Chapter 974 Fierce and Intense!Bloody battle! - Control demons for the new leader!
Although Nanya's water wave barrier slowed down their speed, and although the Mellon Tree Ents' crazy offensive caused them heavy casualties, the Gondor knights were numerous after all, and the charge momentum was once full, like a rolling iron stream, pour down.

The Ents were thrown into disarray, ghost soldiers and knights passed by them at high speed, and pieces of sawdust and bark flew across them when the iron swords were chopped down. Even the adventurers in the inner city who accompanied the army took out the space imprint Fire-type scrolls, torches or enchanted weapons will ignite the Merlon tree Ents fiercely.

Sima Yi even flashed a black feather fan, [Zhong Da Mou. Fire Attack Strategy] unleashed.The Ents, who were afraid of the flames, suddenly fell into a sea of ​​flames.

"The skills of the plot characters are terrifying, but unfortunately their weaknesses are also obvious." Zhong Da sneered and looked at the pale Galadriel from a distance: "Adventurers prescribe the right medicine, and they can only be reduced to treasure warehouses."

Legolas and Gimli occupying the hill will face the Gondor army breaking through Galadriel's barrier in an instant.

Fortunately, Aragorn came galloping on a horse.

Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli Gold formed a solid defensive triangle on the top of the [-]-meter hill to delay the massive attack of the Gondor knights.

If there were only three of them, Aragorn must have pulled up the two brothers and ran away. Facing thousands of Gondor cavalry, sticking to it would only lead to death.But this hill is a strategically important place, of great significance, and must be guarded.

The first wave of swift and fierce Gondor knights charged forward, brandishing knight swords and roaring in unison.

The choice of positions for the three of them was also painstaking.First of all, there are two huge sharp stones, which block the charge of Gondor knights like a wolf-toothed spear. Aragorn holds the Star of the West, Gimli holds a sharp axe, and the two ghosts guard the door. Stop, crash, and shoot down a Gondor knight every time.

In this way, if the knights of Gondor wanted to fight in front of Legolas, they had only two options: either they made a detour, which would greatly reduce their momentum and speed, and it took time and effort, or they directly broke through the barriers of Aragorn and Gimli.

Therefore, Feng Ru, who commanded the Knights of Gondor, chose to break through directly.

Every second that passes, the Rohan people will be more prepared. If they are blocked by the three protagonists of the plot for too long, the effect of this surprise attack will be greatly reduced.

"Kill!" The bioengineer fiercely grabbed three grenades from the space, and threw them violently between the two boulders.

Boom boom boom!
The explosion of the three grenades, although it is absolutely impossible to kill the powerful protagonist of the plot, not only can it affect Legolas' sight, but the shock wave can destroy the positions of Aragorn and Gimli.

Before the smoke cleared, a fierce Gondor knight rushed out of the smoke and rushed towards Legolas.

His whole body was muscular and powerful, containing explosive strength. His legs clamped tightly around the horse's belly, causing the horse to jump high. Just this condescending slash could interrupt Legolas' deadly arrow.

But his war horse neighed tragically, and it had been gutted open by Jinli's sharp axe.

The knight on the horse was flashed by white light, blood gushed from his head, and he flew high.

Star of the West!

The protagonist of the plot is Aragorn!
Invincible stride, Ranger.

Aragorn and Jinli went up and down, with one sword and one axe, they could be called two ghosts guarding the door, impeccable!
But the attack of the surging Gondor knights was even crazier.

In the next second, the three knights jumped out of the gap between the boulders and rushed towards the three protagonists.

Crowd tactics, forcibly breaking through.

But the knight in the middle, clearly wearing full body armor and a goggle helmet, had no room to take advantage of, but still let out a miserable howl.

A 34-foot-long arrow with trembling peacock-feather-shaped feathers had broken through the viewing slit on his goggle helmet, which was as thin as a little finger, blasting his brains out!
The knight flying with both wings was cut off by Jinli's big ax and the holy sword of the Western Star at the same time, and the horse stumbled and threw the knight down.In the next second, with an ax and a holy sword, two heavily armored knights had been chopped down.

Under Jinli's tremendous force, the battle ax actually smashed the knight's full body armor at the waist and eyes into a thin sheet of ice. The spine and muscles inside were naturally bloody and bloody, and they were dead.

However, Aragorn's sword skills are like a majestic king, majestic and mighty, with a single strike, the head will fly horizontally.

This is the powerful swordsmanship honed by him as a knight in the mainland.Among the human braves Du Yu had seen, Aragorn deservedly was the king of swordsmanship.

Such a brave combat skill!

Strong plot, unstoppable.

Although Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are only three of them, they are insignificant in front of the raging iron flow, but they are as tough as a rock, solid as a rock, and they are crushed by the iron flow wave after wave. Defeated in front of the reef!
But manpower is sometimes poor.

No matter how good the three protagonists can fight, no matter how powerful their skills are, they will sometimes be exhausted.

