Chapter 992 Peerless Military Advisor!Fight wits! - Ask for a monthly pass!

On the hill, there are more than a thousand melon trees growing, with luxuriant foliage and whirling leaves. I don't know if the flesh and blood of these 20000 Gondor men have successfully nourished this melon tree.

These Mellon trees constitute a natural defense barrier.Not to mention the two support points of firepower, the Heart of the Castle and the Boulder, even the melon forest and the elf shooter troops ready to go behind are enough to block the attack of the heavy infantry.

Bei Yenan, Feng Ru, and the priest of the fire god barely escaped.

They were extremely embarrassed, and they were ashamed of being plotted against by Shen Luoyan.

A total of 2 people are gone.

Why is Du Yu of Tiansha so vicious? When we built the city wall, he set such a vicious trap. When we captured the city wall, we could still explode ourselves?

Sima Yi's eyes almost burst into flames. He looked at Du Yu and said word by word, "You really pissed me off."

Du Yu shrugged: "Whatever."

Sima Yi waved the flag and immediately ordered the [-] heavy infantry in the rear line to break through forcibly!
Although the loss was heavy, Helm's Deep lost its outer walls after all.These melon trees are powerful, but they can't stop the axes of [-] soldiers!

Sima Yi's tactic is very simple, that is, to use the absolute superiority of troops to pass all the way.

The third wave of tens of thousands of people, equipped with thick shields and sharp axes, rushed towards Mellon Forest.

Thick shields are used to defend against the sharp arrows of elf archers, and large axes are used to chop down trees.

Although the Merlon tree tried its best to resist under Galadriel's urging, but how many trees could be mobilized by the elf queen's magic power at the same time?

How can it withstand the felling of trees by [-] heavy infantry?
Moreover, these trees have a fatal weakness, that is, they are completely overcome by flames!

This Vulcan Sect, these priests are here, they are not here to eat dry food.

The priest of the flame god stood up and dispatched the 5 surviving high priests in one breath, and joined forces to cast a huge fire formation.

Under the scorching fire, the Mellon forest was quickly swallowed by the flames.

Cooperating with the breakthrough of the heavy infantry, within a short period of time, they broke through the barrier of the mellon tree and rushed into Hadir's elf troops!
Legolas, Aragorn and others, leading the elf troops defending the city, also rushed out from the back door of the Castle Heart in time to start a fierce battle with the heavy infantry.

The bayonets on both sides saw red, and finally began a tragic ground battle.

But ground warfare has finally become the Gondor's world!

Their numerical advantage can finally be brought into play.

Seeing that the war was developing in Gondor's favor again, Shen Luoyan smiled coldly.

She finally got the chance!

Sima Yi had invested [-] troops on the frontal battlefield, and the defensive back line reserve team was not enough in number.

She shook the red lantern lightly.

On the hills in the distance, there was a sudden tremor.

That is the sight of galloping horses!
Bei Yenan, Feng Ru, and the priest of the fire god all changed expression at the same time.

"Rohan Kingdom cavalry?" Kitano Nan said in a sharp voice, "Master Sima Yi has already predicted that you will launch a surprise attack from behind, hum! We are not vegetarians, wait what is that?"

She finally lost her voice.

Because from the back of the hill, where the sun shines, the number of Rohan cavalry is increasing. It is not at all the 2000 that Sima Yi estimated!
Instead, there are at least 7000 people!
At the peak of the boulder, Du Yu and Sima Yi, who were fighting fiercely, looked at the knight Rohan who came to help.

Sima Yi seemed to be intimidated. He smacked his mouth twice, but still couldn't hold back, and said in a broken voice, "How can you recruit 7000 Rohan knights in such a short time? It's impossible!"

Du Yu glanced at it, and it was like a tiger descending a mountain, rushing to kill Eomer who was in the front.

The fierce general was roaring loudly: "For Rohan! The knights charge with me!"

Riding spears like forests, war horses like dragons, rolling iron streams, clanking iron cavalry!
7000 spears, along with their second commander, rushed to the Gondor army at the mouth of the valley.

The entire valley was shaken by Rohan's men, who were brave and courageous, and who dared to die on the road to charge!

Catherine rushed out of the ambush with 3000 wolf knights.

These wolves, salivating wildly, howled and rushed towards the trembling Gondor infantry.The orcs riding on them swung their machetes frantically, trying to tear off two pieces of human flesh!
Two rolling iron streams hit the Gondor infantry at the same time, like two flood peaks, about to submerge a dam!
Before the flood peak arrived, the embankment was already in danger and trembling.

Gondor warriors, your momentum is overwhelming!
Originally, just a few minutes ago, my side still had an absolute advantage, successfully ascended the city, chased and killed the elves, and was about to break through Helm's Deep.

But the way of heaven is boundless, and fate is unpredictable. In the blink of an eye, it has become such a desperate situation!
The 2 heavy infantry in front were completely buried, with no bones left.

But after the enemy stretched his battle line, he magically pulled out [-] cavalry from behind, and made a violent surprise attack.

Sima Yi's face was so gloomy that he could drip ink!

