Chapter 984: The Mohist institution, the ink unicorn! - Ask for a monthly pass!

"Entering the Dao with one arrow?" His eyes were blazing hot: "Are you qualified to break through the void and enter the city?"

Immediately, his eyes dimmed, and he smiled wryly.

"It's a pity that with the blood feud of King Thranduy, this son is destined not to be my help. In that case, I have no choice but to destroy it." In Sima Yi's eyes, there was a touch of pity for talent that he had never seen before!

He waved his lupine lightly.

A black light flashed.

Legolas' arrow piercing the clouds was finally reduced to dust in the hands of the immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage!

"Hey!" Sima Yi sneered: "The supernatural powers of Nascent Soul, can you be compared to mere awakened one?"

He tore open the scroll.

That is a [Siege Earthquake Technique] from the Heroes of Invincible World!
Along with Sima Yi's body, the black air continued to swell, and the entire Shiliheng Mountain Range began to roar and tremble!
"Earthquake is only a third-level spell, why is it so powerful?"

Yang Guo glanced at Sima Yi who was in mid-air in shock.

"I'm afraid Sima Yi combined his Nascent Soul cultivation with the Earthquake Scroll produced in the Imperial City, and Helm's Deep does not have the perverted magic defense power of Baicheng, which caused such a big momentum." Du Yu But he didn't panic, and glanced at Galadriel indifferently.

"Compared with magic cultivation? We won't lose here"

Galadriel smiled confidently and stood up!
"Sima Yi's magic scroll may be very powerful and against the sky, but I want to tell you the facts. In Middle-earth Continent, if you want to compete with us in magic ability, unless the main god Manwei exists, it will be useless!"

Her slender jade arms were raised high.

The ground swayed and the autumn wind blew.Her long black gauze skirt was blown up, making the Elf Queen even more ecstatic.

But the destructive spell in her hand can't be faked at all!

Sima Yi chuckled.

He was exhaustive, so why didn't he know that if his earthquake technique encountered a demigod-level legendary existence like Galadriel, it would not be able to exert its original power at all.Even more seriously, Galadriel tried her best to offset the effect of this magic!

In front of the legendary elven queen, magic is just like breathing, resting, and ML for her.

Therefore, Sima Yi had already prepared that the effective range of the earthquake technique could not be more than 500 steps away from the city wall.This is his ultimate casting distance.But Sima Yi also has a backup.

That is the black unicorn siege beast!
With Sima Yi's laughter, the ten wooden black unicorn beasts, which were hurriedly made after working day and night, with their eyes shining brightly, strode like meteors, and galloped on all fours, rushed towards the outskirts of Helm's Deep!
Along with the ten ink unicorns, there was also the first wave of 10000 savage warriors and heavy infantry, the walking mobile fortress in full armor, pressing forward step by step.

These ten black unicorns were naturally taken care of, and a lot of attacks were poured on them in an instant.

On the more than 2000-meter-long, densely forested city wall, waves of arrows and spells poured down like money.

Although the bows and arrows of the elves have little damage to this huge and well-protected Mohism mechanism beast, the spells of the elves are also not vegetarian.

The vines sprang out from the ground, which was the wood magic that Roselorin elf mages were best at.

These vines may be small, but their toughness even surpasses that of alloy steel wires. Once they wrap around Mo Qilin's limbs, they will hold them firmly and cannot move.

What followed was a more terrifying spell attack.

The magical attacks of elves are very effective against mechanical beasts that are good at physical defense.Strong shocks and shocks can easily cause vibrations in the precise organ beasts.And the more powerful the organ beast, the more sophisticated its internal structure.For example, computer, the loss of vibration to the computer is very great.

But Sima Yi and the Hou family, the Mohist mechanism beasts cited as barriers, have a fierce combat power, which far exceeds the range of knowledge of the middle-earth elves!

The ten mechanical beasts were only trapped by the elves' various magics for less than a moment, and then broke free from the trap of the wood magic, and continued to move forward crazily, charging and galloping.

Although the spells did a lot of damage to them, it was clear that these terrifying mechanical beasts were strong enough to rush under the city wall and wreak havoc.

Galadriel shouted: "Legolas, shoot again!"

She herself held up Nanya, the ring of water, and chanted a long spell.

