Chapter 982 The battle of destiny begins! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Although they were completely defeated by Du Yu in the raid, our side still had an absolute advantage.In their view, Du Yu was just desperately delaying his own death.

But Sima Yi didn't laugh.

Everyone laughed twice, and when they realized that the boss wasn't smiling, they looked at each other awkwardly and stopped.

Sima Yi pointed gloomyly at the second city wall raised by Xiong, and shouted angrily, "Who can tell me what the hell is this? I want to know, how did that guy Du Yu do it?"

Bei Yenan and the others fell silent. Everyone could tell that this huge amount of work could not be completed in a month.

"Your Majesty Zhongda, you don't need to worry." The priest of the fire god sneered, "Although Galadriel used her melon tree planting miracle to create this huge wall out of thin air with a mixture of huge trees and huge stones, it can't stop our attack. I am in charge of burning the Merlon tree with fire magic, and I must destroy these city walls."

Sima Zhongda frowned. He had seen a lot, and he had never seen such a miracle that such a fortress could be built in one month.

But Du Yu and Catherine made it clear that they would not leave the Helm's Deep fortress, and he had no choice but to attack head-on.

Sima Yi couldn't help frowning.

Ever since Du Yu came back from the Doomsday Volcano, he had a faint feeling that the momentum of killing Catherine all the way in the past had come to an abrupt end.

It all started with this terrible man.

Du Yu!

His eyes were cold: "When I break this fortress, the wolf Gu Qiqi will definitely devour you! Du Yu, no one can defend what I, Zhongda, want!"

He roared sharply: "The whole army obeys the order and set up camp!"

The Gondor army began to set up camp in an orderly manner.

On the outer city wall of Helm's Deep, Du Yu stood leaning on a railing.In just one month, the Merlon tree has grown like a hundred-year-old tree, crowned like a canopy, and shaded the city wall by Galadriel's wood-type magic.Under the cover of dense branches and leaves, there are forest elves lurking everywhere!They have sharp eyes, long arrows, and fierce killing intent. Legolas is the commander of these elf archers.

As for the rock-based city wall, Jin Li carried a shining sharp axe and led the stonemasons and peasants from the Luohan Kingdom to continue to build the city wall, heighten and reinforce it, and build bunkers and shooting ports.

On the wall of the heart of the castle, Galadriel led the elf mages of the Golden Forest to stand tall, staring coldly at the busy Gondor army like ants, preparing for mass destruction magic.

And the Rohan knight, who has always come and gone like the wind, has already left the Horn Fort and disappeared into the vast mountains under the command of the resolute princess Iowyn.The battlefield where they can maximize their capabilities is the assault on the vast plains, not the defense of the city.

As for Catherine, she had already brought 3000 wolf knights with her, and she also disappeared into the night without a trace.

The characteristic of Du Yu's tactics is that he is never conservative and never sticks to it.

He knows the truth that rigidity cannot last long and softness cannot be defended.The so-called tenacious defense will only hand over the initiative to others. It is necessary to maintain sufficient mobility so that the opponent will be cautious and dare not let go of the attack. This is the best defense.

The 11000 elite elf army is Du Yu's real trump card in defending the Horn Fort.

Galadriel, Legolas, Arwen, Hadir and other elf commanders have their own assignments, and they have already led their troops and prepared meticulously.

Aragorn took the few remaining human warriors and was responsible for guarding the city wall together with Jin Li.

All assignments are made.

Night gradually fell.

Sima Yi's 4-odd army, with bonfires scattered everywhere, illuminated the entire Helm's Deep mountain range like daylight.

This is not only what the army needs, but also the psychological tactics that Sima Yi is good at.

Create strong psychological pressure on the enemy, forcing the defenders with insufficient numbers to patrol day and night, consuming their morale and physical strength.

But Du Yu didn't seem to care at all, and still ordered the defenders to rest, just like the enemy before the future.

Sima Yi, however, stood in front of rows of giant wooden beasts, showing a smug smile.

These giant beasts are all made of wood from the middle-earth continent that has been millennia old. The materials are convenient, but their appearance resembles the legendary unicorns in China, but they are painted in black. They suddenly look like rows of black unicorns, looking ferociously at the unicorns in the distance. Helm's Deep.

"Think that Helm's Deep can stop me, Zhongda?" Sima Yi looked at these giant beasts and grinned, "You know too little about the powerful people in the bloody city. These black unicorn siege beasts will be like Sauron's Ge Like Long De, break through your walls."

Sima Zhongda's confidence in the Mo Qilin Siege Beast is justified,
Because these giant beasts [ink unicorns] are the trump cards that the Hou family prepared to attack the capital of the Tang Dynasty and the bloody city.To deal with Du Yu and Catherine, it is really a sledgehammer, foolproof and foolproof!
In the [Xuanyuan Sword] series, the Hou family had obtained the blueprint of the iron-clad ink unicorn beast secreted by the Mohist family. In addition, it was further developed and improved by Tony Stark in the [Iron Man], and it was actually produced by the Hou family. A cost-effective siege behemoth!

