Chapter 993: Shocking Hollow Card!Zhongda's conspiracy! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
But it was the heavy infantry line of defense composed of these crude log cones and farmers, which defeated the world-famous Rohan knight!
In an instant, the situation reversed again.

Relying on his superiority in military strategy, Sima Yi regained the advantage that was designed by Du Yu before!
This tragic scene of war made Du Yu's eyes tear open.

He saw with his own eyes that Éomer, the fierce general like an angry lion, was finally pulled off his horse by one person after he cut down hundreds of heavy infantry.

Although his knight sword is still full of sword energy, even in the crowd of ten thousand people, the yellow fighting energy light still cannot be concealed.But as the crowd surged, the golden grudge, dark and dim, was finally annihilated.

The commander-in-chief of the Rohan Kingdom, Eomer, charged into the battle and shrouded his body in horse leather when he was assisting the regent against the invading Gondor army in Helm's Deep.

"No!" Éowyn screamed.

From her heartfelt ecstasy when she saw her brother rushing out of an ambush in the mountains like a lion descending from the sky, to seeing Sima Yi revealing his trump card, and seeing her brother take the lead, fight to the death without retreating, and finally died in the battle, her mood was ups and downs Ups and downs, turning points in life, it is really a thousand turns.

But in the end, Éomer died in battle.

This ruthless fact completely shattered Eowyn's fantasy.

Reality is not fiction, let alone fairy tales.

In the face of Sima Yi's scheming, even the three great elf kings would die tragically, let alone Eomer, who can only be called a fierce general?
The reason why Eomer charged desperately was because Sima Yi's army had taken the initiative on the battlefield, forcing him to give up the mobility advantage of the cavalry and had to charge!Don't dare not rush!
After witnessing Eomer's death in battle, the Rohan knights were furious, but Sima Yi's formation was like an iron barrel formation. Even if he wanted revenge, how could he rush over?

Sima Yi laughed grimly: "What is the courage of a man?"

He waved his hand.

The army formation changed again.

Following Sima Yi's order, the 5000 seemingly weak light cavalry blatantly attacked the back of the Rohan knight.

At this time, the Rohan Knight had lost his speed and mobility. In front of the heavy infantry defensive formation, he suffered heavy casualties and was in disarray.

But here are Catherine's 3000 wolf knights!

Catherine was riding a war horse, galloping like lightning, rushing towards her with a wave of her magic wand.

She is not Gandalf's magician who sells dog meat with a sheep's head. On this wand, there is a faint illusion of Diablo.

[Lightning Flame Wave]!
Purple lightning, mixed with hot flames, spewed out from Catherine's hand, and shot directly at the Gondor cavalry on the opposite side.

Since learning magic from Saruman systematically, Catherine devoted herself wholeheartedly and made rapid progress.

It can be said that her biggest gain in this world is not a survival point for props, but the precious experience of learning from the master system.

Catherine's black magic ability has been systematically improved.

It is manifested on the battlefield this time [Lightning and Flame Wave], its power is at least 50% higher than when it entered the world!

For a master in the inner city and an adventurer who has already formed, this 50% increase in power can be described as a qualitative change!

And hitting the Gondor horses who were charging intensively, immediately caused a terrifying damage effect.

The double damage of the electricity and fire elements knocked down more than 30 Gondor knights in one go.

This wonderful and terrifying move immediately attracted great attention from both sides.The wolf knight behind Catherine, originally treated this delicate woman with yin and yang, but if he had not been a disciple of Saruman, he would have turned against him long ago.But seeing this terrifying and powerful blow, even Johnson, the leader who was rebellious and rebellious, couldn't help but feel a chill in his neck, feeling deeply afraid of the previous rude words.

This woman is too powerful.

But the orcs are a race that admires the strong.Catherine's strong shot, not only did not dispel their fighting spirit, but instead aroused the bloodthirsty instinct of these guys, screaming and charging forward, flying up!
3000 wolf knights and 5000 gondor light cavalry collided together.

War horses and wargs, the cracking of skulls colliding, the wailing of wargs, the neighing of war horses, the clash of swords, the screams of dying, the battlefield was in chaos.

But Catherine, who has been holding back for a long time and only made a move until now, is just the beginning.

Her black magic and black energy are rampant!

First, a [Hell Summoning Gate] of Azmodan, the Lord of Sin, was placed around the battlefield. A large number of hell demons, the Burning Legion, rushed out from the summoning gate at a speed of one every 3 seconds, rushing to the battlefield.

Then, facing the Gondor knights charging forward, they released a 【Lava Explosion Ball】!
The result of her black magic practice is that the number of [Lava Explosion Balls] has increased from three to five in one go!
Five terrifyingly powerful, hot orange [Lava Explosion Balls] rolled out of Catherine's hands, rolled all the way, entered the group of Gondor knights, and exploded tragically!

