Chapter 978: Warg Ambush!Kill Sima Yi! - Ask for a monthly pass!

Bei Ye Nan exclaimed that it was not good, but Sima Yi sneered!
"The uprising of the herdsmen on horseback?" He smiled lightly, "I've already thought about it!"

With a wave of his breath, there was a strong wind, flying sand and rocks, and the herdsman cavalry led by the princess couldn't even open their eyes.

Princess Eowyn was terrified and furious.

As far as Galadriel could see, she noticed the battle situation here. Nanya, the ring of water, flashed light, and the guard lights with water ripples flashed in front of the charging nomadic cavalry.

Ring of Water VS Ring of Air!
The confrontation between the two magic rings caused the entire flank battlefield to be thrown into chaos, but the wind attack from the Ring of Qi was safely resolved.

Sima Yi curled his lips, it seemed that he was prepared for such a situation, and threw out another seal-like treasure.

When the seal fell in the air, bursts of light suddenly appeared!

"Humble vassals and subjects, your land is my charity, your blood is my gift, your happiness is my grace, and now you are violating Io's oath and attacking the people of Gondor?" A majestic The sound resounded through the world.

This seal is impressively a national heritage preserved by the Gondor emperors of all ages!It was just stolen by the Regent King De Naiser II and kept by his side.

After Di Naiser was killed, the object fell into the hands of Sima Yi.

I usually don't see any supernatural powers of this thing, but when it comes to the luck of the country and the ancient oath, this thing can use the aura of the kings attached to it to exert a strong coercion on the enemies who rebel against the oath!
Under such coercion, the Rohan knights and nomadic militiamen seemed to be suppressed by a mountain, and they couldn't help but dismounted and bowed down!

This sacred oath of Io is branded in the blood of the Rohan people.At this time, their swords were facing each other, but it was the master Io swore to be loyal to!

Sima Yi laughed loudly: "I have the advantage of the plot, the right time, place and people, you are mere mere ones"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Aragorn, whose face was covered in blood in the fierce battle, holding up the holy sword of the Western Star!
"In the name of Isidor's descendants, I declare that the Gondor army in front of me is not the king's will! It's an arrogance! This battle of the Rohan Kingdom is a just battle that does not violate Io's oath!"

As the true master of Gondor and the blood of Isidur, he declared so confidently that it resounded through the entire battlefield like a huge thunder in the sky!
The Holy Sword of the West erupted with bursts of light, offsetting the light on the seal of the King of Gondor.Not only that, this seal seemed to see the owner's stray dog, and a ray of light rushed towards Aragorn!
Aragorn sneered: "In front of my emperor, release my seal of the king of Gondor to deal with my army, how can you be ridiculously ignorant?"

Without the suppression of Eowyn's oath, Eowyn quickly led the nomadic cavalry and roared up.Although these fierce herdsmen who grew up on horseback did not have heavy armor or sharp spears, they were skilled in horsemanship, sharp in riding and shooting, and their combat power should not be underestimated if they were large.

Especially when the highly respected princess Iowyn was at the front of the charge, how could these herdsmen who had always admired the princess be willing to see the princess alone?In addition, the whole family's life was behind them, so they naturally risked their lives to protect them. They rushed into the Gondor knight lineup with the princess and slashed and killed.

The situation of the battle quickly developed into a tense situation, and the two sides fought inextricably.

The anger on Sima Yi's face became more and more intense.

He thought that he had exhausted his strategy, and with the air cover of the three-eyed Haidong Falcon, the 5000 light cavalry could catch up with Du Yu and Catherine, who were faltering and scattered, just like Emperor Wu of Wei (Cao Cao) led Qingqi 5 in Changbanpo. Thousands of people chasing after hundreds of thousands of people followed Liu Huangshu, and he could kill Du Yu in an instant!
Who would have thought that Du Yu would get a lot of help, not only the desperate help of Aragorn, Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen and other elves, but also the full support of the people of Rohan.Even the princess Eowyn, who was usurped from the throne, led the herdsmen to revolt!Come and help him!

In this way, even if the knights of Gondor driven by the [Ghost Soldier Talisman] are brave enough to charge forward, but the opponents are as strong as a forest, and their momentum is like a rainbow, and there are knights of Rohan who are more brave than the knights of Gondor. With the help of the herdsmen Luohan, this battle could not be fought like a broken bamboo, but instead fought a stalemate and attrition battle.

