Chapter 997 Sauron's ambition!Random entry! -Second, ask for a monthly pass!
"So that's your purpose!" Sima Yi was a pedant of heaven and man, so how could he not figure it out?As soon as you hear Sauron's purpose, react immediately
Sima Yi willing to be taken away?

Du Yu stared at Sima Yi, who was writhing in pain and screaming, and said calmly, "Why do you think you can get the news about the Lord of the Rings with your own abilities? I'm not afraid to tell you, the news is just given to you for free. "

Although the heart was torn apart in the depths of his soul, Sima Yi's pupils still shrank!

Of course he understands, what does this free gift mean?
Nothing is free in this world.You have to pay for everything you eat!
Maybe you don’t need to pay when your mouth is full of oil, but when your stomach hurts, you have to double what you eat and spit it out!

Sima Yi said coldly: "You are actually a trap!"

"Yes!" Du Yu said coldly: "I know, your jackal aura has reached the fifth level, so it's not easy to kill Devour? That's just my first step. The strongest trump card in your body - Supreme Demon Jie, is the ultimate trump card that I planted for you!"

At this moment, Sima Yi even felt like crying.

The ultimate move that you regard as a treasure, treasure it all the time, be full of confidence, and prepare to turn the situation around, is someone else's trick that has been planned for you for a long time!

How long has it been since I experienced this feeling of being calculated by others?

But as soon as it falls into the trap, it is so painful, piercing, heart-breaking!

When he needed to make a comeback the most, Du Yu told him calmly, I gave you your Supreme Lord of the Rings, and it also contained huge risks.

"It's impossible!" Sima Yi struggled, and veins bulged on his slender forehead: "If you have the chance to get this Supreme Lord of the Rings, you will give up? Don't be kidding."

Du Yu smiled and said, "Of course, it will take a lot of effort to break through the defenses of Gandalf and Guan He. I don't have that much effort, and I don't bother to take risks. But don't I still have you? You killed Gandalf and Guan He , destroy the Fellowship of the Ring, and I'll take the Ring from your corpse. Why not?"

Sima Yi only felt a splitting headache, how could he be able to speak, and how could he dare not believe what Du Yu said?
He only felt that his original Nascent Soul stage cultivation base had already been tempered to a body like steel. Under this invisible and endless spiritual impact, the owner of this evil beam of light broke through defense lines like a rotten one, constantly invading his body. sea ​​of ​​consciousness.

That beam of light, evil and fiery, is the consciousness of Sauron himself!

"Adventurers who came to this world, I finally found you. You are also from the evil camp. You also have good cultivation and energy, which can be quickly used by me. Let me devour you!" Sauron said The voice is low, but full of temptation.

"Go away!" Sima Yi said angrily, "How dare you take my house away from me, Sima Yi? Your wishful thinking is in the wrong place."

But Sauron giggled, and the laughter was full of the hunter's taunting of the prey: "You can't help but use my Supreme Lord of the Rings more than once. You know why I give away the forged Lord of the Rings for free For human use? Hehehe because human beings have desires! Desires are my powerful food. And the desire in your heart is so inflated that I am surprised. Is it difficult to control you?"

Sima Yi became even angrier and shouted frantically.

Galadriel, Legolas, Aragorn, Arwen and others stared blankly at Sima Yi who was confronting Du Yu.

Although the distance between the two was far away, others couldn't hear what they said, but from Sima Yi's suddenly painful and distorted expression, everyone knew who was at a disadvantage.

He is the mighty Sima Yi!

Du Yu hadn't even made a move yet, but this mighty Sima Yi was already in pain as if being swallowed alive, his soul sucking. What kind of amazing image is this?

The most incredible is Aragon.He tried his best to face his boss, Ma Yi, but he couldn't even beat the opponent's three major elf kings. He was kicked off the boulder, and all his face was lost.

Even Arwen, who has always admired him, couldn't help turning her head away.Although it is not contemptible, at least he understands that Aragorn cannot avenge his father's blood.

But this sycophantic man, Ge Lima's clever words, completely shattered the myth of "Sima Yi is absolutely invincible" in the previous legends, and trampled Sima Yi under his feet, making him half dead.

How embarrassing is this for Huang Aragorn?
Du Yu stood up coldly, but he didn't see how he was going. He was already in front of Sima Yi who was in great pain. He said in a deep voice, "Your soul is about to be taken away. Do you want me to save you?"

Sima Yi has only one soul and two souls left, and facing the extremely sinister Sauron to seize his home, ants are greedy for life, not to mention that he is so prosperous at this time, how can he be willing to be taken away by Sauron?
"What can you do to save me?" Sima Yi reluctantly asked while enduring the severe pain.But as his organs and body fell into Sauron's control step by step, he couldn't even speak fluently.

Du Yu didn't speak, and put his hand on Sima Yi's forehead.

