Chapter 998 Beauty returns to her heart!Kill Zhongda! - Ask for a monthly pass at the third watch!
Legolas turned his head and said with a slight smile: "That man has already restrained Sima Yi, my father-killing enemy, and took back the bow of the Elven King for me, so that my father's soul can be relied on, and the possibility of successful resurrection is greatly increased. I want Go and pay homage to him. After I successfully plant the seeds of the holy tree, I will follow him as his servant."

Aragorn was furious. He knew what a powerful warrior Legolas was, and all kinds of enticements usually didn't work. Why did Du Yu just throw a broken bow, and he bowed down?
But Legolas walked very resolutely, until Aragorn was about to rush up and grab his sleeve, the handsome elf prince turned his head and smiled, showing his white teeth and said: "The logic of elves is very simple, I swore an oath. He did it, and I'm going to keep my vow."

Before Aragorn could persuade Legolas, a huge gem had already been thrown over.

That was Naya, the Ring of Qi!
Arwen caught the ring of qi, which symbolized the glory of his father's life, and burst into tears.

Of course, the source of the Ring of Qi was that Du Yu once again forced Sima Yi to spit it out in tears in the name of medical expenses.

Sima Yi was usually willing to throw away leftovers for his subordinates like Bei Ye Nan and others. One can imagine how unreasonable it was for him to dedicate every piece of treasure to Du Yu for medical expenses. Willingly.

That's more painful than plucking an iron cock.

But Arwen burst into tears immediately after getting the Ring of Qi.

Seeing the courtiers and stinky men whom she didn't like usually avenged half of her blood, there was already a trace of regret in Arwen's beautiful pupils.

I really shouldn't make things difficult for him.

But should she learn from Legolas and fulfill her oath?
Looking at the back of Grema Qiaoyan, who usually looked shabby, and remembering what he did to Galadriel twice, Arwen's delicate face flushed with shame.

Before she could make a decision, another treasure was thrown over by Du Yu.

Celeborn's Elven Sword.

Galadriel received the sword, tears in her eyes.

This sword had accompanied Celeborn through the most glorious adventure time. According to the rules of the elves, no matter what, when buried, it must be turned into the dust of Mother Nature.

Galadriel was very worried about this, but she didn't expect that Ge Lima really took back the treasure for her dead husband by her clever words.

Galadriel sighed, put down the sword, and walked towards the rock.

"Where are you going?" Arwen took Galadriel's arm.

"Fulfill the promise" There is an unquestionable determination in the beautiful eyes of the elf queen.

"But" Arwen hesitated: "You are the leader of the elves in Middle-earth, and you are the wife of the king of elves, so your status is precious."

Galadriel broke free from Arwen's hand, and said with a smile: "Arwen, I once betrayed my oath of loyalty to the Lord God, and saw the death of my four brothers. I sent Celeborn away again. This time, I will Keep your oath."

She walked towards Du Yu.

Arwen bowed her head and pondered, and finally walked towards Du Yu.

Galadriel, Arwen, Legolas

You are all crazy!
How can you be loyal to that humble Ge Lima Qiaoyan instead of me, the Human Emperor?
He drew out his weapon suddenly, and rushed towards Du Yu again.

At this time, Du Yu had successfully forced Sima Yi to hand over the fifth treasure.

He is not greedy, he cuts flesh with a blunt knife, and only asks for one treasure at a time.

But so far, Du Yu has obtained from the iron rooster Sima Yi an exquisite hand crossbow (B-level weapon), the Elven King's Bow (A-level weapon), and Celeborn's sword (A-level weapon) left by De Naith II. , Qi Ring (A-level ring), and a golden giant eagle egg (S-level pet, but the hatching conditions are unknown) that Guan He laid before his death.

These treasures can be said to have caused Sima Yi to bleed, almost bleeding from his eyes.

But he couldn't.

Treasures are given out, and each can buy 10-20 seconds of breathing time.

With time, miracles are possible.

What Sima Yi lacks most is patience.

He had no choice but to take out his treasures one by one, and pay close attention to the tug-of-war between Sauron and Du Yu's forces in his body.He is like a dying wolf, quietly watching the hunter fight the incoming bear, hoping to find a bargain and escape from death.

Du Yu was also indifferent, just suppressing the intrusion of Sauron's divine power from afar, still unhurried, asking Sima Yi for something.

But Sauron's consciousness felt extremely furious and anxious.

You know, he wants to take over Sima Yi, relying on surprise.

He has been planning for a long time step by step to take over Sima Yi and devour his jackal image, but at the critical moment, he never expected that Du Yu would come out of nowhere and make his plan stand in a stalemate.

The anger in Sauron's heart.

Entering the bloody city was his long-awaited goal, and this result must not be missed.

With a howl of rage, he launched a fierce attack in Sima Yi's sea of ​​consciousness.

Du Yu and Sima Yi felt Sauron's madness at the same time.

Sima Yi's heart tightened.

He could deeply feel Sauron's determination to win, and he felt even more desperate.

