Chapter 975 Yagyu's two swordsmanship?One punch! -Thanks to Chaos Promise!

Although Bei Ye Nan is not a very beautiful woman, compared with Du Yu's harem, she is even more unbearable, but she is also somewhat seductive, but with the spike on the tail vertebrae, she has become extremely bewitching, making her People feel downright cold from the bottom of their hearts.

"This is Sadler, the leader of Resident Evil [-], that iconic tailbone?" Du Yu couldn't help being surprised.

"How dare the biochemical leader infected with T virus sleep?" Du Yu sweated profusely: "Isn't this Japanese woman too strong?"

Bei Yenan said triumphantly: "The essence of an adventurer is to strengthen oneself. No matter what method I use, recombining genes can produce the strongest evolutionary mutant individuals, which is in line with the essence of natural selection and survival of the fittest! Look at the trick !"

Her tailbone wrapped around one of the two boulders, and then disappeared in place like a slingshot.

Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms fell through immediately.

How could Du Yu be at a disadvantage in close combat?As soon as Ti Yun's vertical kungfu was running, he kicked in the air, changed direction quickly, and killed Bei Ye Nan.

Bei Yenan giggled, suddenly raised his hand, and stabbed Du Yu's eyes with Spiderman's filaments.

If Du Yu was stabbed by the filament, needless to say, he would be blind and beaten violently, but at the critical moment, Du Yu shot the filament at a Gondor knight.

The knight was riding his horse and galloping, drew out his crossbow, and was about to attack Aragorn, but he was suddenly caught in the sky.

Bei Yenan's complexion turned pale with anger due to Du Yu's agility.Unexpectedly, Du Yu's cultivation base is also greatly improved after being gone for a few worlds.However, during the last siege of Baicheng, Bei Ye Nan happened to be a reserve team and was sent by Sima Yi to build the Anduin River embankment, so she did not participate, otherwise she would have a higher evaluation of Du Yu's skill.

"It seems that you don't need to work hard, you won't be convinced." Bei Yenan's tailbone pierced into the body of the Gondor knight, and amidst the latter's screams, he threw it out forcefully, and with the help of the reaction force, he rushed towards the knight like a cannonball. Du Yu.


Do not!
When Bei Yenan rushed to Du Yu's approach, he suddenly moved his tailbone and stabbed Du Yu's thigh.

She actually wants to forcibly inject the virus!

The scariest thing about this woman is that she can absorb—recombine other people's genes.

Since the scope of her hunting is not limited to human beings, powerful cosmic creatures such as aliens have also had happy experiences.Extracting the genes of these organisms is like squeezing a fresh orange—although there can be delicious and juicy orange juice, a lot of dregs will be left behind.

The way to deal with these dregs is to turn them into something highly poisonous to other people and inject them into other people's bodies.

Due to the rejection reaction of the human body, after being injected with the DNA of a different race, 99% of the results will be to inject air into the blood vessel and die on the spot, and the 1% possibility is to be absorbed, but this kind of hope is too slim.

Bei Yenan wore a bright smile, and the spikes on his body unceremoniously stabbed Du Yu's body.

Du Yu flipped the kite over, displayed his Yuanying stage cultivation in the air, and shot the life-death talisman towards Beiyenan with his snap of his fingers.

The power of this life and death talisman became even more terrifying after the Nascent Soul stage.It used to only work on humans, but now as long as it is a creature with blood, no matter how big or small, it can quickly work on it, making the other party feel miserable.

Although Bei Ye Nan was fast, the speed of fire of the life and death talisman was even faster, and he was about to be dodged. A black light flashed, but it was Sima Yi who was riding a horse from a distance. symbol.

Du Yu didn't even look at it, and activated a move. A red light flashed, and he had already appeared in front of Kitano Nan!
This alien-looking woman let out a scream, and her keen intuition made her aware of the approach of death.

"Accept the trick!" Du Yu punched Bei Yenan hard in the lower abdomen.

The woman's lower abdomen was immediately smashed in. The surging immortal power of the Nascent Soul stage was attached to Du Yu's Dragon Subduing Kungfu, and even behind her, one could see the angry fist.

"This punch is for Catherine!"

Bei Yenan opened his mouth wide, and the halazi flowed out, without realizing it, his eyeballs were about to protrude.

Inside her body, the crisp sound of bones could be heard, each bone crumbling and shattering.

Du Yu's celestial power can destroy the bone structure to the greatest extent.If it weren't for Kitano Nan's special enhanced DNA and her physique much higher than that of ordinary adventurers, this blow of Du Yu's anger, the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms cultivated in the Nascent Soul Stage, would be enough to put her directly on the verge of death.

But even so, she was badly injured, with several broken ribs and tailbone.

Du Yu was as agile as the wind, and his second punch struck fiercely, this time the target of the attack was Bei Ye Nan's temple.

The Japanese woman felt extremely panicked and couldn't help but yelled.

A master of the Black Dragon Society, who should be Kitanonan's long-term master, immediately soared into the sky.

The two Japanese swords in his hands roared in the air, sending out a howling wind of ghosts and gods, killing Du Yu suddenly!

So powerful, even Du Yu and Yang Guo, who participated in the battle, couldn't help raising their heads and looking at this person.

