Chapter 996 The weather battle, the dragon and the wolf tear the jackal! - Ask for a monthly pass!

The appearance of the jackal is really aggrieved, Kong has the all-powerful ability to break through the sky, and wants to transform into a dragon, but is weakened layer by layer by the left, making him skinny, his heart is higher than the sky, and his life is thinner than paper!
At this time in the air, the two wolves were in the air, biting and biting in a bloody battle.

A jackal the size of a buffalo was already mottled with blood, and its left foreleg was bitten off and devoured by a dragon wolf that was only slightly bigger than a wolf dog!

Its abdomen was ripped out of its intestines and other internal organs by the dragon and wolf weather, and it was dragged bloody outside the body, which was particularly ferocious.

The weather of the dragon and wolf was not much better, one eye was caught blind, and a bone was bitten off in one hind leg, dragging and barely moving.

But in the eyes of the only wolf left in the dragon wolf, a more breathtaking light suddenly burst out!

Like a Mongolian prairie wolf in a wolf totem, the more seriously injured, the more bloodthirsty and crazier he becomes, the more he wants to fight the sky, the earth, and the powerful enemy!
Jackal's jaw was bitten again.

This time, the dragon and wolf weather didn't intend to talk about it.

It is greedy by nature, otherwise how could it grow up to the present?

It has already seen clearly that it is at the bottleneck of the fourth level. If it can devour the same kind at the top level of the fifth level, break through the limit, and rise to the fifth level, it will be safe, there is no suspense!
Jackal Qi finally choked up, with his tail between his legs, he limped in the direction he came from, and fled in a hurry!

The tail is crossed, which is a symbol of the wolf tribe's submission.

But the dragon-wolf weather just bites and doesn't let go!
The jackal's eyes were full of tears.

Being deceived by this desperate person to come to this wilderness, there is no one inhabited for 100 kilometers, how can I escape back?

It can only run wildly.

But will the weather of dragon and wolf let him escape?
The results came out very quickly.

In the eyes of Sima Yi, who was rolling all over the ground and suffering so much pain, he actually saw his jackal appearance as if he had been kidnapped and sold into the deep mountains and old forests!

He was almost on the verge of tears.

I swear in my heart: "Even if you don't level up in the future, I will never leave you. I will never let you leave me for half a step. This crap weather setting is simply worse than a man's balls!"

But Jackal Qi has always been entrenched with the Dragon Wolf Qi, who looks like a bastard biting his mouth to death, madly biting the flesh and blood of the jackal, swallowing it.

And the jackal, like a little daughter-in-law who has been submissive, will be beaten and scolded without fighting back, whining and whining all the way with its tail between its legs, fleeing to its own subject.

Only then did Sima Yi see clearly why the jackal was so traumatized.

There was a layer of majesty and majesty on Longlang Qiqi's body!

As the founder of the Great Jin Dynasty and the great ancestor of the Western Jin Dynasty, how could Sima Yi not recognize this thing?

He has even seen this thing in Cao Cao's case many times.

"Is this the light from He's Jade Seal?" He recognized it at a glance, and then exclaimed.

"You, you, so you are the thief who stole He's Bi!" Sima Yi cried out at the top of his lungs.

If Cao Fang, the fourth emperor of the Cao family, who was abolished by Sima Shi, saw this situation, he would clap his hands and laugh loudly: "You Sima family thief, how dare you say that others stole it?"

Du Yu's face was as usual, and he smiled slightly. His attitude was as if he committed a crime in the dark. After being discovered by an innocent passer-by, the robber killer came with a smirk, and said word by word: "Master Zhongda, since you have seen it, please die!"

He shouted loudly!

A red lightning bolt fell from the sky, slashing fiercely at the howling jackal that was rushing towards Sima Yi, eager to enter his body!
Space ability!

Du Yu brazenly mobilized his spatial ability, opened the golden finger bug, and attacked the jackal suddenly.

The jackal wailed, white smoke curled up from his body, his fur was scorched black, and even Sima Yi trembled all over, as if his soul had been sucked out of him!
The dragon and wolf weather, took the opportunity to bite again, and bit the jackal's throat fiercely!
The jackal let out a dying choke, and those who were bitten by the dragon and wolf went directly to the verge of death.

Sima Yi's face was red, he lay on the ground wheezing, and shouted sharply: "Kill me!"

The three elven kings immediately rushed towards Du Yu.

But Du Yu has already grasped Sima Yi's seven inches, because the manipulation of the ghost general talisman requires the master's mental strength.

But at this time, Sima Yi's neck being bitten is equivalent to his own throat being cut, and he still has the mind to control the Elf King?

When Sima Yi finally managed to get the wolf spirit into his body, the poor wolf no longer had the aggressiveness to go out and fight.

It was bitten shamelessly by Du Yu's dragon-wolf appearance, and its whole body was covered with bruises. It was only left with a long breath, and it would die at any time.

This is the result of Sima Yi desperately using his last hole card - the Supreme Lord of the Rings to save him.

Yes, it is the Lord of the Rings.

After putting on the magic ring, Sima Yi felt a wave of power filling his body, and finally mustered up his courage, and successfully retrieved the wolf spirit that was biting his vitals back into his body in one breath.