A powerful elf magician like her wants to sing magic, explaining how devastating that magic is.

Aragorn snorted coldly when he saw the organ beast forcibly breaking through the spell barrier and charging like a mountain.

He intends to be the emperor, so why doesn't he understand that in Middle-earth Continent, it is necessary to rely on fists to show orthodoxy?

Aragorn saw the impact speed of the mechanism beast, suddenly jumped up and landed on the mechanism beast's back.

Jin Li also followed suit, jumping down from the city wall and jumping towards the ink unicorn mechanism beast.

Once the two legendary heroes fall on the back of the mechanism beast, they will kill them.

The Holy Sword of the Western Star and the giant ax of Jinli, although they are usually invisible, but at the critical moment, when they penetrate the giant wooden board that is one meter thick, they are as good as cutting tofu!
Sawdust was flying, and the ink unicorn beast roared angrily after being smashed.

But 8 ink unicorns rushed under the [-]-meter-high city wall!

They jump up!

Like big cats, these ink unicorns overcame their own heavy weight and relied on the powerful core energy to jump up, trying to climb the [-]-meter-high wall!
This is the scariest part of the ink unicorn.

They do not intend to destroy the walls at all, but to solve the problem at its root.

As long as the enemies on the city wall are all killed, what is the use of the city wall being taller?

Of course, the elves will not sit still, all kinds of powerful magic, raining down on the surface of the ink unicorn beast.

But this ink unicorn beast is indeed the magic weapon of the Mo family.

Their bodies are engraved with unexplained ancient seal glyphs, which are simple and unsophisticated, and also play an amazing defensive role.Even if Galadriel's own attack magic fell on the ink unicorn, it only caused a flash of light.The seal script was a little darker, but it couldn't stop these terrifying mechanism monsters from climbing the city wall.

Du Yu and Galadriel, geniuses with unconstrained imagination, imagined that the [-]-meter city wall built in a month, in front of the powerful kinetic energy of this tall black unicorn beast, climbed up quickly like a house cat climbing a tree .And the branches of the melon tree became the grips for the black unicorn to grasp and climb.

But just when the elves thought they were going to deal with this terrifying black unicorn with flesh and blood, Galadriel's singing was also completed.

"[Galadriel's Chant]!" Under the gust of wind, the elf queen's beautiful eyes were neither sad nor happy, and she spread her hands as if embracing her own destiny.

Dazzling rays of light shrouded her body and hit the 8 ink unicorns that were constantly jumping and trying to climb.

The ink unicorns trembled violently and let out bursts of roaring noises. Obviously, the chants magic of the elf queen also had a great impact on their internal organs.

But this powerful magic can't stop the rampage of the mechanism beast.

Legolas Greenleaf stood up again!
He pierced the clouds with one arrow, and was turned into dust by Sima Yi, but the greatest advantage of this elf prince lies in the burning, never-extinguishing hope in his pair of blue eyes!

If there is hope, there is everything.

He solemnly took out a long arrow unique to the Dark Forest.

On the tail feathers of this long arrow, there is a pattern of a pheasant engraved. Just by looking at it, there is a sense of mystery of a religious ceremony.

Legolas slowly drew his longbow.

The pheasant arrow was slowly stretched.

Galadriel glanced at it unintentionally, and her face suddenly changed: "Even this arrow of the Woodland Realm in the dark forest is used against the enemy?"

As an elf queen, she naturally knew the origin of this legendary pheasant feather arrow.In the third era, Oropher, the leader of Sindar, the grandfather of Legolas, and the native elves came to Greenwood the Great while tracking a pheasant. This is the current Misty Forest. I feel that the environment here is good and suitable for settlement, and I found a total of three pheasant long arrows in the place where the pheasant escaped. I thought it was an elf oracle, so I settled down and created the woodland kingdom!

In a word, the status of the Pheasant Long Arrow in the Woodland Kingdom is equivalent to the status of the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom in the Huaxia Kingdom.It's like a national treasure.

After Sauron returned to Dolgo Fortress, he once fought against the leader King Thranduil.When King Thranduil was at a disadvantage, he used a long pheasant arrow to wound Sauron abruptly!Megatron Continent!It shows the power of this arrow.

But now Legolas is about to use this legendary arrow as a weapon to deal with the ink unicorn mechanism beast!