When the corpses of knights and horses piled up to more than 30, this simple and crude hill defense line was finally broken by the devious knights.

The tide of Gondor knights rushed behind Legolas.

With a stride, Legolas stepped on Gimli's shoulder, flipped upside down in the air, and shot three arrows from the golden Merlon tree bow, just like his father, King Thranduil, all three arrows shot into the attacking Knight's neck and throat!
The three knights fell into the grass together.

Three unowned war horses galloped wildly, neighing.

After Legolas turned 720 degrees in the air, he had already lost his air force and fell downward.

At this moment Aragorn suddenly roared, and the Star of the West stabbed Legolas.

Brothers turn against each other?

Do not!
The sword light of the Star of the West stabbed at the feet of Legolas, and a Gondorian cavalry who staggered up from the belly of the fallen horse was viciously stabbing the elf prince in the air.

This sword pierced his throat, the owl's head.

The elf's light footsteps stepped on the blood gushing Western Star, and once again soared into the sky!

Another three arrows fired together!

Three more knights fell off their horses and died like boiled dumplings.

And Gimli seemed to be competing with Legolas for the number of kills. The ax was raised and lowered, cold light flew, and blood spattered. The Gondor kept screaming and fell under his axe.

But at this moment, the strong plotters were ambushed and killed viciously by Sima Yi.

Thousands of people beheaded women in Japan, and Minami Kitano was born.

When she saw Legolas' handsome face, her heart was filled with spring.

When she saw Aragon's melancholy style, she was full of peach blossoms.

When you see the dwarf Gimli, well, you have to admit that before entering the space, Kitano Nan, who slept with all kinds of men in the world, and male creatures of all races after entering the space, has a really unique taste, even a red beard like Gimli stinks. The cool dwarf actually made her unable to control herself!

"My first time with the elves, dwarves, and kings is the three of you!"

It is conceivable how wonderful the expressions on the faces of the trio of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are.

Kitano Minami is very proud. She can use the powerful in the plot world as the target of NTR, not entirely because of her lustful nature-of course it is undeniable that it is the most important factor.

The strongest point of this woman is that she is good at recording and collecting the DNA characteristics of the target male creature, and selecting the outstanding parts to strengthen herself.Originally, there were many ways to collect, but for her, the only way to collect was Huanhao.Not only that, she relied on this point to gather information everywhere on the bed, becoming the main source of information for the Black Dragon Society.

Therefore, this is a difficult opponent, because no one knows how many non-human races she has slept with that are more capable than humans.The superpowers and excellent attributes of the males she has slept with will be inherited to a certain extent by her: Superman's flying and laser eyes; Spiderman's silk spinning ability to trap enemies; Wolverine's self-healing ability; Magneto's metal manipulation Abilities and so on, the above are just the inheritance of her skill characteristics, as for the inheritance of attributes and passive skills, no one can estimate.

Therefore, when Bei Yenan really made a move, he still gave the plot trio a great threat.

She waved her hand.

The sharp ax in Jinli's hand suddenly had a huge suction force.

Aragorn's Western Star was also pulled into the air.

Magneto's Metal Manipulation Ability!

Although Jinli and Aragorn possessed far more power than Kitanonan, this woman's unexpected move immediately caused these two heroes to lose their usual attack rhythm.

The Gondor knights rushing over beside him are not just a target to prove the protagonist's greatness with his own head.

At least six or seven knight swords stabbed at Aragorn together.

In the distance, Arwen, who was constantly casting spells and blessings to speed up the Rohan Knight's charging speed, screamed.

She was afraid to see her lover Aragorn being hacked to death by these despicable humans.

Having lost Queen Elrond, Aragorn and Galadriel are her remaining kin.

But Arwen's screaming soon stopped.

Because Du Yu turned out to be born.

His figure slid across the sky, and the surging Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, surrounded by bursts of golden light, blasted towards Bei Ye Nan.

After absorbing more than N male creatures, Bei Yenan's DNA continued to evolve, and her attributes were far stronger than ordinary adventurers in the inner city. Seeing Du Yu approaching from the sky, she smiled coldly.

Last time on the wilderness blood field, he was forced to retreat in embarrassment by Du Yu's wonderful performance, which was a great shame to Bei Ye Nan.

But after practicing in these worlds, Bei Ye Nan has gained some strong people, his genes are more optimized, and his self-confidence is of course stronger.

"I'm not Wuxia Amon, look at the trick!"

She let go of Magneto's metal adsorption ability.In fact, with Magneto's vision and realm, how could he mess with her BUS?She only absorbed the skills of a western adventurer who possessed some of Magneto's skills and supernatural powers, so she could use this metal control ability. Of course, there were many restrictions, and it was used as a surprise attack at most.

But the next move, Bei Ye Nan surprised Du Yu.

There was a rustle on her tailbone, and a long tailbone protruded out!

(End of this chapter)

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