Chapter 983 The tyrannical solitary husband, the elf arrow god! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Galadriel had recovered 9% of her mana, and she forcibly suppressed the rest of the vicious curse deep in her heart. Even the Queen of Charm hadn't come out for a long time, which also allowed the Queen of Elf to have enough energy to devote herself to the battle.

The Rivendell elves led by Arwen are also constantly chanting elf spells.The elves already have the favor of the gods. They can use the ancient elf language and extraordinary talents to automatically master many spells.These elf mages of Rivendell are even more outstanding in spells, and they can compete with the mages of the inner city if they take out any one.

However, there is only one Aragorn in Arwen's heart.The Rohan warriors and exiled rangers led by Aragon received Arwen's priority care.All kinds of efficient shielding, acceleration and recovery techniques are thrown at Aragon's troops for free.

On the heart of the castle, the guards are Du Yu and the beauty guards, and the elves of Princess Eowyn and Galadriel are also there.Although Du Yu persuaded Eowyn that it was better for her to stay below to appease the panicked people, the princess proudly drew out the knight sword and swung it around, threatening that if she was not allowed to participate in the battle, the next time the beauty bites, she might use force to attack her. After the excess, someone gives in very consciously.

Eowyn and the hobbit Pippin stood on the wall of the Castle Heart with high morale, looking at the murderous Sima Yi army who was slowly approaching.

Sima Yi's army was heavy and advanced slowly.

Walking in the forefront are 1 carefully selected strong heavy infantry.Wearing full body armor, holding a steel shield and sharp sword, pushing a siege vehicle as thick as [-] meter, only one eye slit is exposed on the whole body.They have all been given key spells by the ghost soldier talisman, and they are not afraid of death, and their eyes can only tear apart the madness that their master pointed at.The [-]-meter-high city wall, the towering towers, and the dense elven archers seemed to be out of their sight at all.

200 meters behind is the second echelon of 300 people. 500 meters away is the third echelon of [-] people. [-] meters away, the fourth echelon of [-] people.They are all on standby, ready to step forward to attack the city wall at any time.

Sima Yi personally led 5000 elites as a reserve team, eyeing them like a tiger.

On the outskirts of the camp, there are 5000 light cavalry recruited temporarily to patrol.This unit should have been reorganized hastily by Sima Yi after Du Yu wiped out the cavalry.Whether it is a horse or a warrior, they are not as powerful as before.But there is no doubt about the desperate spirit and impact of the Ghost Soldiers Talisman.

Just looking at the overwhelming and shiny heavy infantry phalanx, stepping on uniform steps, full of murderous intent, and approaching at every step, those Luo Han folks who have never been on the battlefield changed their expressions.Even the elves who had seen the formation showed serious expressions.

"Sima Yi actually mobilized 5 troops to attack Luohan." Iowyn couldn't hold back her anger, and said bitterly, "This guy is crazy! Gondor is so aggressive. If Gondor is defeated, the country will be completely destroyed."

As the righteous lord of Gondor, Aragorn's eyes were tearing apart.

These cannon fodder under the city are all his people.

The population of Gondor is only one million. After years of war, there are at most 20 strong men.But Sima Yi conscripted and recruited 5 soldiers in one go.

Sima Yi is so fishing in the dry marshes, killing chickens to get eggs, even if he gets his wish and ascends to the throne in the future, he will clean up the mess for Sima Yi!

Maybe, after this battle is over, Gondor, where all the strong and strong men in the country are dead, will soon face the army of Eastern Sauron who took advantage of the vacancy!
Aragorn's hatred for Sima Yi was literally written on his face.

Du Yu's face was serious.

His Helm's Deep army has only 11000 elves and a few thousand untrained civilians.Even with the 2000 Rohan knights and 3000 wolf knights wandering around, there are no more than 2 usable soldiers.

But Sima Yi's obvious trump card has already exceeded 5 people!

Facing the military god with superior military strength, who dares to say that he will win?

The invisible pressure oppressed everyone's heads, making it difficult for them to breathe.

The huge army on the opposite side suddenly cheered like a mountain and a sea.

Countless Gondor warriors are shouting with their hearts and enthusiasm: "The Regent! The Regent!"

Just like Moses cutting through the sea, the 5-strong army cut through the waves, slowly separated, and a road was exposed.

Sima Yi rode a tall horse, with a gloomy expression, and came slowly with Bei Ye Nan, the priest of the fire god, Feng Ru, the dead man, and other subordinates.

When he was 500 steps away from the outer wall, Legolas' face turned cold, and a 34-foot long arrow shot deep into a huge rock in front of Sima Yima with a bang.The long arrow pierced the stone for more than three feet, its tail feathers trembled, and the momentum was gone.

This is the elf prince's warning, but also a demonstration.

Sima Yi chuckled, and gently waved the black feather fan.

The long arrow in the dark dense forest that entered the stone three feet deep was slowly pulled out from the stone.

Everyone seemed to have seen a ghost.The long arrow was obviously unmanned, but it turned around in the air like a spirit, and immediately shot back backwards with Sima Yi's wave of the feather fan!