Despite the unfavorable start, Sima Yi is still extremely confident in his victory.After all, he led the elite of a country. Driven by the ghost soldier talisman, he was painless, fearless, and greatly increased in courage. This can be called the pinnacle of soldiers!

"Kill!" Sima Yi's black fan was full of black energy. If Du Yu and Catherine could not be defeated here, he could escape into Helm's Deep calmly. With the terrain of Helm's Deep, he would have to pay ten or a hundred times more to attack Du Yu. cost!

His Nascent Soul stage cultivation base is running at full capacity, and black wings are transformed from his back, and his whole body is floating in the air. Not only does he look like an outdoor old devil, but his speed is greatly increased, and his combat power is extraordinary!
This was Sima Yi's hidden special skill - Yuanshen Flying. He was going to give Du Yu a fatal blow.

Sima Yi went out in person, and the effect was extraordinary.

His speed is like lightning, and his strikes are thunderous. Wherever the black feather fan passes by, the black fairy art--the series of true unparalleled certain kills emerge endlessly, with unpredictable power!

Sima Yi turned out to be a fierce general and charged forward.The Rohan knights blocking in front of him, whether they were captains or soldiers, were all killed by the Nascent Soul stage black light with one blow, and there was no place for them to join them.

All are dead!tragic death!Violent death is terrible!
Sima Yi made a violent attack, and it seemed that people were in Lu Bu and Chitu in horses. The knight Rohan's defense was immediately torn open.

Behind him, Feng Ru, Priest of the Flame God, and Bei Yenan and other adventurer commanders also made a bold move, leading their teammates to attack the Luohan people's army crazily.

Legolas snorted coldly, turned gracefully in the air, and kicked away the Gondor warrior rushing towards him. Standing on the galloping horse, he fired three arrows at Sima Yi who was charging.

With a wave of Sima Yi's feather fan, a black mist formed a shield in front of him, and Legolas' indestructible sharp arrows sounded three times, but they were all blocked.

Sima Yi was about to fight back with the black fan, but he saw a lightning-like figure rushing forward!

Du Yu!

Enemies are very jealous when they meet each other!

Along the way, Du Yu killed several adventurers, each time killing them alive!
The hatred in his heart surged up to the sky.

Only by using the heads of Sima Yi, Hou Shenjiang, and Hou Xiaobai can he wash away his hatred.

Sima Yi must die!
He punched Sima Yi's horse's head.

Sima Yi flew up as if startled, ignoring that the horse was blown to the head by Du Yu's punch.

"It's time for your death!" Sima Yi said with a smirk, "Look around you, how many people are there? My Ghost Soldier Talisman can already be a first-rate elite soldier in the world, and under my commander-in-chief atmosphere, it can also passively buff a large area. Their various attributes. Your Rohan knights are already dead or injured, right?"

Du Yu looked around coldly. Indeed, these Gondor cavalry, under the buff of the Ghost Soldier Talisman and Sima Yi's personal military spirit, were not afraid of death, and had an advantage in numbers, cutting down the Rohan knights around them one by one.

In terms of individual combat power, the Knights of Rohan still had to be better than the Gondorians, but often several Gondor cavalry rushed forward, and if they couldn't beat them, they rushed forward, dragged the Knights of Rohan off their horses, and bit them to death.

Although Galadriel's magic, Legolas' archery, Aragorn's combat skills, Gimli's sharp axe, Arwen's recovery, Yang Guo's bravery, and Eowyn's desperate assault with herdsmen all have great impact on Gondor. The people caused terrible damage, but relying on Sima Yi's strong assault and superior numbers, the gang gradually gained the upper hand.

The battle situation is rapidly slipping towards failure.

But at this moment, Du Yu still had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Are we going to lose? Do you think there is no strategy?" Du Yu stood in front of Sima Yi's horse and said coldly, "You are the one who failed! You fool!"

He took out a horn and blew it!
This horn is completely different from the battle horns of the Rohan people. The horns of the Rohan people contain the heroism and generosity of the nomads, while Du Yu's trumpet contains endless killing, barbarism and wildness!
"Is this the sound of the trumpet?" Sima Yi's face changed drastically!

He had known for a long time that Du Yu's role was Ge Lima Qiaoyan. In order to debunk Du Yu's identity, he even spared no effort to get a real crystal of truth in Minas Tiris!

There are a total of 7 crystals of true knowledge, which are divine objects left over from ancient times. It has powerful functions, and can realize powerful functions such as instant messaging, group meetings, video communication, and image sharing between each other.

Sound familiar?

