary gland, making him absolutely loyal. Puppet adventurers, how come they don't know that this ghost soldier talisman is the most vicious weapon that Hou Shenjiang has developed in space?

Bei Yenan smiled slightly: "Our Black Dragon Association also participated in the research and development of this kind of human weapon. Although the effect on adventurers is not ideal, it is also suitable for dealing with mud legs."

The priest of the flame god looked at the description of the ghost soldier talisman, took a breath and said: "After using the ghost soldier talisman, this soldier will be possessed by a ghost soldier with Yin Qi, and become cold and bloodthirsty, extremely cruel, and he is sensitive to pain, life and death, The resistance to fear is greatly increased. But the price is to stimulate the potential and vitality in the victim's body, and it is very evil that he can only live for one year."

"One year is enough"

Sima Yi said calmly, but said with a heartache: "The only problem is that one ghost soldier talisman is not enough. At least 20 pieces are needed to completely control 40000 mud legs. This kind of ghost soldier talisman is specially prepared by the Hou Mansion, and the cost is extremely high. None are sold!"

He shook his head regretfully: "If I go back this time, even if I win, Lord Hou will not give me a good look. The price this time is really too high."

There was a piercing chill in the priest's heart.

This man, without any hesitation, turned 2 living men into ghost soldiers who did not recognize their relatives, were cruel and bloodthirsty, and could only live for one year!

It's even more ruthless than myself, a cult priest.

Sima Yi set up the Ghost Soldiers Talisman, stared at Luo Hanguo, and said coldly: "Du Yu and Catherine, want to retreat? Then I must give him a fatal blow!"

He coldly shouted: "After feeding the ghost soldier talisman, order 5000 cavalry to prepare and attack with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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