Their core cores, including energy, intelligence and power modules, as well as the core joint bearings, were manufactured by the Hou family in the bloody city.Of course, fakes are expensive, and each ink unicorn needs at least 5000 million survival points.It can be packed in the space imprint of the dead adventurer and brought to any world, but the thicker shell can only be obtained locally.

After Sima Yi learned that Du Yu was retreating to Helm's Deep and failed to intercept him, he brazenly used the last hole card that the Hou family gave him!
Due to the Hou family's determination to win the bloody city, the cost of this ink unicorn is also extremely expensive, so he only got 10 units!
But I believe that this hastily formed Helm's Deep defense system has 10 black unicorn siege beasts, and it is made of wood instead of steel, but it is enough to deal with the hastily formed Helm's Deep defense system!

Because, Sima Yi confirmed, the value of each black unicorn siege beast exceeds the power of Sauron's legendary siege cone—Ge Longde!
Looking at the huge monster shrouded in a layer of black mist in the distance, the Rohan people and elves also felt great pressure.

Galadriel frowned: "These monsters have never appeared in Middle Earth. What kind of monster did Sima Yi create?"

Legolas' handsome face smiled confidently: "No matter what method he uses, he won't even try to break through our defense!"

This elven prince who is as soft as the sun gives people a sense of solidity and reliability no matter what time and situation he is in!
It seems that as long as you are teammates with him, you will never lose!
Du Yu was also infected by Legolas' smile, and Yang Guo said from the side: "From what I can see, although this son relies on archery and body flow, his brows are full of heroic spirit, which is definitely not what the Sindar elves say. The local elves have mediocre qualifications. If you have the opportunity, absorb them into your team, and use the luck of Sima Yi and other thieves to give him a chance to enter the space. His future achievements will not be inferior to yours and my brother's."

Du Yu's heart skipped a beat.


If he wants to achieve great things, he must pay attention to recruiting talents.

In every world, although there are stunningly talented beauties and women who can be regained with villain value, but after Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng, is it true that he has stagnated in helping the strong in the plot and entering the space?
How strong are the characters?
Just look at Sima Yi.

He not only has the unpredictable military strategy of the Three Kingdoms era, but also has the broad vision and huge resources of the bloody city, so he created such a monster!
Even Du Yu, who has worked hard to plan, is completely unsure of Sima Yi, and he is sure to win.

Legolas's bow and arrow skills are amazing, but Du Yu believes that his more potential is still sleeping.If he can take advantage of this opportunity, take him away, and focus on building, I'm afraid he will cultivate a terrifying assistant no less than Yang Guo and Zhang Sanfeng.

Du Yu glanced at Aragorn again, and finally shook his head.

Although Aragorn has a good attitude towards him, Du Yu can always feel a sense of alienation from him.This is the reserve and arrogance of the superior Ren Huang, and Du Yu's status as a courtier determines the huge distance between the two.

Being able to get Galadriel and recover Legolas Greenleaf in this world, Du Yu is already very content and doesn't think about anything else.

The sun gradually rose, turning a scorching crimson color, like blood.

"The enemy is preparing to attack the city!" Galadriel said coldly.

From the camp of the Gondorians, three horns sounded, two long and one short.The big camp was suddenly full of voices, and ants swarmed out like an explosion nest.

But no matter how many people there were, the queue was orderly, messy but not chaotic, and from the flanks of the camp, thousands of cavalry galloped out, escorting and patrolling.

"Sima Yi is indeed a military prodigy." Shen Luoyan expressed emotion: "Sun Tzu said: "Governing the crowd is like fighting the widow, and the score is the same; fighting the crowd is like fighting the widow, and the shape and name are the same; the three armies can be defeated without defeat. , Strangeness is true; the addition of soldiers is like throwing eggs with a scorpion, false and true. Sima Yi has already grasped the essence of the eight characters of score, line name, strange and correct, false and true."

"In any case, he is the one who laid the tripod for a dynasty." Du Yu smiled: "Now is not the time to admire the enemy, let's start preparing."

Shen Luoyan nodded and shook the red lantern.

The elf mage led by Galadriel immediately began to chant spells.

One after another of warm water spells are buffed on the front city wall, between the dense melon trees like a forest!

There are countless elf shooters inside, lurking and hiding. After receiving the buff from the elf queen's ring of water, Nanya, they seem to be covered with a layer of water vapor.Not only the concentration and mobility are greatly improved, but even the wounds caused by the enemy can be recovered faster by the effect of the advanced recovery technique!
Unless they were instantly hit by a heavy weapon such as a trebuchet and smashed into a pulp, these elf warriors led by Legolas would have a powerful self-healing ability, enough to become the nightmare of any siege attacker.

(End of this chapter)

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