Chapter 976 Outline Sumo?Kill with one palm! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
But Du Yu Yuanying's wings fluttered, and he appeared beside Liu Sheng Zongzhi like a ghost.After he broke through the Nascent Soul stage, the biggest change lies in his speed and body skills, which are so amazing that he can travel thousands of miles in an instant.

Zongji Yagyu opened his mouth in horror, trying to counterattack with a killing knife and a living sword.

Du Yu forcibly swallowed these two swords. His innate qi had tempered his physical body countless times, making his physical body so strong that it was invulnerable.

When these two handed down Japanese swords met the skin of an immortal cultivator like Du Yu, there was only a bang, and one of them broke.

Du Yu grinned, grabbed Yagyu Zongzhi, and broke the Japanese's neck against the crazy rain of arrows and long distances from the adventurers of the Black Dragon Society.

Kitano Minami yelled in horror.

The last time she saw Du Yu returning from hunting on the wild blood field, she hadn't been this strong yet.

But in this lightning-fast confrontation with Yagyu Zongji, Yagyu Zongzhi didn't even perform half of the ten costs, and died tragically!
This prevents the speed of the two critical moments, and it kills everything in seconds.

Panic flashed across her eyes, but she ordered her subordinates: "Go! Avenge Liu Sheng."

The three masters of the Black Dragon Association jumped up bravely, and all kinds of weapons were already firing wildly, causing Du Yu's face to be shot with flames.

Bei Yenan took the opportunity to escape, but Yang Guo used one move [Xi Shi Huansha] to entangle him tightly, and another move [Zhaojun's Out of the Fortress], a beauty boxing technique, which made the bitch retreat every step of the way.

The Gondor cavalry was held back by the Aragonese and Du Yu, and the knights of the Rohan Kingdom finally organized and launched a counter-charge.

Only 1000 knights from the Rohan Kingdom could rush to join the battle, which was insignificant compared to the 5000 Gondor cavalry. Even including the elves guarding here, there were not enough 2000.

At the beginning of the battle, Sima Yi did occupy a partial and temporary advantage, leading the fearless ghost soldiers and rune cavalry to attack the Rohan knights like a tide.

Led by Du Yu and Yang Guo, the knights of Rohan also raised their lances, spears and knight swords, roaring and launching a fierce counterattack for the sake of the whole country, young and old who were migrating behind them, and for their wives and children.

In cavalry hedging, speed is the number one priority.

Only the cavalry who charge up are powerful knights.

Although Sima Yi chose the perfect timing to cut in, unexpectedly, the strong performance of the trio in the plot blocked the Gondor knight's offensive against the sky, and gave the Rohan knight's countercharge a sliver of time.

When the Rohan knights in fine cavalry armor all over the world charged, the stagnant Gondor light cavalry suddenly became a wall of human flesh and blood that was torn apart!
The screams of knights, the muffled sound of swords and guns piercing into flesh, the clash of shields, and the neighing of war horses turned the battlefield into a slaughterhouse for Shura.

Galadriel gracefully stood on the carriage, pulled by four war unicorns, approaching the core of the battlefield.

All the knights who tried to charge were easily shot down by the queen's guards.

The horned crossbow shot by the Gondor knight was blocked by a transparent shield on the golden carriage, and could not threaten the elf queen at all.

This is Mellon Tree Ent, the powerful protective power of the golden carriage made of body.

Even if the legend hits the city and beats Ge Longde, he can't easily break through the carriage's defense.

Galadriel, who had no worries, almost didn't need to sing. With the movement of his fingers, it was like playing fruit ninja, and the protective spells were cast one by one.

She is benevolent in nature and good at protection. The Rohan knight who was cast with a protective spell has become even more fearless. In fact, with the blessing of the Elf Queen, even if the opponent stabs straight with a spear, she can survive without any scruples. The knight, just slash and kill.

Although the Mellon Tree Ents were dispersed, they immediately raised their voices in high spirits as soon as the Elf Queen joined the battle and the brigade of reinforcements arrived.

The tree man's thick roots grabbed the two Gondor knights and slammed them together.

The poor knight was mangled and turned into a large mixture of corpses, armor and horses, and his previous appearance could no longer be recognized.

Thick root said in a low voice: "Enter protects and kills!"

Sima Yi tricked him into attacking with fire, and he burned quickly withered, and the fallen leaves turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Galadriel will not sit back and watch her loyal servant be killed, and Nanya in her hands will be killed in one fell swoop.A water arrow shot out, saving the thick root from the flames.

The thick roots were burnt bare, and he was furious. He rolled the roots, grabbed a heavily armed ghost soldier knight, and threw them at Sima Yi!


The knight + horse weighing hundreds of catties fell down like a boulder, and the priest of the flame god snorted coldly and waved his hand.

He was originally a priest of the Sacred Fire Cult, so naturally he did not lack fire skills.

With this wave of his hand, Ent Chugen's body once again ignited a raging fire.

And this magic flame lasts for a long time and burns endlessly.

The ensuing battle became intense in an instant.

The knights of Rohan, the elves of Galadriel and the cavalrymen of Sima Yi who came in a surprise attack collided fiercely and hacked together.

From time to time, soldiers from both sides were cut off from their horses, screams shook the hills, and blood soaked the grasslands.