Its target is obviously Galadriel in the middle.

Legolas' eyes turned cold, and it was another lightning arrow!
The two arrows actually collided in the air, and the arrows shattered!

Sima Yi finally raised his eyes, looked Legolas squarely, and said, "King Thrandui, the tiger father has no dogs! Hey!"

Legolas said coldly: "You use treachery to kill my father, and I will shoot your head to avenge him."

Sima Yi said indifferently: "I have made many enemies, and there are countless people who want my head, but so far the old man's head is still pressed on his neck. Legolas, who is enthralled by an archery skill, can't do it." Naihe old man."

His gaze was fixed on Du Yu for a long time, then he suddenly sneered and said, "You are also a smart person. Why are smart people always misunderstood by their cleverness?"

Du Yu sneered and said, "You are the one who was fooled by your cleverness!"

Sima Yi sighed and said: "You know very well that the end of going against me is extremely miserable. Why did you set up an ambush in the Edoras grassland, annihilate my 5000 Qingqi, and kill more than 10 of my subordinates? It will be very difficult for me to go back. General Hou God will explain."

Before Du Yu could speak, Yang Guo on the side couldn't help but angrily said: "What a cunning old man! You were the one who plotted the assassination first and the second who attacked by force, and we fought back and killed some murderers, why did you still become us?" I don’t know what’s good or bad? If I’m capable, I’ll fight against Sanbaihe with you, Grandpa Yang Guo!”

"Yang Guo?" Sima Yi smiled and said, "I have read the Condor God, and you are indeed a genius. But you are only smart, not great wisdom. The courage of a man! Nothing to worry about! Want to challenge me? Hey!"

Yang Guo was slightly trembling with anger at his few words and contempt.Du Yu patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "The old man is aggressive, how can you not see it if you are so smart?"

Yang Guo suppressed his anger, smiled wryly and said, "I also know that he was teasing before the battle, but the old man is really sharp-tongued, people can't help but go down and slap his face hard, beat it to swell, smash it to relieve the anger."

Du Yu smiled, turned to Sima Yi and shouted: "Old man! Hit him if you have the ability. Let's see the truth!"

Sima Yi suddenly laughed grimly: "I'll let this old man teach you little kids how to forcibly break through the city. Do you know what is the most effective way to attack the city?"

Arwen pointed disdainfully at Mo Qilin behind Sima Yi: "Old thief, you just rely on these wooden traps to break into our Holy Helm's Deep?"

Sima Yi stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "This beautiful lady is Arwen, right? Your father is amazing, but he doesn't know how to water. Alas, what a pity."

Arwen's eyes were red with anger.The scar that King Ailong had been swept away by the flood was teased by Sima Yi again.

Sima Yi stopped laughing, and coldly pulled out a scroll.

Du Yu suddenly felt a chill!
Yes, it is Sen Leng.

This scroll, could it be?

Sima Yi said word by word: "Do you know why Minas Tiris is called the city that never falls? Because it prohibits the use of any large-scale siege magic. As for Helm's Deep, I don't pay attention at all. Because I You still have this siege scroll in your hand!"

He kicked off his war horse and flew up awe-inspiringly.

After breaking through the consummation of the Nascent Soul Stage, he can easily roam the sky and move freely like a fairy.

Galadriel suddenly said: "He must be stopped. From that scroll, I can feel the enormous energy of the earth element gathering rapidly!"

Legolas Greenleaf immediately opened the bow of the golden Mellon tree, his sea-blue eyes focused on Sima Yi's body that was floating like a fairy, and with a bang, he shot the strongest arrow in his life!
In the heart of the castle, Shi Feixuan exclaimed: "Archery is the way?"

You must know that Shi Feixuan herself entered the Tao with the sword, and swordsmanship is the way of heaven.Once you have cultivated to the state where the heart of the sword is transparent, it will be the time when your body is like the way of heaven.

Her state at this time has broken through the clarity of Jianxin, and even reached the level of "getting the sword and forgetting the sword". Jianxin has been completely restrained in her heart as her cultivation has broken through the golden core.

That is to say, if Shi Feixuan, who had lost her saber-colored and empty sword before, her combat power would be greatly reduced, after breaking through the golden core stage, she could use her innate true energy to transform into an invisible sword at any time, or even a color-like empty sword. Even more powerful.

In Shi Feixuan's view, Legolas's archery, like her sword heart, has even reached the realm of returning to the original and returning to nature without any work, with great sound and no sound, and the invisible elephant!

Such a realm is already qualified to step through the void and achieve a space journey.

In fact, after the Battle of Middle-earth, Legolas only lived in the Mirkwood for a short time before he received the call of the sea!

That is the instinct of the middle-earth elves, and they will only awaken when they reach the level of approval of the gods!

In the end, Legolas Greenleaf and his good friend Gimli finally answered God's call, left Middle Earth, sailed westward by boat, and went to Aman Continent, the continent of God.

With this arrow, the divine arrow pierced the clouds, and the lightning shot at Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's indifferent gaze unexpectedly burst into a gleam of brilliance!
(End of this chapter)

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