Chapter 987 Defensive Artifact!Castle Heart! - Ask for a monthly pass!

At least Mo Qilin couldn't do it!

With a roar, the dragon of the water system threw itself into the middle of the ink unicorn.

The black unicorn was stunned for a moment, and then it was instantly torn apart by the powerful dragon's immortal power!
The other ink unicorn struggled desperately, but finally it was not directly destroyed.But the loss of a front leg is considered disabled.

Not to forget, there are thousands of melon trees on the wall.The favorite of these woody plants is the power of water like Nanya!
And the water-type giant dragon driven by the blue sea tide song, the pure water-type power is also a great supplement to Mellon tree.

Therefore, Galadriel was pleasantly surprised to find that the melon tree array, which was originally supported by her own magic power, became more active under the water dragon's cover and nourishment, reaching a level of madness.

A large number of thick branches are constantly whipping and entwining the ink unicorn mechanism beast.The remaining 6 black unicorns were constantly being dragged and entangled, roaring furiously but helplessly, but their mobility was not as good as before.

Galadriel immediately ordered: "Elf mage, concentrate your firepower and attack the ink unicorn."

The black unicorn has become the key to whether Helm's Deep can be held, and the elves know this well, and immediately concentrate their firepower, leaning towards the black unicorn for free.

At this time, the Gondor heavy infantry under the command of Sima Yi had already arrived under the city wall. The ghostly commander had already prepared for it. Hundreds of ladders climbed up the city, one after another rose from the tens of thousands of troops, and approached the city wall.

If it wasn't for the suppression of strong men such as Mo Qilin and Sima Yi, the elves would have fired all arrows at this time, shooting the Gondor warriors like hedgehogs, but the chaos caused by the six black unicorns was still the same, and the firepower of the elves was even less than half of them. Can't play out.

But Du Yu glared angrily.

With the battle situation at this level, hiding the hole cards is just pretending to be aggressive.

He waved.

On the heart of the castle, the 28 golden sword characters were banned, and they were launched violently!

Ink marks sprinkle peach blossoms while drunk, and the markings on the stone are rosy.Lang said that Wuling is beautiful in spring, and he has never been here in Panxiancha!

The 28 golden characters are bright and stand out!

The prohibition of these immortals requires a huge amount of immortal power to activate them as usual and run smoothly.And Du Yu's cultivation at this time also happened to have reached the Nascent Soul stage, and he was able to exert the maximum lethality.

A black unicorn just broke free from the shackles of the mellon tree, roared and jumped up the city wall, slaughtering elf warriors frantically, and instantly took the lives of more than 20 strong elves.

But it was also exposed to the attack of the golden sword characters.

The 28 gold characters, corresponding to the power of the 28 stars, formed a terrifying prohibition formation, surrounding the ink unicorn, spinning rapidly, as long as it touched the body of the ink unicorn, the ancient seal script would burst out like a cutting machine cutting steel!

The ink unicorn roared in pain. Although these are organ beasts, they don't feel pain, but they are half puppet, half mechanical creatures, and they also have the instinct to survive.

But it's a pity, being targeted by Du Yu and attacking with all his strength, its fate is already doomed!

When the golden light of the 28 golden characters gradually disappeared, this ink unicorn mecha beast worth 5000 million survival points had exhausted all the power of the seal, was cut into a ball of waste, exploded and fell to the ground.

The heart of the castle stands majestically!
Even the black unicorn mecha beast, don't even think about getting cheap in front of it.

The number of black unicorns dropped to 5.

And the seven arrow towers in the heart of the castle kept shooting at the incoming heavy infantry.

Their shooting power cannot be resisted by the armor of heavy infantry. Each time the priority is 100 points, it will cause 500 points of damage, and the hit rate is extremely high.As long as it is hit, usually after a heavy infantry is penetrated, at least two heavy infantry will be killed behind it before the arrow loses its strength.After all, the infantrymen refined by these ghost soldier talismans were still peasants half a month ago. The ghost soldier talisman made them fearless of death, but their physique and life could not meet the requirements of elite soldiers.

Sima Yi's face was ashen, watching Mo Qilin attack the city wall, risking being attacked by Du Yu and others, and destroying them one by one.

He roared wildly: "The ink unicorn caused chaos, and the heavy infantry went to the city immediately, and launched a coordinated attack!"

But when Sima Yi looked down, his nose almost turned out of anger!
It turns out that Du Yu's castle heart was carefully prepared by Li Mochou, who is good at planting poisonous weeds, and Wang Yuyan, who is good at tricks. Array".This gossip array is not a decoration.