The gondor knight was immediately bombed with flesh, internal organs and blood sprayed all over the sky.

The Warg Knight immediately turned his eyes bright, and let out a happy howl.

They most admire this cruel and bloody way of killing.Catherine is using the dark skills of the demon gods Azmodan and Diablo. How can I prevent these warg knights who belong to the dark camp from feeling their blood boil?

Catherine immediately released three powerful black magics [Black Hell Vortex], [Ring of Flame], and [Electric Flame] in succession, and knocked down the Gondor knights piece by piece.

She is like a mobile fort, no, it is a self-propelled magic hurricane cannon.Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass grows.

If the human knights she led might still think that this woman was too cruel, but the wolf knights she led felt that the female boss was really mighty and domineering, with all sorts of side effects, they were sincerely convinced, and rushed towards the enemy in fear.

Even Johnson didn't dare to stab again, but was glad that he could survive till now.

In large-scale group battles, Catherine played an even greater role than Du Yu.

She joined the battle forcefully, and finally tore a hole in Sima Yi's painstaking formation, and rescued Knight Rohan.

But even so, individual efforts cannot make up for the passivity of the entire battle situation.

Shen Luoyan sighed.

The peripheral knights charged, and the trump card of Helm's Deep was cracked by Sima Yi.

The two sides are in an anxious battle, and even if the winner is to be determined, it will be a long time later.

The front is a tie, and the rear is a melee. Only high-end combat power can determine the outcome of a war!

That is the battle between Du Yu and Sima Yi!

Whoever wins this duel wins the whole battle!
This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

The hand-to-hand battle between Du Yu and Sima Yi has entered the final stage.

From the scene, Du Yu tried his best and already had a slight advantage.Sima Yi seemed to be somewhat resistant to being injured, unwilling to change his life for another. Du Yu seized this point and made a big fuss. He even broke through the defense twice in a row, invaded Sima Yi's side, and attacked wildly.

Sima Yi was beaten until he vomited blood by Du Yu's left and right fighting technique, and then he was stunned for a while by Du Yu's ghost prison roar, and then he forcibly took Du Yu's combo.

Galadriel, Éowyn, Legolas, Arwen and other family members of the victims who hated Sima Yi to the bone immediately responded with cheers to relieve their hatred.

"kill him!"

"Blast him!"

Sima Yi stood up coldly from the ground.

"Good boy, you seem to have a lot of experience in melee combat." He coldly wiped the blood from his mouth and looked at Du Yu opposite.

Du Yu was also scarred and scarred, and Sima Yi was extremely cunning, every time he had to change his injuries, he could get Du Yu's vital wounds.If he hadn't practiced the formula of longevity, could carry around the sky, and heal quickly, Du Yu really couldn't beat Sima Yi.

After all, Du Yu was inferior to both sides in terms of cultivation.

Sima Yi looked at the legendary existences in the melee below, and smiled coldly: "But you have only reached this level."

Du Yu almost cursed in his heart.

This means that Sima Yi still has a hole card and didn't use it!
How many words does this old man have to cheat before he is willing to die?
Sima Yi laughed out loud, with endless joy in his laughter.

"Do you know what is the most enjoyable on the battlefield?"

He stared at Du Yu with great interest.

Du Yu snorted coldly.

Sima Yi immediately said: "Let me tell you, you were looking at the enemy. You clearly saw the dawn of victory, but your hope was shattered by my hole card, and your expression turned into a desperate expression! Just like now, you are so well prepared, but you meet When it comes to me, I am doomed to lose! Think about it carefully, since I killed the three great elf kings, why did I let their corpses fall back into your hands? You must know that their hair, bones and skin also made a lot of Excellent ingredients for Yinxie treasures!"

Du Yu was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at the core of Helm's Deep!
The bodies of the three Elf Kings were buried by the families of the victims, including Galadriel, Legolas, and Arwen. They were reluctant to bury them at will. They had to be buried in the forest of their hometown, so they were all kept in Helm's Deep at low temperature!
Could it be that Sima Yi had already thought of the next move, so he chose to retreat when the Seventh Army was flooded with an absolute advantage that day?

A flash of lightning pierced through Du Yu's mind, and he yelled "No!"
How can you be so careless?
The Hou family is best at

But it's too late.

The tower of the Helm's Deep base camp, which was the core of Du Yu's forces, suddenly caught fire!
Looking from a distance, three slender, powerful and formidable figures rushed out of the tower.

Originally, in order to resist Sima Yi, who had superior military strength, Du Yu and others placed all the elite forces on the periphery that were more conducive to defense.The towers and inner city walls are already weak.

But these three figures are extraordinarily powerful!

All the soldiers who came up to stop them were brutally killed, and within one round!
Even if there were elves who stayed behind or were injured and retreated, seeing the three of them, they couldn't resist at all.It was as if they had seen their gods, dared not resist, and were slaughtered.

(End of this chapter)

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