Chapter 986 Dragon Goddess Might, Destroy Mo Qilin! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
The Quanzhen sect's "clean drink and small drink" sword hilt is raised, and the tip of the sword is pointed down, as if lifting a pot to pour wine, while the jade girl's heart scripture "clear drink and small drink" is turned up, pointing at her own cherry lips, as if toasting a cup to herself. Drink in general.If Xiaolongnu used this trick before, there must have been a sense of coldness of "raise your head to invite the bright moon, and the shadows will form three people". Ri was teased to show off his face and smile, this cold and lonely move unexpectedly burst out with amazing fighting power!
The ink unicorn mechanism beast was severely injured by the little dragon girl again!
The sword moves in the Sunu Heart Sutra of the Ancient Tomb, used with Xiaolongnv's state of mind and cultivation, are more than a hundred times more powerful than Lin Chaoying's senior?
The ink unicorn mechanism beast unexpectedly emitted a puff of black smoke.The first one couldn't stand it anymore!
Even Sima Yi, who spoke highly of Xiaolongnu, was shocked by it.

How could a beauty summoner beat such a terrifying organ beast into such a mess within two moves?

But Xiaolongnu is getting better and better, and the moves are not over yet!

With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she made another move [playing the piano and pressing the Xiao], gently pinching Mo Qilin's vitals, and pulling a thousand catties four or two times, Mo Qilin's strange strength that spans the world cannot be released.

Immediately, sweeping the snow and cooking tea, playing chess under the pine, tuning cranes by the pool, talking at night at the west window, couplets in the shade of willows, facing the pool with bamboo curtains, and blooming flowers with brocade pens

The second half of this set of jade girl Suxin swordsmanship is endless, and was brought out by the little dragon girl!
If Lin Chaoying saw this set of sword moves, she would be stunned, at a loss, and even cry enviously.

Because she has never used the move of the second half of the Jade Girl Suxin swordsmanship.

Just listening to the names of these moves, I feel full of affection, it is the sweetest time for a woman to stay and fly with her lover!
When Lin Chaoying named these moves, she must have been moved by beauty, Xia Fei's cheeks, right?

But the ruthless fact is that Wang Chongyang has no time to stay and fly with Lin Chaoying at all. These moves are full of beautiful fantasies, but he has no chance to practice with his lover at all.

Originally, Xiao Longnv seldom used these moves, because there were no detailed records of these moves in the cheat book of Yunu Suxin's swordsmanship. Lin Chaoying couldn't grasp the state of mind of these moves, so naturally she couldn't exert the maximum power .

But ever since Du Yu broke through the Nascent Soul Stage, he even became the power of the Nascent Soul Out of the Body, the beauty of the gods, and stayed with the little dragon girl day and night.Xiao Longnu naturally had a lot of time to spend time with Du Yu's wisp of distraction, to practice and perfect this set of sword techniques.He had a good grasp of Lin Chaoying's state of mind back then, and became more green than blue, and realized the sweetest love of a woman. When his state of mind changed, the power of his moves was naturally reflected to the fullest!
The gentleman's sword and the lady's sword, the two swords combined, forcibly beat this terrifying ink unicorn mechanism beast into a pile of garbage!
Except for the ink unicorn that Legolas destroyed, the little dragon girl killed one first!
Sima Yi uttered an unbelievable cry as Mo Qilin fell.

At his level, it is really difficult to make him scream. It is estimated that even if he leisurely turned his deadly enemy Zhuge Kongming out at the top of the city, his performance would not be so gaffe.

Because, he was so frightened by Du Yu's terrifying hidden strength that his soul went out of his body!
A mere summoning beauty can use a combo to kill one of his trump cards without any loss!
What's happening here?
Can an inner-city adventurer do it?

Kitano Nan was also stunned, his mouth opened extremely wide.Bigger than blowing the horn with her favorite GI.

The strong performance of the little dragon girl also shocked Du Yu.

When he looked at Xiaolongnv, the beauty was standing on the top of the wall, with a smile on her lips, and said via voice transmission: "Auntie, how am I doing?"

Du Yu nodded suddenly, his appearance made people laugh.

The little dragon girl raised her eyebrows and said leisurely, "How can you thank me?"

Du Yu was obliged to say: "Pay the public rations tonight!"

Xiao Longnv smiled shyly, and jumped towards another mechanism beast.

Catalyzed by Galadriel's Mellon tree and the beauties' strong performance, the power of the ink unicorn mechanism beast has been greatly compressed.

But Sima Yi is here!

With a black feather fan, he shot several streaks of black light.

Shi Feixuan and Houhou refused to budge, but Ning Zhongze and Li Mochou had to retreat because of the difference in cultivation.

Two black unicorns leaped onto the city wall!

Once they are on the city wall, they quickly become meat grinders!
The elf warriors are elite, and they fight desperately, but in front of this black unicorn with amazing defense, their bows, arrows and long swords can't pierce it!

Instead, Mo Qilin, with its huge body and sharp hooves, pierced through wave after wave!

A group of elves, being rushed by the ink unicorn, flew up and fell down the [-]-meter city wall.

In an instant, on the 20-meter-wide city wall, two ink unicorns rolled up a bloody wind.

"That's right." Sima Yi let out a smirk, "If you're too weak, why should I go to such lengths to get you out?"

