Chapter 979 Arrived at Helm's Deep! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu's sweeping slap fell to nothing.

His soaring rage was bound to kill Sima Yi, but at this time Sima Yi had disappeared.

"Where did this bastard escape to?" Aragorn's eyes were tearing with hatred, but he hated that he failed to catch Sima Yi, who was as cunning as a fox and as cunning as a ghost.

"I'll detect and try." Galadriel took off a hair and used her great mana to help her recite.This bright golden hair gradually dissipates in the air, turning into bursts of fluorescence

But Galadriel looked around the battlefield and sighed: "What Sima Yi used should be the Supreme Lord of the Rings obtained from Frodo!"

Hearing the word Supreme Lord of the Rings, everyone's faces darkened.

Everyone knows that the Supreme Lord of the Rings has the function of invisibility.Finding a needle in a haystack to find an invisible Nascent Soul stage master in this chaotic battle!

This also means that Sima Yi has successfully escaped from here.

Legolas roared in grief and anger, and an arrow pierced the throat of the Gondorian cavalry who was killing him in front of him.

"The cooked duck is flying!" Jin Li roared angrily, chopping off a knight with an axe!

The battle quickly changed from stalemate to hunting time.

The wolf knights attacked from behind, the Rohan knights and the elves were in front of them, and the strong men from all walks of life fought and rushed fiercely. Of course, the ending was already doomed.

After all the dust fell to the ground, the entire hill was full of corpses of people and horses, and the dead borrowed from each other.

The Gondorians, who paid the price in blood, had no chance of escaping under the pursuit of the Warg Knights, and all died in the raid on the Edoras Plain.

Relying on the invisibility function of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Sima Yi fled away. At the same time, Bei Yenan, Feng Ru and others also escaped.Generally speaking, if you can reach the level of adventurers in the inner city, adventurers have some self-protection cards. Even if they can't beat them, they are still sure to escape.

But taking advantage of this great victory, Du Yu dealt Sima Yi a fatal blow.

Of the more than 30 inner-city adventurers brought by Sima Yi, fully half of them died tragically under the slaughter of Du Yu, Yang Guo, Catherine, Galadriel, Legolas and others in the siege battlefield!

This loss was enough to make Sima Yi heartbroken.

It is said that the cunning rabbit is a dead dog, but the problem is that Du Yu and Catherine are still dying, and the adventurers in the inner city who followed Sima Yi have all died and injured, only a dozen or so left!
In addition to the loss of 5000 light cavalry, such a tragic loss, even if Sima Yi had a lot of cards and a strong army, he couldn't help but feel extremely heartache.

The greater impact lies in the fact that Sima Yi formed an undefeated golden body through a series of amazing combos such as the siege of Baicheng, the assassination of Gondor, the flooding of the Seventh Army, and the interception of the Guardian Squad, which was severely smashed by Du Yu !

Once someone continues to win, others will involuntarily cast a mysterious and sacred aura on him.Sima Yi's smart warfare and military strategy in the world this time made Catherine and the others miserable, but so far in this ambush, he has lost even his underwear. Throw it away.

Du Yu grabbed the bloody key of an adventurer in the inner city, threw it at Elizabeth, spat hard and said, "Shit Sima Yi, it's a shame that I didn't even get the last card of the Beauty Legion!" Claiming to be invincible?"

Indeed, Du Yu had already prepared the army of beauties, but he didn't expect that Sima Yi would drive the Supreme Lord of the Rings to escape invisibly when he saw that the situation was not good.The priority of this artifact was so high that even Galadriel's detection magic couldn't find it, and Du Yu couldn't do anything about it.

Catherine worried: "This Sima Yi got the Lord of the Rings, so it's hard to catch him."

But Du Yu showed a wicked smile and said in a low voice: "Do you think that I leaked the news of the Fellowship of the Ring to him and secretly helped him obtain the Lord of the Rings? Is it a free gift package? Look at Frodo who has the real luck spell. Die tragically under the backlash of the Lord of the Rings, right? I can be sure that the reason why the Lord of the Rings is willing to help Sima Yi at this time is because he is still valuable. But what if Sima Yi is defeated again? Once the Lord of the Rings judges that he is worthless, he will immediately abandon him coldly , and throw the bad luck of death on him. I want to see how Sima Yi died so tragically!"

Catherine suddenly realized, and punched Du Yu's chest with a punch: "So you came up with this ghostly idea, what a clever plan!"

Du Yu smirked: "Sima Yi, an old, treacherous and cunning man, probably has a lot of cards to save his life. But no cards can stop the Lord of the Rings' betrayal! Don't look at him for a while, but when it comes time to settle, he will feel better." Yes. Can your Warg Knight escort us into Helm's Deep?"

Catherine smiled coldly: "I am Lord Saruman's apprentice and special envoy, how dare this Johnson not listen?"

With a crisp snap of her fingers, Johnson helplessly ordered the wolf knights who were turning over the corpses and feasting, to gather and gallop away.