It's really a one-stroke move and everything is lost!
The trap of the Supreme Lord of the Rings even wants to export his own soul!

Sauron was like a ferocious tiger, and he himself was like a jackal falling into the tiger's den, about to be devoured by the tiger.

However, at this juncture, Du Yu, the only ally he could count on, actually withdrew his hand.

Sima Yi raised his head in horror, and Du Yu said calmly, "I've been delaying you for so long, and it's almost time to stop. Sauron has tried his best, and my magical powers won't be able to resist this kind of demigod for long. Keep the treasure for yourself."

He was so decisive that he turned around and left!

Sima Yi was shocked and angry, cursing continuously.

But Du Yu made it clear that he didn't care about his life or death, and didn't want to take any more risks, so how could he care about his scolding?

With only one soul and two souls, Sima Yi was completely unable to resist Sauron's brutal and violent erosion. Seeing that even the eyeballs turned white, his body fell into an all-round collapse involuntarily.

But at this moment, Sima Yi finally screamed: "What are you going to do to save me? I'm going to die anyway, so just tell me! Even if I give you all of your wealth, if you can't escape death, why don't you come here?" Let the fish die and the net break, let Sauron possess me, if nothing else, you will definitely not be able to escape!"

He said what was on Du Yu's mind, yes, if Sauron succeeds in taking the house and becomes the next adventurer, Du Yu will definitely be killed if he is so close to him.

Even if Du Yu was good at escaping and could escape with his life, Helm's Deep would definitely not be able to keep.Catherine, Galadriel, and Eowyn, women who are closely related to Du Yu, could they all escape Sauron's pursuit?It is impossible for Galadriel to give up these ten thousand elves and escape alone!

Taking a step back, even if Du Yu can protect them well, the basic family business he has worked so hard in this world will be wiped out in this battle!At that time, in the next 8 long months, Sauron will chase them all over the continent, will Du Yu be able to escape?
Therefore, Sima Yi's gaze was like a torch, and with one sentence, he hit Du Yu's Achilles' heel!
Lips dead and teeth cold, I'm dead, and you won't be much better off.

Du Yu turned around slowly, and said with a half-smile, "Oh? It's too early for nothing. What are you going to use to buy your own life?"

Sima Yi was in so much pain that his consciousness was already on his deathbed.If it weren't for Du Yu's dragon-wolf aura and his jackal aura, fighting to the death, how could he, an immortal cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, be so easily invaded by Sauron into the sea of ​​consciousness and successfully seized his body?

He finally let out a long sigh, tremblingly controlled his left hand, took off the Supreme Lord Ring on the middle finger of his right hand (during this process, the two palms obviously fought fiercely), and finally threw it to Du Yu.

Du Yu didn't take the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and let it roll past him.

"Is this sincerity? Is this some kind of misfortune?"

Sima Yi smiled bitterly, and suddenly bit off the little finger of his left hand!
Not to mention Du Yu, even Bei Ye Nan, the Priest of the Fire God and others who had been following him were dumbfounded.

Sima Yi glanced at Du Yu resentfully, and spat at Du Yu the bloody little finger of his left hand with his mouth.

Du Yu took the finger, and as expected, the finger was a self-contained mustard space, and was erased by Sima Yi on his own initiative.As a thing without an owner, Du Yu's consciousness easily entered the finger space.

Sima Yi sighed: "This is a treasure I obtained in the "Xuanyuan Sword" series [Hand in the Hand]. It can ignore the size limit of the meteorological space, hold a terrifying number of treasures, and can block any spiritual power detection with a very high priority. .All of my wealth is in it. Come on.”

Du Yu ignored Sima Yi's wailing, opened the universe in his palm coldly, and was immediately stunned!

Du Yu, as the only god-level villain, has a wealth of wealth.

But he was still completely shocked by the profound background and inventory contained in it.

The first is the blueprint of the Mohist Mechanism Beast!
There are 5 types in total.Among them, the black unicorn siege beast, an A-level prop that Du Yu had seen, was in the third category.The other four are B-level props Kite Beast for air strikes, C-level props Octopus spiders for sneak attacks, and B-level props Kongming Lanterns for fire attacks!

After having these blueprints, if there are adventurers or plot characters who have mastered mechanism skills above a certain level and have the corresponding materials, they can continue to create terrifying Mohist mechanism beasts.Among them, the C-level props octopus spiders need a level 5 mechanism technique, the B-level props Kongming Lantern and the Zhiyuan Beast need a level 7 mechanism technique, the A-level props ink unicorn siege beast requires a level 8 mechanism technique, and the AA-level wooden cow and horse need a level 9 mechanism technique. Level [-] Mechanism.

As for why Mu Niu Liu Ma, a mechanical animal that is tireless, carries objects, and has no offensive power, is rated as more powerful than Mo Qilin, who sieges cities and lands and charges into battle, you can understand by looking at the needs of war and their manufacturing needs.

(End of this chapter)

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