The jackal has three souls and seven souls, only one soul and two souls are left, and fled quietly back into the main body.

In other words, although Sima Yi managed to save one life, only one soul and two souls remained.Needless to say, the cultivation base will drop greatly. It is estimated that it will directly fall from the consummation of the Nascent Soul Stage to the beginning of the Nascent Soul Stage.

But Sima Yi finally saved his life!

He raised his head viciously, and looked at Du Yu: "It's a pity, you fell short. You failed to kill my jackal. I will make you suffer ten times, a hundred times, in retaliation for your attack just now!"

Hearing the old man's mad declaration of revenge, Galadriel, Legolas, and Arwen sighed at the same time.

Just a little bit?
This guy regained his vitality. Once he commanded the three great elf kings to press on him at the same time, would Du Yu be able to stop him?

At this time, Aragorn, who was knocked down by the boulder, heard Sima Yi's declaration of revenge, instead of being angry, he let out a sigh of relief.

He was seriously injured by an arrow from the Elf King, and he lost all his face.

At this time, what the Human Emperor fears most is that Ge Lima slyly said that this bastard would really kill Sima Yi, the public enemy of the world!
He didn't even hit one of Sima Yi's lackeys, and he was shot by an arrow. If Du Yu did this easily, where would his face be?
The more critical issue is that Arwen said that whoever can avenge her mortal father's revenge, she will serve as a slave and servant to the end!
Arwen is the queen appointed by Aragorn.Not only is she as beautiful as jade, she is stunningly beautiful, and she also has a rich dowry like Rivendell.King Elrond, who is not in the way yet, is dictating the above!In today's terms, with a car and a house, no father and no mother, this Arwen is a first-class plump beauty.

Aragorn even made a plan. After he entered Minas Tiris, he merged Rivendell into the human country Gondor. He and Arwen would rule the strongest human country and the largest elf city at the same time.

Such wishful thinking, if Du Yu wins Sima Yi, will undoubtedly add huge changes.

How can this be tolerated?
He even thought maliciously in his heart that if Sima Yi and Ge Lima were to suffer, it would be the best.

Du Yu looked coldly at Sima Yi, who was struggling on the ground, and instead of being timid, he burst out laughing: "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, boasting that you are the world's number one ghost conspirator, and you don't even think about your fate when things come to an end." Self-knowledge. So sad for you."

Sima Yi took a deep breath, opened his bloodshot eyes wide, looked around, and laughed wildly: "At this time, the weather has returned to my body, I have tens of thousands of troops, and I am about to kill all your troops, and I have three great elf kings, who can As a high-end combat power. What do you use to kill me? Who can kill me?"

Du Yu just said coldly: "I remember, you used the Supreme Lord of the Rings just now?"

Sima Yi suddenly fell into an ice cave!
He had to use the Supreme Lord of the Rings in order to get back the jackal, but that was really a last resort.If he was one step slower, Du Yu, that bastard, would kill them all, and let the dragon and wolf devour his efforts.

"I used it, so what?" Sima Yi staggered and stood up.With only one soul and two souls left, he really has no strength to maintain normal actions.

Du Yu sighed and said, "I originally wanted to leave you with one soul and two souls, but now it seems that this is impossible."

Sima Yi was about to smile coldly, and ordered the three great elf kings to go up and bite the bloody Du Yu (he saw Du Yu's dragon and wolf aura, and was also seriously injured, all thanks to his momentum. in support), completely wiped out.But for some reason, a haze suddenly passed through his heart, which was equally sensitive to danger.

In the dark, there seemed to be a pair of terrifying eyes staring at him greedily!
"Where did I see this look?" Sima Yi trembled from the depths of his soul!
With his qi-nourishing skills and Yuanying stage cultivation base, not to mention Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, even if the entire Middle-earth world suddenly collapsed, he would not change his color!

The look in his eyes now gave him a great sense of crisis.

A high-pitched and evil dragon chant suddenly sounded from the clouds.


Although the Ange Wuma King is dead, there are still 8 remaining ring spirits, who suddenly appeared from the clouds and swooped down to the Helm's Deep where the fierce battle is in full swing!
"Sauron!" Sima Yi suddenly trembled, he suddenly remembered those terrifying eyes, who the hell is that!
A powerful yellow light suddenly shot from the direction of the Doomsday Volcano in the east, the Doomsday Volcano, which was filled with volcanic ash and erupted with orange-red magma.

Sima Yi's jackal appearance jumped up like a fire burning his butt.

It felt a terrible breath on this ray of light.

That aura was the same as Du Yu's dragon and wolf aura, and he wanted to devour it!
As Sima Yi's spirit and spirit, once the wolf spirit is swallowed up, it means that Sima Yi is controlled by others. In the saying of the immortal family, it is called Duoshe.

Sauron's purpose is to seize the house!

With the help of Sima Yi's body!

An extremely evil voice resounded through the sky!
"I have been waiting for this moment. Looking forward to a powerful adventurer who can wear my Lord of the Rings. Then I will have the opportunity to not only rule Middle Earth, but also break through the void and enter the long-awaited space!" Suo Long's wild laughter contained endless pride and evil.

(End of this chapter)

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