Chapter 985 Mood Breakthrough!The dragon girl smiled! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
Du Yu was also grateful in his heart, and patted the shoulder of Legolas who had done meritorious service.

After all, Sima Yi is Sima Yi. Fortunately, he can figure out and use this powerful earthquake technique.

It must be known that the taller the city wall, the more afraid it is of this kind of earthquake attack.

Once the [-]-meter-high city wall shakes, the shaking range on the top will greatly exceed the base.

Maybe, Sima Yi had already planned to use this earthquake scroll to deal with the newly built Helm's Deep.

Sima Yi's face was gloomy, and he spat out from between his teeth: "Fuck me!"

He could see that although the earthquake technique was destroyed, the aftermath also caused great damage to the wooden and stone structure of the city wall.Especially on the side close to the heart of the castle, a section of the city wall of more than 30 meters has collapsed.Hundreds of elves were thrown off the city wall and turned into flesh.

The ink unicorn mechanism beast immediately howled crazily and rushed to the gap.

Once they occupy the city wall, the flesh and blood of the elves will find it difficult to confront them on the city wall.And the [-] elite heavy infantry corps below are advancing rapidly, and they can go to the city after taking the ladder.At that time, the outer city wall of Helm's Deep will be considered breached.

Once the outer perimeter with the strongest defense was breached, the inner city wall would be narrow and cramped, making it impossible to defend.At that time, it will be Du Yu and Catherine, hard to fly!

Du Yu also knew the importance of this.

So, he waved his hand resolutely.

At this time, Aragorn, Jinli, Du Yu and Yang Guo, four masters, each with one head, restrained four, but there were still five black unicorns, rushing madly into the gap.

Xiaolongnu, Shifeixuan, Wanhou, Li Mochou, and Ningzhongze, the five masters, appeared on the city wall.

Du Yu has always avoided exposing his core secrets to Sima Yi.But when the battle reached such a fierce level, he could no longer cherish himself with his broom, so he simply took out his real team at one time, and gave Sima Yi a big surprise.

Looking at the [-]-meter city wall, the giant ink unicorn mechanism beast that was rushing up quickly, Sima Yi, Bei Yenan, Feng Ru and others showed sly smiles.This giant mechanism beast is invincible in siege and flexible in movement. The marksmanship skills of elf archers hit them like tickling. Even Galadriel's magic cannot destroy them in one go.

And they are not ordinary mechanism beasts.Once they go to the city and engage in melee combat, these ink unicorns will kill the elves completely one-sidedly, and they can mess up the formation of elves waiting in full force.Once the [-] heavy infantry go to the city, the elves will be wiped out.

Seeing that the Mo Qilin beast was about to succeed, suddenly five charming figures of beauties descended from the sky and landed on Mo Qilin's body.

And on the heart of the castle, there are more countless translucent beauties and various weapons, aiming at the crazy black unicorn mechanism beast.

"Women?" Sima Yi was stunned for a moment, then sneered, "I've heard that Du Yu's women are very powerful, how do you compare to Bei Ye Nan?"

Bei Yenan sneered disdainfully: "Catherine is one of the women in the inner city who are stronger than me, but unfortunately she has already stepped into the cemetery with one leg. I don't pay attention to other women."

With her powerful strength in mending men and recombining DNA, she really deserves this confidence.

It's a pity, Sima Yi glanced at the battle situation, and said decisively: "No! The five women on the city wall are not inferior to you in cultivation. Well, the girl with the fluttering sash should have reached the stage of the peak of Jindan. The next step is to shatter the pill into a baby. And the four beauties beside her, one and two, are all at the early stage of Jindan, and the other two are at the stage of Qi training and foundation building. Well, if I Speaking of which, if you actually do it, you are not an opponent!"

Kitano Minami was blown up!
She said loudly: "How is it possible? Master Zhongda, are you misjudged from a distance? I am a dignified adventurer in the inner city and a master of the Black Dragon Society. How could I lose to some female summoners? Their fighting ability and tactics Literacy"

"Not under you." Sima Yi coldly stroked his beard and said, "It can be seen that these five women are all battle-tested masters. They also echo each other and cover each other. My five-headed ink The Qilin mechanism beast may not be able to successfully penetrate the defense! Come with me!"

He shook his Nascent Soul stage wings and flew towards the city wall in an instant.

Kitano Nan trembled with anger, and also shook the horse rope.The war horse neighed and charged forward violently.

A rapid rain of arrows shot from the dense forest of melon trees on the side.This is the most troublesome place for the besiegers.With the cover of the Melon tree, the elves were at home, and they didn't know where they were attacking.

With a wave of Kitano Nan's hand, a Spiderman's spider thread touched the city wall a thousand meters away. She floated up as light as a swallow, shot the horse into a hedgehog with a bow and arrow, and fell to the ground dead with a scream.

The adventurers in the inner city behind followed suit.

What is particularly interesting is the dead soldiers of the Hou family led by Feng Ru.They seem to have special tactical equipment, a simple individual glider, assembled in threes and fives, then sails with the wind, soaring towards the city wall.