Looking down from Sima Yi's high altitude, I saw tens of thousands of heavy infantry, who had already arrived at the city gate, but were caught in this love and gossip formation.

Even the climbing ladder built before was a heavy infantry in an illusion. They thought they were under the city gate and raised it up by mistake. As a result, the heavy infantry who climbed up braved the rain of arrows and stones fell down screaming at one end. !

Among the red flowers, willows and green, vaguely arranged in unpredictable formations according to Huang Yaoshi's pedantic art of shielding heaven and man.Ordinary people who don't know Qimen Dunjia will lose their way after entering this formation, scurrying around like headless chickens, and become the target of the archers at the top of the city.

Do the Gondor heavy infantry understand Qimen Dunjia?
Obviously don't understand.

They are like headless chickens, circling around in the gossip formation of love and love, but they just can't get out.

Sima Yi was so angry that he almost exploded.

Every second, his ink unicorn mechanism beast was being held down by Du Yu, Galadriel, Little Dragon Girl, Shi Feixuan, Aragorn and others, and there were bursts of black smoke from time to time.It seemed that even a few minutes could not last.

At this time, the heavy infantry who needed to rush up were circling around the city like pig teammates, as if they were sleepwalking. How could this not make Sima Yi furious.

He stared carefully at the Peach Blossom Love Eight Diagrams Formation, and sneered: "If someone else would be confused by this formation, it's a pity that you met a great expert this time."

He not only knows the art of dunjia, but also is a cultivator with advanced cultivation!
Sima Yi waved his feather fan, and a gust of black wind blew towards the Peach Blossom Love and Eight Diagrams formation in an instant.

The eight trigrams array press rest, life, injury, du, scene, death, shock, and open eight doors.Enter from the "Shengmen" in the east, break out from the "Xiumen" in the southwest, and then enter from the "Open Gate" in the north, this formation can be broken.

Sima Yi's black gangster immediately drove out 1000 heavy infantry, rushed into Shengmen frantically, overcame obstacles all the way, and went straight to Xiumen in the southwest.

Sima Yi smiled, full of ambition.

And the sycophant Bei Ye Nan below immediately knew the truth, and shouted: "Master Zhong Da is invincible. It's so ridiculous to use an ax in front of you in such a small formation!"

Du Yu watched Sima Yi drive the ghost soldiers to break the formation, smiled coldly, activated the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, and with the power of eight dragons and eight elephants, he picked up a black unicorn weighing a thousand catties in one breath, and threw it viciously at the enemy infantry below the city group!

There was only a loud noise and a shock wave, blowing up all the heavy infantry within a hundred meters around into ashes.

"Based on this knowledge, you also want to break the eight trigrams formation I have carefully constructed?" Du Yu coldly glanced at Sima Yi, but ignored the heavy infantry who was about to break through the formation, and continued to join hands with Xiao Longnv to deal with the other ink unicorn .

There were only 4 ink unicorns left, and under the siege of Du Yu and others, black smoke rose one after another.In the final analysis, their greatest value and strength lies in their ability to climb up to the city wall without fear of bows, arrows and stone throwing, causing massive damage and chaos, and then assisting the infantry in the city to ascend the city.The key is for the infantry to follow up in time.

But the problem is that the heavy infantry of Gondor did not keep up at all.

From the very beginning of the war, Sima Yi and Du Yu were like two peerless chess masters. They came up with clever moves one after another.

But Du Yu possessed geographical advantages such as the heart of the castle, and finally gained a bit of the upper hand.There are also hole cards that Sima Yi has never seen, such as Xiaolongnv, Shi Feixuan, and Wanhou, so he has an advantage.

Sima Yi also had no way out.He had already bet everything on it, if he backed down, it would be tantamount to losing all the advantages he had accumulated to Du Yu in one go.

How could he, who was so arrogant and arrogant, bear it?

The heavy infantry that Sima Yi was expecting, did as he wished, and rushed into the gate of life. However, during the running and attack, those love flowers were cut to pieces, but the heavy infantry kept falling!

"What's going on?" Sima Yi was shocked.

He understood immediately!
Du Yu, that bastard, not only set up a Qimen gossip array, but also used the most poisonous flowers and plants in the world, such as Qinghua, to form the walls!

These heavy infantrymen have overcome obstacles, but it is a pity that they are mortals after all. Even if they have a ghost soldier talisman, they can at most stimulate their life potential, but it does not mean that they will not die!
There is no cure for the poison of love flowers if it occurs twice in a row, not to mention that these heavy infantry slashed more than twice.

