Chapter 980 Fortification overnight!Repair Helm's Deep! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Although Du Yu cooperated with him, the core of this cooperation has always been Du Yu!
And Aragorn thinks very highly of himself, with the noble blood of the descendants of Isidur, he is by no means an empty king who plays tricks and acts like a puppet for others!
Du Yu vetoed Aragorn's proposal several times and acted arbitrarily, which has offended Aragorn.

But this knight-errant king who has been running around for half his life has already learned to endure and hide his strength and bide his time in the cruel years.Before gaining absolute power, he had to rely on his ally Du Yu to kill Sima Yi for him.

But when he saw Du Yu's figure flirting with Galadriel in the tulle of the carriage, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his melancholy eyes.

Du Yu and his team continued to move forward. After 10 days of Mercedes-Benz, they finally saw their destination!
Helm's Deep!
Entering the valley from the shadow of the northern face of Mount Shlichen, there is a huge rock standing at the entrance of the deep valley. There is a high ancient stone wall at the pass, all of which are made of pure large stones, and there is not even a gap for climbing. , there is a high tower inside, more than 100 meters high, overlooking the whole fortress!

This is the strongest fortress of the Rohan Kingdom, where the fate of the country is tied, the unfallen fortress Helm's Deep!
In the underground of Helm's Deep, a complex and huge shelter was built, which can store a large number of people for them to avoid natural disasters and powerful enemies.Wait until the enemy is killed and retreat, and then return home.

Helm's Deep has saved Rohan's fate more than once, making this kingdom that has lasted for more than 500 years last forever.

Today, Prince Regent Du Yu brought a large number of people and knights to the Holy Helm's Deep again.

Of the 20 people who fled, after Eowyn's patient work and persuasion, as many as 15 were shunted to the Golden Forest of Galadriel as refugees.But Du Yu also selected 5 capable people as a reserve team to follow the army to Helm's Deep.

Eowyn and Shen Luoyan had already come here one step ahead.They are responsible for the transfer of refugees and food and grass respectively.

Shen Luoyance came immediately and reported to Du Yu: "The army has not moved, and the food and grass go first. I have worked hard to mobilize food and grass from various places in Luohan, but up to this time, I have only hoarded about 400 vehicles. If it is 2 soldiers, it is enough for 6 You can eat it for a month, but you also brought 5 refugees, and the consumption rate of this food and grass is much faster than expected. Up to 3 months."

Du Yu nodded: "We wiped out Sima Yi's cavalry on the way. This guy will probably feel a strong sense of crisis. I'm sure he will quickly bring the follow-up heavy infantry to besiege Helm's Deep. But the task of mobilizing food and grass We can’t stop, we have to hurry up.”

Eowyn came up to report: "The refugees have been properly resettled. In the Iowen era, using topographical caves and slightly repairing them, a network of underground caves was built, which can just accommodate 5 refugees and 2 troops. I have followed Shen Luoyan's instructions. According to the general's suggestion, recruit the youngest among the refugees, and begin to heighten and reinforce the dilapidated city walls and towers."

Du Yu looked up.

In terms of terrain, this Helm's Deep is indeed a fortress that has never fallen.

The two sides of Shiliheng Mountain spread out and suddenly narrowed in the depths of the canyon. The ancestors of the Rohan people built a city wall as high as 20 meters here, and there were towers, arrow towers and shooting ports everywhere to cover each other. Guan Wanfu can't open the terrain.

However, it has been in disrepair for a long time, and this Helm's Deep is indeed dilapidated. There are large green vines growing on the city wall, and the peeling skin of the city wall also damages the firmness of the defense.In particular, the water outlet to prevent flash floods has become the focus of Saruman's breakthrough with blasting in the plot.

"Sima Yi's heart is not dead, and we will definitely launch a fierce attack in the near future when our foothold is not stable." Du Yu said in a deep voice: "We still follow Luo Yan's instructions. By the way, there is also Wang Yuyan, who has learned mechanics. Under the guidance of the two of you, speed up the construction. Helm's Deep."

Wang Yuyan appeared in front of Du Yu delicately, and said in a low voice, "Cousin, I think this Helm's Deep may not be able to stop Sima Yi's army."

Du Yu picked up his cousin with great interest, and immediately said intimately, "What's your opinion, cousin?"

In full view of everyone, Wang Yuyan was so ashamed to be intimated by her cousin that she buried her head in Du Yu's arms and struggled to get down.

Du Yu laughed and got off his horse, and led Galadriel and others to inspect the city wall.

Wang Yuyan said in a low voice: "I have calculated the defense power of Helm's Deep. Its maximum shooting volume, limited by the narrow shooting position of the fortress, is 130 arrows per second!"

Du Yu's heart tightened when he heard that.

Legolas nodded approvingly: "Yes, this Helm's Deep fortress is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the problem is also here. It is too narrow, and the length and width of the city walls are not enough. We are elves alone, and we have a full 1 people. People, and 500 elf archers standing on the city wall are already full. The shooting positions on the tower are also narrow and cramped, not enough to maximize the advantages of elf archery."