Waves of powerful Nascent Soul stage cultivation, mixed with the endless coercion of He's Jade Seal, rushed into Sima Yi's pulse.

Sauron's behavior of relying on the Lord of the Rings to seduce other people's bodies, from any point of view, is not a dignified behavior, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as a ghostly trick!

And He's Jade Seal is precisely the supreme product that can restrain the tricks of ghosts and monsters!
When his spiritual consciousness touched the light of the Heshi Jade Seal, it was as if it encountered boiling hot water, and immediately let out a tragic howl.

"What the hell is this? Why can it resist my consciousness?"

It must be said that Sauron is indeed the leading Dark Lord in Middle-earth.Even if Du Yu had the Yuanying Stage cultivation base and Heshi Jade Seal, it would be difficult to drive him away in one go.Fortunately, Du Yu didn't have this plan at all - when would he be so kind to his arch-enemy Sima Yi?
In a word, the weasel just gave the chicken New Year's greetings.

Sima Yi is like a dog in the water who caught a straw!
What is the most precious?


It doesn't matter if the power of weather is damaged, as long as you cultivate at the Nascent Soul stage, and then find some rare treasures of heaven and earth that nourish the soul, you will be able to restore it to its original state one day.

But once he is taken away and his soul is swallowed by that bastard Sauron, he will fall into hell forever, and he will never wake up again!
Sima Yi felt that Du Yu's hand issued a gentle breath, forcing Sauron's damned demon consciousness back step by step, giving him an incomparably precious respite, and immediately shouted: "You! What do you want?"

Hearing this, Du Yu showed the secretive smile of a scammer when he succeeded.

The reason why he is not in a hurry to kill Sima Yi is because

"Hand over the relics of the three great elf kings, as well as your income from this century!" Du Yu smiled.

Yes, this is Du Yu's idea.

I don't want to attack the three great elf kings, it's okay, haven't you, Sima Yi, become a villain?Then I will take the treasure back from you again.
Although Du Yu obtained these treasures in the end, the consequences are obviously different!

The descendants/widows of the three great elf kings, instead of expressing indignation/fury/unreconcilable to Du Yu's plundering behavior, will be grateful/promise/adulterate in love.

Because Du Yu succeeded in avenging them, and took back the relics of the Elf King along the way.

After going back and forth, Du Yu can justify his name, get the treasures, and get precious favors.

Sima Yi shut up and didn't speak.

He was very scheming, why didn't he understand that Du Yu might be blackmailing him?
Using Sauron's opportunity to invade his body, he squeezed himself dry, avoiding the restriction that only part of the loot can be taken out after the adventurer dies and turns into a bloody key!
There are naturally no restrictions on trading things to him.

But the question is will he save himself?

Sima Yi's assessment is, no!

It is the consensus of all adventurers not to suffer from carbuncle legacy.Sima Yi put so much pressure on Du Yu in this world, and even he himself was amazed by it, saying that his performance this time was against the sky and he performed at a super level.

In such a situation, both sides would not stop dying, how could it be possible to let Sima Yi go?
Thinking of this, Sima Yi decided to harden his heart once, to whet Du Yu's appetite.

But Du Yu withdrew his hand decisively.

Sauron's consciousness immediately invaded Sima Yi's sea of ​​consciousness like a wolf with greed, and made a comeback.

Sima Yi didn't even survive 3 seconds, and hissed loudly: "I'll give it to you! Hurry up!"

Du Yu sighed, and reluctantly reached out to Sima Yi again.

"Give it to me!" There was no doubt in his voice.

Sima Yi viciously threw a Bow of the Elf King.

Seeing the bow of the Elf King, Legolas' eyes lit up: "My father's relic! This"

Du Yu coldly threw the bow of the Elf King back to Legolas.The distance of only a few hundred meters is not difficult for Du Yu.

Legolas jumped high, took the bow of the elf king, knelt down on the ground with tears in his eyes, and put the seed containing his father's soul on the bow of the elf king.

The seed of the holy tree has a characteristic. If it can be placed on the favorite utensil of the dead elf, it will greatly prolong the decay period of the seed, and buy precious time for the seed to enter Aman Continent, the continent of gods.For example, it is equivalent to a ventilator for critically ill patients, which can hold a breath.

The bow of the elf king in the dark forest itself contained almost all the spirit and spirit of the dead Duy king, and it was an out-and-out powerful treasure.After being placed on the bow of the Elf King, the seed of this holy tree slowly took root and sprouted, and attached to this precious bow from the dark forest.

What's the best place to save a seed?
It is the forest.

This dark dense forest is the best place to treasure the seeds of the holy tree.

Gazing at the bow of the Elf King emitting a faint green light, Legolas shed tears, respectfully placed it on the ground, whispered a few words to his father's soul in Sindar, and stood up resolutely. Go to the rock.

"Where are you going?" Aragorn's mind flashed ominously.

(End of this chapter)

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