The heavy infantry controlled by [-] Ghost Soldier Talismans were rushing towards the outer city wall at high speed, preparing to take advantage of the chaos to attack the outer city wall.

The defensive rhythm of the elves was indeed a little messed up by the 10-headed siege ink unicorn and Sima Yi's earthquake technique. In addition, the enemy's impact on the gap was difficult to stop for a while, and even the leaders all went to intercept the ink unicorn, lacking organization , shooting becomes less effective.

Although there are commanders such as Hadir and Arwen who continue to urge to increase firepower, Sima Yi is good at running the army. These heavy infantry are fully armed and carry heavy defensive equipment such as siege vehicles. Without the heavy armor and thick planks, only the sound of pear blossoms in a rainstorm can be heard, but it is difficult to kill these heavy infantry who only have their eyes out.

"It can't go on like this." Seeing that the situation on the battlefield was becoming more and more critical, Galadriel resolutely stood up!

The water ring Nanya in her hand burst out with dazzling blue light again.

Waves of water gushed out from Nanya.

When these water waves watered the golden Mellon trees under the 2000-meter-long city wall, these load-bearing Mellon trees were actually nourished by the spring water of the elves, and they groaned slowly.

This is the power of the Elven Queen.

She has witnessed the natural laws of the Twin Sacred Trees, and she has benefited immensely. She can actually make these mature Mellon trees evolve again!
After being nourished, the Mellon tree bloomed and scattered leaves, and even groaned, wanting to transition from ignorance to Ent.

Of course, due to the large number, there are at least a thousand melon trees growing on the 2000-meter city wall.If Galadriel could activate all these with magic, she would not be an elf queen, but an elf goddess.The limit of what she can do is to let these melon trees hide their hole cards and display their powerful fighting power!
A black unicorn mechanism beast was dodging the twin swords of the little dragon girl like lightning, but a branch of a melon tree that seemed harmless to humans and animals suddenly stretched out a thick branch, entangled it tightly.

Xiaolongnu and Yunu Suxin's swordsmanship, a move that cuts downwards.

Lin Chaoying's Jade Girl Suxin swordsmanship is actually the opposite of Quanzhen's swordsmanship.Quanzhen School's "Flower Before the Moon" fights from top to bottom, simulating the scene of the ice wheel across the sky and the clear light paving the ground; the Jade Heart Sutra "Flower Before the Moon" single sword trembles, swinging back and forth like flowers fluttering in the wind.

This graceful beauty's drunken move under the moon was used by Xiao Longnv, a fairy who is as beautiful as a fairy and does not eat fireworks in the world, and she has already risen to the peak of Jindan. Ling Sima Yi looked at it, and concluded at a glance that the woman Bei Ye Nan was definitely not Xiao Long Nu's opponent!
It shows how powerful Xiao Longnu's attack is.

With this move, the ink unicorn mechanism beast worth 5000 million survival points was chopped, and it trembled.

The effect is comparable to Du Yu's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, not much less.

But Xiao Longnv just smiled lightly.

Ever since she followed Du Yu, she put all her heart on Du Yu.No matter how many new lovers Du Yu has or how many affairs he has, she always silently follows Du Yu and completes every task of Du Yu.Even if Du Yu's gaze is not on her all the time.

Du Yu was also deeply disturbed. The more beauties there were, the more he would be at a loss.

Xiao Longnu has a deep affection for him, how could he not know?

The more worlds he experiences, the more he has to win at least one beauty into his house every time. Du Yu is really powerless.I can only squeeze out my own time to practice, and run around the fairyland residences of beauties from all over the world every night, recite poems against them, guess and drink, and comfort their lonely hearts that love me deeply. (Those who opposed the old pig's golden core avatar back then, do you know why Du Yu's kung fu is not progressing fast?)
Fortunately, after the Nascent Soul Stage, by chance, Du Yu obtained a new supernatural power, which finally solved this problem completely!
That is Yuanshen out of body, also called "shenjiao"!
Every night when Du Yu meditates in Changshishui Pavilion, his Nascent Soul can be transformed into several primordial spirits and go to Taohua Island, Penglai Pavilion, Yanziwu, Pegasus Ranch, Piaoxiang, Yanggong Treasure House and other fairyland places. , communicate and communicate with the beauties in the lonely boudoir and the beauties facing the moon on a spiritual level.Although there is no physical body and cannot be touched by swords and shoes, it is really ecstasy, but when the cultivation base reaches the stage of breaking through the innate realm, beauties have become female cultivators one after another, and they have already passed the stage of mortal women's physical reconciliation.Du Yu's divine friendship can greatly meet their love nourishment needs for their lovers, which is enough.

Therefore, after mastering the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage, although Du Yu had only one person, every beauty was accompanied by his Nascent Spirit day and night. different.

Xiaolongnv's face is gentle at this time, with a smile on her mouth, although she is still calm and composed, but after breaking through the Yuanying, her lover's intimate company makes her feel good, as if recalling the spiritual friendship between her lover and herself last night, Xiaolongnv made another move [Clean drink and a little drink], the envoy will come out.

(End of this chapter)

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