Shen Luoyan nodded approvingly: "This is because the previous wars in Middle-earth were not large-scale. For example, in ancient times, the alliance war between humans, elves, and dwarves against Morgoth was also a slaughter of gods, and it was also a racial war. The two sides mobilized The total force does not exceed 5. And the total scale of our battle with Sima Yi this time has exceeded 4! Helm's Deep has reached its limit for a battle of about 1 people. And a battle of this scale , far exceeding its original design intention.”

Du Yu sighed and nodded.

Holy Helm's Deep, as the shelter of the Rohan Kingdom, is indeed sufficient. Normally, the enemies of the Rohan Kingdom, that is, the ferocious and hungry half-orcs in winter, surge from the Misty Mountains. When the Rohan Knights are not enough to deal with it, Hiding in Helm's Deep is enough to deal with them.

But the enemy this time is Sima Yi who is so insane that he does not hesitate to turn the people into ghost soldiers!
How can this kind of unscrupulous jackal lead an army comparable in size to the winter half-orcs?

Du Yu received information that Sima Yi's heavy infantry had exceeded 25000.

But that is love intelligence.

After Sima Yi's defeat in this battle, will he become insane and resort to military force, turning Gondor's incomparably rich human resources into endless ghost soldiers?

This kind of thing is logical.

Under the overload attack, the weaknesses of Helm's Deep, which is too narrow, and the defensive width and depth are insufficient, are fully exposed.

Du Yu even regretted it a bit. If he had known that a decisive battle with Sima Yi's heavy infantry on the grassland would maximize the advantages of Rohan's knights, why would he travel thousands of miles to risk Helm's Deep.

But the opponent is Sima Yi, so you can't feel slighted just because you beat him once.

Du Yu reminded himself.

The terrain of Helm's Deep, no matter where one thinks about it, is the safest defensive solution.

Du Yu glanced coldly at Mount Shlichen.

Helm's Deep lies deep within Mount Shlichen.

"Can you build a bigger city wall outside Helm's Deep? Expand the defense line of Helm's Deep? Increase the width and depth?" Du Yu had a whim.

Everyone looked at each other.

"This is a huge project," Aragorn said solemnly, as an experienced expert in both military and political strategies.

Arwen also nodded, and she supported everything supported by her fiancé Aragorn.

Du Yu smiled slightly, pointing to the gigantic, towering rock that was almost as high as the city wall: "Our building was not built out of thin air. The previous name of Helm's Deep was the Horn Fort. It was because the mountain wind blew into the deep valley. The horn-like hissing of this rock. After thousands of years of natural craftsmanship, this rock is still standing here, which shows how strong it is."

Everyone took a closer look, and Wang Yuyan couldn't help but said with joy: "As my cousin said, this rock is a solid piece of granite, very solid. Even if the trebuchet hits it, it will never loosen at all."

Aragorn glanced at Gimli.The dwarf who was good at building shook his head and said, "Even with the huge stone as the central beam, to build a city wall of this scale within less than a month of Sima Yi's invasion would require at least 5 dwarf craftsmen working day and night. With our current manpower, Not even half the project. It's funny when the enemy comes and finds us so tired and stinky, too weak to raise a weapon!"

Du Yu nodded and turned to Galadriel: "I know you have a lot of Melon tree seeds in your hand, can you use the power of the plants to speed up the construction?"

His thoughts were so unconstrained, Galadriel was taken aback.Opponents such as Aragorn are even more in the dark.

Arwen said coldly: "The plant seeds of our elves are hard-won, how can they be wasted in this barren land?"

Unexpectedly, Galadriel's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, you are so smart!" The Elf Queen said in surprise: "The power of plants is great. A single weed can break through rocks and come out of rocks! If you use melon tree seeds, mix this Shili Large rocks can be seen everywhere in Mount Heng. One month is enough to form a stone-wood mixed city wall. But the problem is that, except for this big rock, there is a lack of support points for the branches of other melon trees to grasp and take root. If this section of the city wall is built Finished, at least 2000 meters above"

Arwen said: "Exactly! Exactly! Just a big bare stone, how can it support the growth of the entire city wall? At least there needs to be an existence like a flying stone from the sky, and it must be huge, so that it can be expected to be completed."

"Need a flying stone?"

Du Yu smiled slightly, and took out the treasure from his bosom!

Castle Heart!

This treasure, which can be called a defensive artifact, was born under the disdainful eyes of Aragorn, Arwen and others!
Galadriel, Legolas, Gimli and the others stared dully at the flying castle, and suddenly flew out of nowhere and appeared on the vast land of Taniguchi!
This castle is full of fairy spirit, with 7 arrow towers, majestic city walls, defensive cover surrounded by fairy spirit, complex Qimen dunjia love flower array, moat surrounded by poisonous water, and well-designed Ludaozi organs. Between the heaven and the earth, it echoes with that naturally formed boulder, forming a magnificent momentum of two ghosts guarding the door!

(End of this chapter)

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