The two ink unicorns are running and trampling wildly, while slamming wildly. What's more frightening is that they can also launch a terrifying killer move that is a fusion of Mohism and modern Stark technology!
[Judgment of Black Unicorn].

According to the legend, the ink unicorn is fair and upright, and it is in charge of the righteous way between heaven and earth. It can judge and judge all things!
This black unicorn trial is a black light that sweeps across the audience from Mo Qilin's body. As long as all life is swept by the black light, it will be instantly turned into coke.

This is the scariest part of Mo Qilin.Because if the Iron Man of the Tony Stark Group came to Middle-earth, the rules would be weakened by that terrifying cold weapon, weakening at least 80% of his abilities!
But because the ink unicorns are the product of the ancient ink sect, although they have undergone Stark's transformation, they only need to be weakened by 50% to use their heinous and terrifying abilities wantonly.

The powerful elf warriors were swept by the ink light, screaming and falling down the city wall.

Even the dense Mellon forest was swept away by the ink light of the two black unicorns, and the branches and leaves were destroyed, and a wide road was forcibly swept away.

Mo Qilin's abilities don't stop there.

The most terrifying thing about them is that they can shake the city walls.

The [-]-meter city wall is most afraid of being impacted by shocks.Once it is unstable, it will form a series of collapses and completely collapse.

Mo Qilin was so powerful that after sweeping the city, he jumped down and ran wildly along the city wall.

Wherever they passed, the elf archers avoided them one after another, and no one dared to attack them directly.

In this way, the [-] elite heavy infantry under the city drove straight in, as if they were in an uninhabited land, and they were about to approach the city wall, but they didn't pay much loss at all.

The city is in chaos.

At the critical moment, the little dragon girl turned out to stop another black unicorn.

But another beauty who turned out to be out of nowhere was beyond everyone's imagination.

It is Eowyn.

She led Luo Hanmin and stopped the other ink unicorn.

Du Yu finally got angry.

His Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms kept hitting Mo Qilin's head below him.

The shock waves kept breaking out, constantly erupting inside Mo Qilin's body.

The ink unicorn finally let out a mournful cry, and was beaten by Du Yu until it exploded in the air and shattered into pieces.

Sima Yi watched with great distress as the giant black unicorns were destroyed by Du Yu's side.Of course he will not sit back and watch this happen again and again.At this moment, [-] heavy infantrymen had already arrived at the base of the city. As long as they persisted for a while, until the siege ladders were built, even if Du Yu and Catherine had supernatural means, they would hardly be able to recover!

Therefore, he did not hesitate to expend a huge amount of innate primordial energy, and rushed towards Du Yu surrounded by black lightning.

First seal this destructive kid.

Du Yu was currently holding down a black unicorn and beating them violently. These black unicorns had already demonstrated their powerful siege capabilities.If they are allowed to rage just a moment longer, Helm's Deep will fall.

Thanks to this time, Du Yu's ultimate move - Heart of the Castle, also began to show its power.

The heart of the castle, after three upgrades, is already magnificent.First of all, the 7 towering arrow towers, each time the arrows are shot, they can be given a high priority to cause terrifying damage.This kind of damage, even Momen Mechanism Beast, which is good at defending against piercing damage, can't offset the slightest bit!
And the heart of the castle, which is fully fired, has opened up the enhanced celestial defense shield to the limit.Even if the Mo Qilin Mechanism Beast had two ends rushing to the city wall and desperately destroying it, it could only helplessly leave a series of innocuous scratches on the protective shield of immortal energy, which could not shake the heart of the castle at all.

What was even more frightening was that Du Yu blew the jade flute left by Huang Yaoshi and played the Bihai Chaosheng song while violently bombarding the organ beast.

His cultivation base at this time is so high that he can directly activate the big killer weapon on the forbidden cliff on Peach Blossom Island by urging the blue sea tide to produce music!
East China Sea Dragon Ball!

Inside the heart of the castle, on Peach Blossom Island, the huge East China Sea Dragon Ball, under Du Yu's powerful immortal power, immediately responded!

A yellow dragon composed of water-type celestial power immediately flew out from the Dragon Ball of the East China Sea, and roared up to the sky!
It soon discovered that a large number of hateful enemies had attacked the heart of the castle, and Peach Blossom Island was facing terrible destruction, and immediately became furious.

Who dares to offend the dragon power of the immortal?
The giant water dragon immediately flew into the sky, and then viciously rushed towards the ink unicorn mechanism that was trying to break through the heart of the castle.

You know, this is the core restriction left by Yaoshi Dongxiehuang, the old monster of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Huang Yaoshi studied heaven and man, and took advantage of the special terrain of Peach Blossom Island to sacrifice this treasure. He used the heaven and earth as the melting pot, the fairy island as the fairy treasure, the sea as the palace, and the real dragon as the gate dog!
What a great spirit!
How strong should a forbidden treasure with such vigor be sacrificed?

Especially at this time, Du Yu's celestial power has also reached the Nascent Soul stage of Huang Yaoshi's level.

He can 100% activate Huang Yaoshi's restraint, allowing this water-type East China Sea dragon to exert 100% of its combat power.

Does this mean that this is Du Yu in the Nascent Soul Stage and Huang Yaoshi in the Nascent Soul Stage, attacking Mo Qilin together?

In the world, who can stop the combined attack of the two Nascent Soul stage masters and old monsters?

(End of this chapter)

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