This master in the inner city practiced the Japanese Yagyu dual-sword style!
The Yagyu Erdao Style, also known as the Yangyu Xinyin Style, once became a school of swordsmanship that ruled the whole of Japan in the early Edo period.The name of Yagyu Jubei is well-known throughout the country.And this master of the Black Dragon Club is Yagyu Zongzhi, the 45th generation heir of the Yagyu Erdao style!
When he entered the space, due to his family background, he automatically mastered the [Yagyu Two Swordsmanship] LEVEL7 skill, and he was absorbed by the Black Dragon Society as a core backbone and served as the captain of the inner gate defense.

Seeing such a formidable swordsman, Kitano Minami naturally wouldn't let it go, so it went smoothly and took Liu Sheng into his hands.

Zongzhi Yagyu looked at Kitanonan who was almost pierced by Du Yu, his eyes spit fire.

He is already talented, and at the age of 10, he has surpassed his parents and became the No. 1 contemporary double swordsman.After entering the space, adventure in the Edo period, and in the world of the Taiga drama [Miyamoto Musashi], get the personal guidance of Miyamoto Musashi, the founder of the dual-sword style, and push the dual-sword style to a new peak on the basis of tradition!

"Everyone says you are good at Chinese martial arts, let me experience the two-sword style that pushes me to the top today!" Yagyu Zongzhi gritted his teeth, two deadly long knives [Living Sword] and [Killing Knife], tore through the air, and stabbed Du Pre.

"Interesting" Du Yu decisively clicked on the two big acupoints in Beiye and South, and kicked the bitch off the battlefield.

Du Yu threw himself at Liu Sheng.

Seeing his concubine being beaten, Zongzhi Liu Sheng was full of hatred. One move of the "Killer Knife" slashed at Du Yu's shoulder, while the other sword "Living Sword" was hidden in his chest like a poisonous snake, and he could watch the other party's reaction at any time. Give flexible heavy damage.

Living sword and killing knife are both Zen terms.Those who can awaken the spirituality of people are called living swords; on the contrary, those that can kill people are called murder knives.

But when used in the killing field, the [Killer Knife] and the [Living Sword] are the exterior and interior of each other. [Sword] The human life contaminated is actually far more than the killing knife!

Because the living sword is the knife of emergency, but the murder knife is the knife of rushing to kill!

The two-sword style practiced to the extreme is more powerful than the longer Taidao!

Liu Sheng Zongzhi had already thought about Du Yu's back move and contingency counter move, and was ready to give Du Yu the most ruthless attack.

Who knew that Du Yu didn't dodge or dodge, but he slammed into his arms just like that.

"Looking for death!" Liu Sheng Zongzhi's pupils narrowed, but without hesitation, he used all his strength to strike directly.

Killing knife!

A knife stabbed Du Yu's chest.

But the blood spurt that Yagyu Zongzhi was looking forward to did not come. Instead, Du Yu's figure gradually disappeared in front of him.

"Illusion!" Yagyu Zongzhi's pupils shrank.

He didn't even think about it, and the living knife slashed across the back.

This is the subconscious reaction of an excellent swordsman.But this kind of subconscious reaction has saved Liu Sheng Zongzhi at least three times.

But what was cut behind was also air.

Du Yu was missing.

Yagyu Soji's pupils narrowed again.

He was able to advance to the inner city, and he had killed countless adventurers from the Huaxia Kingdom in the past.

Many of these adventurers also know martial arts, but in Yagyu Zongji's eyes, they are all rough but not refined. His pure dual-sword style can't be restrained any more.

The worst Shaolin monk even had his legs chopped off, and he wailed for half a day before bleeding to death.

The victories against Chinese martial artists time and time again gave him the idea that "Chinese martial arts are nothing but this".

He forgot that, from the perspective of the origin of kendo, the result of the gradual evolution of the swordsmanship that was first born in China after it spread to Japan, gradually merged with Japanese native culture!

Du Yu's figure gradually appeared in the front!
Right in front of [Murder Knife]!
However, the sharp killing weapon handed down by the family was in the palm of Du Yu and could not be stored.

"You!" Liu Sheng was completely shocked.

Du Yu rushed into Liu Sheng's arms like a tiger!
One palm!
With just one palm, it hit Liu Sheng's chest.

Liu Sheng heard the sound of his sternum shattering, and his chest seemed to be hit by an EMU traveling at a speed of 380 kilometers per hour, and he flew backwards spurting blood.

Fortunately, after his famous family, he did not panic in the face of danger. He insisted on taking a secret potion, which quickly increased his health.

But since Du Yu had the intention to kill, none of these assassins who had been hunted down would be let go.

With a roar, Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base turned into a pair of transparent wings behind his back, and with a flash, the sound of wind and thunder blasted the air, and suddenly appeared behind Yagyu Zongzhi.

"Double dragons come out of the water!" Du Yu's roar stunned the audience.

Poor Yagyu Zongji hadn't recovered from the shock of being bombarded, and was hit like a cannonball, and his bones were shattered.
This so-called Liusheng two-sword style strongman failed to stab Du Yu with a single move, so he was brutally beaten by Du Yu and was dying.

The battlefield situation is ever-changing, Yagyu Zongzhi is falling crazily, white light flashes on his body, there are already auxiliary adventurers trying to pull him back from the death line.And under Yang Guo's ecstasy, Kitano Minami, who is left and right, also threw out a bottle of G virus potion and ordered Yagyu to drink it.

(End of this chapter)

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