The elves and the Rohans instinctively disliked the Warg Knights, and Du Yu didn't want to expose his relationship with Saruman to the eyes of Galadriel and the others, so it was better to keep a low profile.

The wolf knights were guarding and patrolling far away, alerting to possible attacks, and the people of Rohan who had regained their calm came back with the old and the young, and bowed down in front of Du Yu gratefully.

Although the position of the Regent of Luohan is not right, his achievements in protecting the people and fighting against powerful enemies are obvious to all. Under the pressure of life and death, how can the people care who is the boss?As long as you can protect yourself from the enemy's butcher knife, you are your own king!
Eowyn took off the blood-stained helmet, her blond hair fluttered in the autumn wind, her indescribably beautiful face looked at Du Yu with a complicated expression.

"Sometimes, I really can't tell who you are?" Iowyn approached Du Yu and said in a low voice, "But because of your achievements in protecting the people of Rohan, I will continue to serve you."

Du Yu grinned: "I want you, a female knight, to serve me tonight."

Eowyn's face turned red, but she heard Rohan's knight laughing behind her.

She turned around abruptly, flicked the horsewhip, and the princess's coquettish reprimand resounded in the clear and crisp sound: "Give me immediate assistance to the people, speed up the retreat, and give me twenty lashes if you move slowly!"

The knights scattered as if they had been whipped by wild horses.

The team hit the road again.

Du Yu was riding forward when Pippin the Hobbit ran up panting and said that Queen Galadriel wanted to see him.

Du Yu turned back on his horse and got into Galadriel's carriage.

The queen's golden carriage showed strong defense in battle.Du Yu saw with his own eyes that the priest of the flame god, using the A-level flame fist magic, could only leave a small black mark the size of a fist on the carriage. Have to vomit blood.

The queen's beautiful eyes were clear, and she looked at Du Yu, who was bloodstained after the fierce battle.

"Even Saruman sent troops here this time, and you still deny that you are in trouble with him?" The queen hit the nail on the head and was not polite.

Du Yu said with a playful smile, "I've been having sex with Her Majesty the Queen all day, so I'm really in a mess!"

Galadriel's face turned red immediately.The idiom "wool and embarrassment" originally used to describe two kinds of creatures, the wolf and the embarrassment. The wolf has long front legs and short rear legs, while the embarrassment has short front legs and long hind legs. In order to catch prey more effectively, the wolf puts its front paws on the wolf's back On the buttocks, unite as one, and run quickly. Let's make up for this posture.Therefore, Du Yu's use of the gangster in this place is clearly molesting the queen!
Seeing that the queen was about to run away, Du Yu said with a guilty conscience: "Indeed, Saruman and I cooperate with each other and guard against each other. We are called master and servant, so it is really jealous! The reason why he sent apprentices to lead the wolf is also because he is afraid Sima Yi's family dominates and hinders his way to unify China!"

Du Yu confessed to Galadriel, because the queen was already his woman, and he would ride all day, not afraid of what the queen might think.Instead, tell the truth and it is easy to gain the trust of the queen.

The queen was really moved by Du Yu's frank confession, and said in a deep voice: "This guy Saruman poisoned and cursed me, and I will never let it go. If you keep it secret, I will take the elves away now. Fortunately, you You can tell me frankly, but can you tell me, are you planning to make an enemy of Saruman?"

Du Yu stared straight at the queen's delicate face with fiery eyes and said, "That old thief Saruman has cursed you with the Morgoth curse. Based on this alone, I will never let him go!"

The Queen bowed her head shyly.

Because Du Yu mentioned the curse of Morgoth, the queen couldn't help but think of the man's use of mysterious oriental magic to unseal the curse for herself.Wearing cloaks of elves, the two had a wild marriage in the valley

The elf queen, unable to restrain her shame, coquettishly drove Du Yu off the carriage.

Du Yu knew the beauty of pointing to the end, so he laughed and left.

What he was most afraid of was that Galadriel would turn ashamed and leave with Celeborn's corpse. That Du Yukong had a knack for picking up girls, so he was aimless!

Sima Yi, a lovely and powerful enemy, would never leave his side as long as he kept coming to attack and provoke her, and the queen was eager to avenge her husband.

There is an old saying that goes well, long time makes love, comrades.

If things go on like this, can the Queen still escape from her palm?

Du Yu didn't know that the moment he got off the carriage laughing, he had already caught the eyes of the elf princess Arwen.

Aragorn saw Arwen's face turned livid, and asked with concern: "Why aren't we happy about our new victory?"

Arwen said bitterly: "I clearly warned that shameless sycophant, let him stay away from my Galadriel! This guy turned a deaf ear, it's really hateful!"

Aragorn glanced at the complacent Du Yu lightly: "Let him be proud for a while. As long as I return to Minas Tiris and get the throne, this kind of courtier is useless, and he will naturally be eradicated for you. Get angry!"

Speaking of Du Yu, Aragorn was also full of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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