How could Galadriel not be moved by this kind of generosity?

There was only a sound of collapse, and the pheasant's long arrow disappeared instantly between Legolas' fingers.

In an instant, Mo Qilin, who was rushing to the front, suddenly froze.

The pheasant's long arrow turned into a shooting star, disappeared into its eyes, and fell deeply into its mind.

Immediately, a huge explosion occurred in its body.

Even the elves on the city wall couldn't stand still due to the power of the explosion.And the ink unicorns jumping in the air were even more shocked.There was even a black unicorn that was thrown down abruptly and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

As for Mo Qilin, who was hit by the arrow, his injuries were even more terrifying.

The one-meter-thick wooden shell was blown away, revealing the delicate core inside—that is a mass of dark green fluorescent light, spinning endlessly like cosmic atoms, driving various parts and gears, providing kinetic energy and intelligence for the ink unicorn .

But this arrow also completely destroyed the formation of the core kinetic energy. Mo Qilin clung to the [-]-meter city wall and trembled violently, as if it would explode at any moment.

Mo Qilin, who was finally seriously injured, wailed and fell from midair.

When it hit the ground, the green fluorescent light was disordered and finally annihilated.

This ink unicorn mechanism beast with a value of up to 5000 million and powerful combat power will be reimbursed.

The arrow of Legolas' pheasant passing the country also disappeared in this devastating blow.

After Legolas stepped forward and gave him a shocking blow, the ink unicorns fell down one after another, but they quickly resumed their upward climb.

The mechanism beast has no morale, as long as the target is designated, it will never stop dying.

Aragorn and Jinli, each with a black unicorn, were chopped so that sawdust flew.

Seeing the 7 black unicorns approaching the city wall, Du Yu and Yang Guo finally stepped forward, each with one head, and jumped down to attack.

Legolas' bow and arrow turned around and aimed again at Sima Yi who was singing in mid-air.

He slowly drew out the pheasant long arrow again.

This is the last pheasant long arrow.

"For father!" Legolas kissed the arrow feathers, and with a bang, shot at Sima Yi.

Sima Yi, using the cover of the black unicorn, had already chanted to the end and was ready to shoot magic at any time, but he shuddered unexpectedly!

A sense of extreme danger came to mind.

He ignored the magic that was about to be completed, let alone the backlash of magic, resolutely, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and flashed backwards!
Because Sima Yi deeply felt that if he didn't leave, he would definitely die!
A bolt of lightning shot from the city wall below him, pierced through the afterimage of Sima Yi, and left Sima Yi in the air. The aftermath of the huge earthquake technique shot like a balloon and exploded!
How powerful is Sima Yi's spell?

He is sure that he can use this earthquake to destroy Helm's Deep, at least part of the city wall. How powerful do you think this thing is?

After being defeated by Legolas, this huge power disintegrated instantly.

Sima Yi had lingering fears, just dodged the fatal blow, and was blown away in an instant.

This is really shooting yourself in the foot.

But Legolas' pheasant long arrow was so powerful that it almost violated the basic theorem and could kill him with one blow.

Sima Yi's complexion became more and more ugly.

He found that he had really underestimated the strength of these legends.

Before, the Seventh Army was flooded, the three Elf Kings were wiped out, and the Ring Guard squad was ambushed to kill all the strongmen including Gandalf, and De Naith II was poisoned and replaced. A series of victories made Sima Yi involuntarily feel contempt for the characters in this world.

Even Aragorn, Legolas, Galadriel and others, he doesn't pay attention to them.

But the facts proved that Legolas' two consecutive arrows, which were extremely powerful, made him feel a deadly threat, and even the already prepared earthquake technique was forced to give up at a critical moment!

But the aftermath of the huge earthquake technique still partly affected the outer city walls!
The entire ground vibrated crazily like an earthquake of magnitude 8.

The outer city wall that has just been built is facing a huge test.

Standing on the city wall, the condescending elves swayed from side to side in horror, and even some Rohans lost their grip and fell headlong into the [-]-meter city wall!

Galadriel lost her voice: "The mana of the Earthquake is so great, if Legolas hadn't made two arrows and let him use it, how could the outer city walls be able to stop it?"

(End of this chapter)

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