Chapter 977 Killing a person in ten steps!Never stay a thousand miles! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
Even if Yokozuna Oe is an invincible inner-city adventurer, even if he used to enjoy the title of "Japan's No. [-]" in the Japanese sumo circle, Du Yu's two strokes made him explode!

Yokozuna Oe, dead!
From Liusheng Zongzhi to Yokozuna Oe, Du Yu saw blood in five steps, killed one person in ten steps, and sent one inner city master after another to the west without mercy. There was only a colder killing intent in his eyes.

With a cold move, Du Yu threw Yokozuna Oe's dead body, Roshan, to another black dragon master who was rushing at him, smashing him to the ground like a gourd, while he himself pounced on him like a tiger. He found the real target - Sima Yi who charged on horseback.

Bei Ye Nan witnessed Du Yu displaying his supernatural power and killed two of his underskirts in succession. He was so frightened that his heart was torn apart, and he finally rushed into Sima Yi's formation after rolling and crawling.

She trembled and said: "Master Zhongda, this Du Yu is so powerful!"

Sima Yi's icy eyes fell on Du Yu who was walking step by step, and a trace of surprise flashed in the jackal's eyes.

During the siege of Baicheng, Du Yu didn't fight Sima Yi head-on, and Sima Yi only speculated that Du Yu had Yuanying stage cultivation.In the battle at the Rohan Palace, Sima Yi's attack focused on Catherine, and he did not fight Du Yu to the death.

But he and Du Yu, the old enemies, will inevitably fight in the end.

"Cultivated at the Nascent Soul Stage?" Sima Yi sneered and said, "It's amazing. Just one adventurer from the outer city and ten adventure worlds have evolved to this point. It's worthy of me to do it myself!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his black wings.

Du Yu suddenly felt a terrifying murderous aura emerge from Sima Yi's body opposite him.

It was an aura of cultivating immortals that was not inferior to Du Yu at all, and even stronger!

Du Yu's pupils shrank instinctively!
This Sima Yi is actually a cultivator of immortality!
And his cultivation is higher than his own!

At the same time, Yang Guo, who was leading people to fight among the cavalry, was also extremely surprised and glanced over.

"This Sima Zhongda is actually an immortal cultivator, and his cultivation is extremely high! I can't tell the level of his cultivation at the peak of my golden core stage. It should be the same as Du Yu, in the Nascent Soul stage! And more than Du Yu Pre-National Infant stage cultivation is profound!" Yang Guo's eyes flashed with astonishment.

The eyes of Catherine, Galadriel, Aragorn, Legolas, Arwen, etc. also instantly focused on Sima Yi, who was full of fairy spirit and murderous intent.

"This guy..." Catherine was secretly startled, "Such a profound cultivation of immortality has been hidden until now, he really deserves to be Sima Yi."

Sima Yi grinned grimly at Du Yu: "Originally, this old man admired you very much. Whether it's your scheming or your cultivation, you, who possess the attributes of a wolf, make this old man seem to see his youth. Unfortunately, you have become a stumbling block for the Hou family. , and the speed of progress is astonishingly fast. Since the old man is assisting the Hou family and each is his own master, he can't say that he will eliminate the future troubles today. It just so happens that my jackal weather is also at the bottleneck of breaking through. After absorbing your wolf spirit, I should break through When you get to the underworld, don’t blame me, just blame you for provoking a powerful force that you shouldn’t have provoked!”

With a wave of his hand, the black feather fan suddenly shot out a bright black light!

Although he had fought against Sima Yi several times, Sima Yi's moves were obviously reserved before, and he had never been so powerful!

"[Zhen. Zhong Damou. Kill!]" Sima Yi grinned.

The word "true" should be the ultimate move that Sima Yi can only use after he has gone all out and mobilized Yuan Yingqi's cultivation base.

The power of this move is not small, and it is even more terrifying under the buff of the Nascent Soul Stage cultivation base.In the black light, there were faint cries and god howls, and even the wronged souls of the detained souls could be seen lingering in it!

Its effect gain range is roughly equivalent to that in Dynasty Warriors, when the military commander's unparalleled value is full + the blood volume is red, the true. Warriors must kill effect is activated!Compared with ordinary moves, the lethality is naturally not the same.

How dare Du Yu underestimate Zhongda?With a move of Lingbo micro-stepping, there is no time to avoid this terrifying ultimate move.

A Rohan knight captain was riding towards the enemy on a horse, and was hit by the light of [True Zhong Da Mou Killing]!

He turned his head and stared here, as if nothing happened.

Jinli laughed loudly and said, "This old man is so strange, black light doesn't even work as farts."

Before he finished speaking, Captain Luohan had already exploded tragically.

It was as if there was a time bomb in his body, which exploded completely from the inside out!
The stumps, debris, blood clots, and internal organs of the centaur were instantly blasted tens of meters away!

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

To be selected as the captain of Rohan, one must be an elite among the Rohan knights.In other words, life, physique, muscles and bones, and toughness are all the best choices!
How could such a strong man be blown into pieces by a ray of light?
It can be seen that Sima Yi's Yuanying stage cultivation base is strong.

The power of [Zhen. Zhong Da Mou. Extermination] is simply much greater than before.