The reason why he was able to rush all the way to the present is to rely on the heavy armor on his body to protect his whole body.But the love flower has been improved many times by Li Mochou, and it has been nourished by the poisonous water, making it even sharper.After the armor of the heavy infantry was crushed over a few trees, it was also corroded with mottled holes, and was eventually poisoned.

The 1000 heavy infantry had just rushed out 500 meters, and they were all dead before they even saw Shumen!
Du Yu laughed out loud!

Sima Yi's face turned livid.

He looked at Mo Qilin, who had only four heads and was covered with scars, and took a deep breath.

"You forced me to do this!" He glanced at Du Yu sharply.

Du Yu was also floating in the air, staring proudly at Sima Yi.

The two sides have fought so far, and the competition is not at all about personal force and cultivation. In a battle of tens of thousands of people, even if you have the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, you have the ability to reach the sky, and you are caught in a sea of ​​​​people, you can only drink hatred on the spot. share.

The most obvious example is the list of gods.Regardless of whether it is to teach and intercept teachings, any powerful person can come out and be able to summon wind and rain and scatter beans into soldiers, and their abilities are as good as heaven, but they will inevitably be defeated in battle when they fall into the formation of a hundred thousand lions. Relying on the Zhou army fully demonstrated the paleness of personal force in front of a large army.

What's more, there is also a Nascent Soul stage on the opposite side, so there is no essential difference in cultivation?
Sima Yi must win in the military.

The Nascent Soul cultivation base in his body suddenly surged.

The world changes color.

Bursts of black wind came from all directions and were sucked into Sima Yi's body.

"You are just entering the Nascent Soul stage, let me show you how far the full power of the Nascent Soul stage can go?" Sima Yi sneered proudly, and suddenly let out a roar.

He has always shown others the image of a counselor and wise general, and no one would have dreamed that such a deep, treacherous and cunning person could make such a roar on the battlefield!

[True. Zhong Damou. Zidian Destroys the World]!
This is Sima Yi's unparalleled awakening skill!

On Sima Yi's body, a Nascent Soul that was exactly like him flew out, lingered twice in the air, sucked all the black wind from the world into his body, and then let it out with a deep breath!

Countless purple lightning bolts burst out from Sima Yi Yuanying's mouth, shooting towards the peach blossom love flower formation in front!
Do you still remember Sima Yi's must kill in Dynasty Warriors?
This is [Zhen. Zhong Da Mou. Zi Dian Mie Shi].

The unique skill released by the Nascent Soul emits countless purple rays of light forward, attacking in the air, unable to move, only to adjust the direction.

But after this purple light was born, even Queen Galadriel, who was the most knowledgeable and always indifferent, was shocked by it!

How can one underestimate the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage?

This [True. Zhong Da Mou. Zidian Destroys the World], as soon as it comes into contact with the Eight Diagrams Formation of Peach Blossom Love and Flowers, it will activate the entire Eight Diagrams Formation filled with fragrance of flowers, like a twelfth-level hurricane, with colorful falling leaves and withered branches and leaves , The love flower was uprooted, and the peach blossom tree was broken. Sima Yi, with his great magical powers, forcibly destroyed the peach blossom love flower gossip formation!

Sima Yi laughed wildly: "You are a mere young child, even if you are lucky enough to be able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop, but if you are compared with supernatural powers, you are still far behind! You only have cultivation, no special skills, after all, you are not The old man's opponent!"

Du Yu watched with heartache that the Peach Blossom Love and Bagua Formation he managed was destroyed by Sima Yi's unprecedented magical power.The nearly [-] heavy infantry trapped in it finally cleared the clouds and mist to see the blue sky, and continued to rush towards the city wall.

Du Yu took a deep look at Sima Yi.

"The old man is right. Although I have a Nascent Soul stage cultivation, my attack skills are still at the martial arts stage, and I lack his ability to transform my cultivation into supernatural powers. But!"

Du Yu's mouth showed a trace of determination and confidence.

"If I kill you, won't I get supernatural powers?"

He burst out with a powerful aura of self-confidence, and swooped down to a black unicorn on the city wall.

"Blast me!" Du Yu struck Mo Qilin's forehead with the force of thunder!

Originally, when Sima Yi broke through the Peach Blossom Love and Eight Diagrams Formation, which was the Great Wall, everyone was shocked by it, and some even felt terrified.

But Du Yu's unexpected blow actually knocked out the black unicorn beast with one punch!
Inspired by Sima Yi's ambition to win, Du Yu laughed out loud, and with one palm he unleashed the true power of the 10th layer of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!

The biggest advantage of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms lies in its damage, which is directly proportional to the skill level and the internal force of the practitioner. The deeper the skill, the more refined the internal force, and the damage caused by one attack will be multiplied upwards!
(End of this chapter)

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