Yes, these 7 crystals of true knowledge played the role of QQ in the Middle-earth Continent without the Internet and Ma Huateng.

That is to say, in order to get a chance to chat with bigwigs like Sauron and Saruman on QQ, if they don’t have a QQ account, Sima Yi simply got a client worth ten thousand gold, and started chatting automatically on the Internet. .

For Saurona to show off the Emperor, it was natural that he would play his short clips in a loop, claiming that he was in Minas Morgul, and the ever-increasing military strength of various races made Saruman and Sima Yi terrified.

Saruman was not to be outdone by his talkativeness, and he also displayed the terrifying biochemical strong orcs, thousands of foundries, and powerful holy white magic power in Essingard to two potential evil opponents in a cycle.

Through these declaring clips showing off their muscles, Sima Yi knew the contact information of the Essingard Orc Army, which was exactly this harsh-sounding hunting horn!

Of course, he didn't forget that he leaked Du Yu's identity as an undercover adventurer to Saruman, creating more troubles for Du Yu.

"Unexpectedly, Saruman knew Du Yu's identity, and he was willing to send troops to help him!" Sima Yilang Gu Zhixiang had a fit, his body didn't turn, but the wolf's eyes suddenly turned 180 degrees behind him!
A huge fat wolf, howling wildly, salivated and appeared on the hill behind him!

Its greedy eyes stared at the fresh flesh and blood of the people on the battlefield where the people down the mountain turned their backs on their backs!
And on its broad back, riding a powerful orc with a height of more than 2 meters and holding a strong bow with bull horns!


The first commander of the Essingard orcs appeared on the battlefield riding a wolf.

Hearing the savage horn, Johnson's beige eyes showed a frenzy of killing, and he let out greedy howls.

Following Johnson's howl, groups of equally fat and ferocious wolves, carrying half-orc knights on their backs, slowly appeared on the hill, staring at the two sides in the fierce battle.

Catherine was wearing a long black dress, floating in mid-air, gazing at Sima Yi and Du Yu in the fierce battle.

"Leave us until now, Du Yu's patience is really good enough." Catherine's lips curled up slightly: "However, at this time, Sima Yi, a thief, is intertwined with Knight Rohan, so he can't leave if he wants to, right? "

Her phoenix eyes turned cold, and she waved her small hand: "Kill!"

Following the command of Master Saruman's special envoy, 3000 strong warg knights screamed crazily, their strong front paws threw the ground, and rushed out at a terrifying speed!
The orc knight swung his blood-stained broad machete and sharp sword, and rushed towards the back of Sima Yi's battle formation with great excitement.

In an instant, Sima Yi changed from raider to prey.

This was an ambush plan that Du Yu and Catherine had planned long ago.After encountering a surprise attack, Du Yu's task was to hold Sima Yi firmly and prevent him from retreating, while the wolf knight led by Catherine sneaked behind the enemy and launched a surprise attack.

If it was a normal day, Sima Yi's three-eyed Haidong Falcon would keep watching the sky.On the endless grassland, such a large-scale raid could never be successful.

But after the war started, Sima Yi was overwhelmed by Du Yu's endless cards, and the three-eyed Haidong Falcon was not released, which caused this terrifying surprise attack effect.

The wargs salivated with big mouths, and bit the knight of Gondor's horse's ass with one bite.Under the horror of the war horse, except for kicking, they ran away desperately.

In the world, the only one who can restrain the Warg Knight is the well-trained Rohan Knight.Their spears and sharp swords can accurately cut the throat of the Warg, but it is a pity that this time, the Rohan Knight and the Warg Cavalry stood on the same front with a miracle through the ages, against the Gondor Cavalry!

The moment Sima Yi appeared behind as many as 3000 wolf knights, he realized that he had lost this battle.

For the first time since entering Middle-earth, he lost a battle.

What he miscalculated was that he underestimated the impact on Saruman from getting the Lord of the Rings.

It was Saruman who was deeply afraid of him that he sent such a powerful warg knight to attack Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's men quickly became a mess.

Rohan Knights, Warg Knights and Elf Archers, attacking back and forth, if an army can not be defeated immediately, it is quite remarkable.As for Sima Yi's army, the ability to persist until now and not disperse should be attributed to the control power of the [Ghost Soldiers Talisman].

Sima Yi saw that Du Yu had a plan to ambush him. The defeat of this battle was decided. He was also a decisive person, and he disappeared from the battlefield in the blink of an eye!

(End of this chapter)

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