Seeing that everyone's expressions changed, Sima Yi smiled coldly, turned his hand, and a bright blue light shot at Du Yu.

Du Yu was about to roll and dodge, but found that no matter what, the air around his body was stagnant, like glue, absorbing and squeezing, making his movements slow and his agility dropped by two levels.

"This is" Galadriel cried out in grief and indignation: "The Air Shield skill of the Ring of Qi!"

Arwen's beautiful eyes suddenly burst into hatred.

How could she fail to recognize that this was originally the unique skill of her father, King Elrond!

The ring of qi is good at defense and healing, but also has offensive and defensive skills.

This skill of manipulating the air around the enemy to make it slow down is one of the commonly used tactics.

The Ring of Qi and other treasures of the Elf King fell into the hands of Sima Yi, which made him even more powerful and powerful.

Du Yu was stuck in the stagnant air and couldn't break free. Sima Yi grinned grinningly and shot [Zhen. Zhong Damou. Killing] again.

"You have good talent, but you have just entered the Nascent Soul Stage, and your cultivation base is not stable, and I have already entered the Perfect Realm of the Nascent Soul Stage!" Sima Yi's jackal eyes shot out, "But I am getting more and more moved by the phenomenon that devours you. Interested! Haha!"

Du Yu quickly threw the gate of the fairy world, blocking Sima Yi's blow.

[True. Zhong Da Mou. Killing] Encountering the gate of the fairy world where Du Yu's immortal energy was enhanced, there was a loud noise.

The gate of the fairy world had already blocked Sauron's full blow, and there were some cracks. After being hit by Zhongda's true killing blow, the cracks expanded and were crumbling.

Du Yu was distressed to take back the three pendants of heaven, earth and man. After this treasure returned to the space, it must be repaired by a real monk before it can be used.

But Sima Yi failed two moves in a row, but his expression was indifferent, and he just pushed forward step by step.

"Today's battle, you have lost but never won!" Sima Yi looked around and laughed loudly.

Although there are strong resistance from heroes from all walks of life, the battle situation is still slipping in the direction of the defeat of the Rohan Kingdom. There are a large number of Gondor cavalry, outnumbered, and a breakthrough is enough to catch the Rohan people and elves who have dispersed for 20 kilometers. .

"Really?" Du Yu approached step by step playfully, the blood of Yagyu Soji and Yokozuna Oe was still dripping from between the fingers of his fists!
Killing a person in ten steps, leaving a thousand miles behind!
The two top masters of the Black Dragon Society had turned into bloody bloody keys, and their corpses were lying on the spot, which was horrible.

But Du Yu was as firm as a rock, pressing towards Sima Yi step by step.

"Could it be that you still have any trump cards?" Sima Yi sneered: "It will take at least two months for the Rohan knights in your eastern and western theaters to be summoned. The strength of the elves is on the bright side. Dong Falcon can see clearly. It will take time for them to gather together. This time is enough for me to kill you!"

As he spoke, he commanded the knights of Gondor to swarm forward.

The 5000 Gondor cavalry descended from the mountain with fierce tigers, attacking the defense line composed of 1000 Rohan knights and 2000 elves.

Rohan's side was suddenly in jeopardy. If there were no legends such as Galadriel, Aragorn, and Legolas, who resisted strongly, and if there were no Du Yu, Yang Guo and others who kept hunting and killing the surging adventurers, it would be a wave. Break through the line of defense!

Behind the Rohan knights, there are a full 20 unarmed Luohan civilians, old and weak, women and children. Once Sima Yi breaks through the line of defense, they will be massacred and their corpses will be scattered everywhere!
The horrific tragedy made the people of Rohan tremble.

Princess Eowyn stared at the figure who was fighting to the death with several enemies.Although he was scolded by himself as a poisonous snake, a courtier, and a three-inch tongue before, although he had framed his elder brother for the throne before, but at this moment, he resolutely led the knights of Rohan to serve Rohan's 20 people. In order to protect the safety of the enemy, fight with the enemy like jade and stone!

The princess frowned and made up her mind. She immediately got on her horse and shouted loudly, "Fearless Rohan men! Your family is coveted by evil wolves, and our country is coveted by powerful enemies. Get on your horse, and use your humble horses! weapons, fight for your wife and children! Follow me!"

Among the crowd who followed her to retreat, there were tens of thousands of them, and there were many Rohan men among them.For the Rohan man, riding a horse is like eating and sleeping. It is an essential skill. Everyone who gets on a horse is a skilled knight!
As soon as the princess was recruited, more than 1000 strong and strong men rode on their own horses.Although they have only crude weapons such as nooses, horn bows, and rusty sabers in their hands, they are a powerful force to fight when the fire is imminent.

The princess was heroic, drew out her weapon, and pinched the horse's belly. The horse immediately neighed, swept across the grassland like a gust of wind, and rushed towards the knight of Gondor!
And Eowyn's eyesight, also under the influence of the king and brothers, is very vicious.The angle she chose was the broad flanks of the knights of Gondor who had become slightly loose due to the charge and fight!

More than 1000 herdsman cavalry led by Wang Nu came roaringly, all kinds of rope harnesses, horn bows, crossbows, and sabers slashed and slashed.

(End of this chapter)

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