For the first time, he had a hunch that the energy of this prevention was still higher than his estimate.

If you only rely on your own strength, maybe you will lose this time.

but unfortunately

Sima Yi let out a long sigh: "I didn't expect you to be able to do this. For the sake of your hard work, I will show my trump card!"

Du Yu narrowed his eyes!

Sima Yi still has a hole card?
How many cards does this old man have?

Sima Yi grinned grimly: "Since I know you have cavalry behind, how could I not guard against it? How could I not guard against it? Now let you know, what is a military god?"

He waved.

The 5000 improvised Gondor light cavalry moved.

Although the 7000 light cavalry seemed so insignificant under the attack of the 3000 Rohan knights commanded by Eomer, who returned heroically and killed the enemy for the country, and the 5000 wolf knights of Catherine, but they were still able to do this under such a bad situation. This kind of reaction is enough to explain their tenacity.

And the 15000 heavy infantry who stayed behind to defend also moved impressively.

Quiet as a virgin and as moving as a rabbit!

They ran quickly on the ground, pulling something from time to time.

Du Yu's eyes turned cold.

These guys, do they have any magic weapon against the heavens that they haven't brought out?

As expected of a fierce general, Eomer led 7000 Rohan knights, like a tiger descending a mountain, the landslides and the ground cracked to pounce on the enemy.

But in this iron stream, it rushed to less than a hundred meters away from Gondor's main formation.Suddenly, Sima Yi burst into laughter.

"Get up!"

From the ground, a large number of thick logs were instantly pulled up by the heavy infantry.

These logs are covered with many yellow weeds.In this bleak autumn season, on Luohan's grassland, there shouldn't be too many of these withered weeds!
And under this kind of camouflage, the wooden pointed cone array that stood up quickly to defend against the impact of the cavalry should not be well covered.

Eomer's eyes suddenly turned cold.

As the commander-in-chief of the cavalry, how could he not know what this kind of strictly guarded wooden stake formation meant to the cavalry with a speed of more than 80 kilometers per hour!
It means that if you rush up, you will definitely die!
This is the tragedy of cavalry.

Once the enemy knows their strategic intentions in advance and makes targeted defenses, these rough and crude sharp cones will become an insurmountable natural danger for cavalry!
Sima Yi had known for a long time that the enemy would inevitably launch a strong attack on the rear line, so he made careful preparations.

Éomer could only hear the brocade cracking under his feet.

A large piece of land suddenly collapsed!

Sima Yi's trap ambush!

Sima Yi, who was exhaustive, even dug the cavalry pits behind the battle with incomparable meticulousness.The cavalrymen of Eomer suddenly turned on their backs. Many knights stepped into the cavalry pit with their horseshoes, broke their front hooves, and were thrown to the ground severely!
Another cavalry pit, another sharp cone array, and even more spears like forests!

Let's see how you break through!

Can Eomer back off?
The answer is no!
Because he had already launched a surprise attack, the cavalry behind were rushing forward, rushing wildly.

If you don't rush up at this time, people and horses will trample on each other, and there will be more casualties!

Eomer turned his heart to one side, and the mighty general let out an angry roar, and his grudge burst out suddenly.

Like a god descending from heaven, he rode a war horse, flew over the 10-meter-wide sharp cone array, and rushed into the spear like a forest of seeds!

According to the agreement, the angry tiger general rushed back to the battlefield with 18 tiger knights from the eastern theater in only 5000 days.Just happened to meet Catherine who was ambushing, so they joined forces and charged forward.

But in the face of Sima Yi's impenetrable preparations, Eomer, who is good at cavalry assault, can't use half of his skills.

Single-handedly, he rushed into the crowd of enemies, slashing and killing.

Wherever the golden grudge passed, the gun broke and blood spurted, and there was no single enemy under his command.

But that's all there is to it.

Under his encouragement, 10% of the other Rohan knights died tragically in the [-]-meter-long spike array!

The loyal and brave Rohan knight, with a heartbroken heart and a dead eye, hangs on a sharp cone made of a whole log!
The war horse was also pierced, and bloody rushed into the sharp cone array, and the sharp cone pierced the horse's belly, and died a miserable death!

Occasionally, the horse is still alive, and Xiluulu is still calling for his knight, hoping that the knight can stand up, step on its back, and command it to charge into battle.

But the sad look in the knight's eyes is already doomed to fail.

This time, the fearless charge caused Cavalier Rohan to suffer huge casualties!More than 2000 knights were killed in the charge.The Gondor spearmen + sharp cone array were almost drowned by the corpses of Rohan's knights.

Even the few Rohan knights who jumped over the sharp cone array were helpless to fight back under the spears stabbing from all directions, and were quickly pierced through the chest and abdomen, and fell off the horse.

This is Sima Yi's aesthetics of war, breaking down the most exquisite and magnificent cavalry charge in the rudest and simplest way!
A proficient knight needs at least ten years of training, and even more so, a valuable war horse.

But one log awl does not require any training, even the roughest farmer can cut ten awls a day!

(End of this chapter)

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