Chapter 972
Under Eowyn's tireless struggle, the people in the brigade kept moving from the city of Edoras, supported each other, and headed south.

After Du Yu's coordination, Galadriel ordered Hadir to return to the Golden Forest on a fast horse, arrange the lives of the refugees in the Rohan Kingdom, and prepare the huge supplies needed by the 10 refugees for the winter.

And the protection force has also become the top priority of Luohan Country's work.

Shen Luoyan started to move a long time ago. She released her flying eagle and scouted the border between Luohan and Gondor day and night to prevent Sima Yi from sending troops to attack.

Du Yu led the only 3000 Rohan knights, guarding the people back and forth, and marched towards Helm's Deep.

Although it is said to be a relocation, and Eowyn has done a lot of work, the Luohan people dragged their families and their families, and the movement speed was really slow, and they could not walk ten kilometers a day.

Du Yu was very anxious.

Although in terms of time, the spies reported that Sima Yi had just finished conscription, so he should still be training and equipping.But Sima Yi used soldiers like a god, and he couldn't guess his use of soldiers with common sense.Maybe when Rohan was at his weakest, he brazenly launched an attack?

Fortunately, Shen Luoyan's patrolling eagle never sent back a danger signal.

He looked up at the sun, it was already noon.

At this time, the team set off for 4 days, but only traveled less than [-] kilometers. Helm's Deep was nowhere in sight, and the team was even more exhausted.

The season is approaching the end of autumn, and the chilling autumn wind, wrapped in the mountain wind, violently attacks the marching team.

Hundreds of thousands of people dragged forward and backward for a full 20 kilometers, helping the old and the young, walking in the cold wind.

On the first day, everyone's schedule was still very fast, and the children were very excited, thinking that it was an autumn outing.

But soon, the harsh cold and lack of food turned the march into a death march.

Prepared families can also provide food.But those poor families can only starve and wait for a little food distributed every day.

This is not to prevent harshness, but to do nothing.Edoras didn't have much food in store, and it was even more stretched to provide rations for 10 people.

A little girl accidentally fell down and cried loudly: "Mom, I'm hungry, I don't have the energy to go!"

Her mother hugged the child with heartache.

Eowyn sighed and stepped forward.

She took out two cheese cakes that Rohan people often eat from her bosom, and handed them to the child.

Thank you so much to the mother and child.They are poor people and don't have much food. After walking for a few days, they have run out of food.

Du Yu stood on a high place, but sighed softly.

These two cakes were Éowyn's last food.

During the Great Migration, even the princesses did not have so many people to serve them.Eowyn had already sent out her maids and guards to help the people who were faltering and struggling in the cold wind, so as to speed up their progress.

Looking at Eowyn's busy figure in the crowd, Du Yu suddenly felt his nose ache.

The plot is not animation, and the plot characters are not NPCs.
They are real people.

It will be hungry, it will be cold, it will hurt, and it will be heartbroken.

Anyone who ignores all this will pay a heavy price!
Even a military god like Sima Yi, even if he has all kinds of evil treasures, recruits civilians by force, and wages wars, he will eventually be punished and backlashed!
At this moment, Legolas who was traveling with him, riding on a magnificent white war horse, suddenly moved his nose vigorously.

He and Jin Li rode on the same horse.Although Jin Li was seriously injured in the assassination, the dwarf's strong recovery ability is almost as famous as the rock's tenacity.After Galadriel's careful treatment, she has recovered to seven or eighty-eight.

Seeing Legolas move his nose, Gimli sneered and said, "What did your dog's nose smell again? The enemy?"

Legolas ignored the sarcasm of the bad friend, closed his eyes, and listened carefully.

Jinli said disapprovingly, "Isn't it too nervous? Didn't they send scout eagles to patrol the border?"

Legolas didn't speak, and stared at the hill on one side with sharp eyes like a falcon!

Galadriel's golden carriage passed by slowly. Seeing Legolas' focused expression, Galadriel also became serious and released a large-scale detection magic.

In Nanya, the Ring of Water, Galadriel said firmly after a seemingly absent water ripple, "Within 10 kilometers around, there are no traces of human activities."

Everyone raised their hearts and put them down.

The magic of Galadriel is well-known in the mainland.She said there were no enemies pouncing around, and that was NO!

Aragorn was relieved, pulled Arwen's horse and continued to move forward.

When Arwen passed by Du Yu's side, she gave Du Yu a hard look, and signaled to Miss that I haven't forgotten about your rudeness to Galadriel.

Even the way Aragorn looked at Du Yu changed.

After Arwen had a veiled talk with him, Aragorn didn't like the man who offended his fiancée either.

If it weren't for Du Yu's military power, which would help his great cause of restoring the country, he might have drawn his sword immediately to uphold justice for his fiancée and Queen Galadriel.