Lances, spears, knight swords, long knives, shields, crossbow bolts and even tooth fists, all weapons are running at full speed, greeting each other.

The god of death danced in the sky with a smirk, harvesting the souls of soldiers.

Legolas gracefully danced among the enemy crowd, shooting arrows and twitching, and one by one knights were defeated by him.

Gimli was overwhelmed by the enemies on horseback, and only the screams of falling knights could remind people that he was still alive.

Aragorn snatched a war horse and charged majestically among the enemies.

Yang Guo's big sleeve fluttered, every time he waved it, the fully armed knight and horse were sent flying.

Galadriel stood on the golden carriage, casting spells calmly, and the large-scale spells kept knocking down the Gondor knights.

Another hobbit in her carriage, Pippin, was furious and kept throwing stones, hitting the knights on the back of the head with great precision, knocking the mighty warriors dizzy.

Regardless of the rain of arrows, Arwen rode forward to help her sweetheart, and fought against Sima Yi, who killed her father and enemy.

Inspired by their respective commanders, the elf archers lined up neatly, shooting waves of arrows at the Gondor knights in fierce battle.Each can cause a large number of casualties.

But the most striking thing is Du Yu.

This sycophant of the Luo Han Kingdom specially hunted down adventurers in the inner city in Sima Yi's camp, as long as he caught them, he would bite them to death.

Following the successor of Liu Sheng's family, he flashed in front of Bei Ye Nan again, and punched him.

Kitano Nan had been tragically killed by Yagyu's comprehensive treatment a long time ago, and his confidence was greatly lost. He screamed and fled towards Sima Yi.

A flesh-faced yokozuna sumo, named Yokozuna Oe, stopped Du Yu, trying to create a chance for Kitano Nan to escape.

Like a hunting wolf, Du Yu walked towards Sima Yi's main line step by step with his dark eyes.

Yokozuna Oe Sumo hit Tsunade and tried to pick up Du Yu's legs.This is one of the killer moves he is good at. With his astonishing wrist strength, once he entangles the enemy, the opponent will not even be able to break free, and will soon be squeezed by his mountain-like thick body, and his breastbone will be shattered.

As soon as his Tsunade came down, he grabbed Du Yu's right calf without any effort!

Yokozuna Oe was overjoyed. This looks majestic. The Chinese warrior who just killed Yagyu Zongzhi may be able to restrain Yagyu's two-sword style in terms of speed and skill, but he has to compare his strength with his 500-pound body and kill him personally. That was a miscalculation!
The veins on his forehead popped out, and his arms, which had been strengthened countless times, wrapped around Du Yu's calf like a giant python.Du Yu's bones made a rattling sound, as if the beams were overwhelmed and might break at any moment.

But Du Yu's face was still stern.

After killing Liu Sheng Zongzhi, not only did the killing intent in his heart not subside, but it became more and more hot like adding fuel to the fire!
The assassination of Catherine and the dangers she encountered, all should be blamed on Sima Yi and the hateful murderer!

He wants to kill one by one, blow them up one by one!

Yokozuna Oe had just succeeded, showing a smirk, but when he saw the prey in his arms, he didn't show the slightest panic, but smiled indifferently.

Yokozuna Oe's murderous intent surged, and with a howl, he wanted to crush Du Yu's breastbone.

But the problem is that although the idea is good, it cannot be squeezed out!
Du Yu was tightly bound like that, but Yokozuna Oe felt that what he was hugging was a piece of meteorite, or the refined and extracted one, and it didn't move at all.

He kept increasing his strength, but felt that he was making no progress.

"Is the strength of this Chinese person greater than that of me, Yokozuna Oe?" A drop of cold sweat dripped from Yokozuna Oe's forehead.He has experienced countless battles and has a keen assessment of danger and strength.

To put it bluntly, Du Yu's exercises are very simple.

[Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill]!
After Du Yu broke through the Nascent Soul stage, the realm of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu was raised to the 8th level in one go!
The power of eight dragons and eight elephants!

And the result of the superposition of power attributes is that Du Yu's power has greatly increased.

Although theoretically speaking, Jinlun Fawang claims to be able to practice the power of ten dragons and ten elephants, but Du Yu can have the cultivation base of Yuanying stage at this time.Every time a cultivator advances to a level of cultivation, he not only improves his attributes and skills, but also deepens his understanding of the rules of heaven and earth mana, and mobilizes the vitality of heaven and earth for his own use.Compared with martial arts who rely purely on internal strength, the level of realm cannot be measured.The power of Du Yu's eight dragons and eight elephants is even stronger than Jinlun Fawang who has cultivated to the thirteenth level of dragon and elephant skills!
Yokozuna Oe hadn't gained a firm foothold, but Du Yu hit him with a small earthquake hammer, knocking open the defense, followed by a ruthless kick!

This 500-jin sumo wrestling meat mountain was actually broken by the power of the eight dragons and eight elephants, and it flew up!

Yokozuna Oe was still screaming in agony, before Du Yu jumped up lightly, and with a more ferocious palm blow, he forcefully hit his temples.

Flying dragon in the sky!

There were crisp and crisp sounds from his skull, and his skull was shaken by Du Yu's beating, his eyeballs protruded, and large streams of blood spewed out freely, presumably his brain had already turned into a ball of meat sauce.

(End of this chapter)

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