After all, Aragorn was born noble, and he looked down on a courtier like Ge Lima.

Everyone was relieved, and Jin Li also said in a spirited manner: "Little elf, let's go quickly. We have to get to the campsite before dark. There is still a long way to go. These people go really slow"

Legolas ignored his friend's complaints.He stared quietly for a while, then suddenly rode his horse and ran towards the hill!
Of course, Jin Li was puzzled by his friend's insistence, and the jolting of the galloping horse made the dwarf who was used to walking on two legs feel nauseous: "Hey, are you crazy? Goddess Galadriel said that there are no humans around!"

Legolas galloped to the top of the hill, suddenly drew the bow of the golden Melon tree, and shot an arrow towards the opposite hill!
This arrow seemed to need no flight time at all in the air, and it shot into the opposite hill in an instant!
The dwarf was about to giggle and continue to taunt the elf prince, but suddenly he heard an unconcealable scream coming from the back of the hill!
The scream, as if being muffled, was very low.However, there were many elves with excellent hearing and strength in the escort operation, and they immediately realized the terrible fact!

Vicious ambush!
Moreover, it can cover up the traces of life and invalidate Galadriel's magic!

Aragorn reacted extremely quickly and slapped the white horse's ass.The white horse neighed in pain, and led Arwen to gallop forward crazily.

Arwen screamed: "I am the female lord of Rivendell, and I want to participate in the battle."

But Aragorn had coldly drawn the Star of the West, and strode up the hill.

Combat also requires terrain advantage.Nalegolas was one step ahead, and the hill he occupied was the only high ground within a few kilometers around, overlooking the entire grassland, and it was a battleground on this plain.

Du Yu raised his eyebrows, and Eowyn immediately took out a horn and began to blow it.

This is the royal horn of the Rohan royal family, announcing to the people that war is coming, and they need to hide in groups immediately.

The desolate and powerful horn sounded wantonly on the bleak autumn wind and the wild and wild grassland, and immediately made everyone feel the imminent sense of the autumn wind chilling and the mobilization of troops on the battlefield!
The people suddenly became chaotic.

Although Eowyn has a powerful organization, how much area can she cover as a woman?But these 10 people are sparsely scattered within a range of 20 kilometers!

But at the critical moment, it depends on Eowyn's organizational ability.

She tore off a knight, got on her horse brazenly, and skillfully controlled the horse. She galloped back and forth on the path of the panicked people, and shouted loudly: "People of Rohan, follow your queen and head to the southwest! The enemy is approaching from the east, but we have a brave regent and loyal knights, they will protect us people like the Lord God Vera!"

The princess' beautiful eyes glanced at Du Yu meaningfully, as if she was provoking him.

You are usually so brave as me, now it's your turn, the ruler of the Luohan Kingdom, to fight the enemy, let's see if you can hold off the fierce enemy with your real skills.

In the minds of women in Luohan country, rough and domineering men are not a problem.It's not a shortcoming to be lazy at ordinary times, but there is only one.

That is to go to battle to kill the enemy, never cowardly!

After all, the Luohan Kingdom is a nomadic people, and their folk customs are martial arts. According to their customs, as long as they are adult men, they must go to battle to kill the enemy.Riding, riding and archery, and spears are all skills that must be mastered, similar to the current man's driving, appearance and earning ability, which are the criteria for a woman to evaluate a man.

With Eowyn's strong command, 6 to 7% of the people actually calmed down.It must be said that this was the incomparable prestige of Du Yu, the superficial regent.Eowyn raised her chin provocatively at Du Yu, and led the people to retreat to the southwest where the enemy was coming.

The other people, led by the men sent by Éowyn, also fled in the same direction.

Du Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Although the escape was a bit embarrassing and the formation was scattered, but fortunately with the help of Eowyn, the people did not completely collapse, which would be a disaster for the Rohan Kingdom.You can concentrate on dealing with the enemy.

Galadriel's golden carriage galloped up and stopped.

The elf queen, dressed in a murderous look, got off the carriage, met Du Yu's eyes, and shared their hearts.


Since Sima Yi really sent someone to make a surprise attack, kill him and turn the world upside down!

Pippin, who was sitting on the carriage, was even more excited, waving a self-made halfling slingshot, ready to join the battle.He wants to avenge Frodo and Sam!

And on the high hills, Legolas, who was keenly aware of the enemy's clues, had already shot a wave of arrows with lightning.

It is true that he shoots a rain of arrows instead of arrows.

Because the elf prince, under the burning of national hatred and family hatred, has completely ignited!
His hands dexterously flicked on the bow of the golden Melon tree, as if he was flicking a harp, and the rhythmic beating of his fingers was the opponent's cavalry, who kept falling off the horse with arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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