Chapter 999 Breakthrough opportunity!The key to peace! -Four more ask for a monthly pass!
The manufacturing cost of the ink unicorn requires at least 5000 million survival points of materials, while the manufacturing costs of the wooden ox and the flowing horse only need 30 and 50 survival points respectively!

As for their use, black unicorns can only be used to siege cities and land. To be honest, it is not only black unicorns that can play this role, but even in modern warfare, the needs of military transportation are far away. Above any arms!

Taking Zhuge Liang's 6 out of Qishan as an example, if these two kinds of mechanism beasts were put out for Zhuge Liang to choose, Brother Zhu would not hesitate to choose the wooden cow and horse that solved the logistics supply and demand problem, instead of the ink unicorn needed to attack Chang'an Jiancheng.

Once the wooden cow and horse are manufactured, as long as they replenish their energy regularly, they will be tireless, like a robot, transporting a large amount of military supplies in any world, and the manufacturing cost is so low.Therefore, in the eyes of any discerning general, it is by no means incomprehensible that the value evaluation of Mu Niu Liu Ma looks taller than the 5000 million survival points, but is actually higher than the cold and aggressive Mo Qilin!
A black unicorn siege beast is worth 5000 million survival points, so how much is its design blueprint worth?
It should not be a problem to evaluate its value at 2 to 3 million survival points, right?

As for the wooden cow and horse, how much should it be worth?
Du Yu is completely unpredictable.

What makes him even more excited is that these five mechanical beasts, because they belong to the inheritance of the ancient Mohists, are not restricted by any plots of hot and cold weapons at all.On the contrary, the more ancient the plot, the easier it is to find the materials it needs, and the easier it is to exert its terrifying power!

In the just-concluded siege battle, Mo Qilin had fully demonstrated their terrifying power, which impressed Du Yu deeply.

As for other paper kites, Kongming lanterns, and octopus spiders, they sound simple and easy to use, and easy to manufacture on a large scale, and they are also extremely valuable for collection and use.

As for Du Yu's technical reserves

Wang Yuyan, who studied under Master Lu Daozi and has a profound knowledge of organ learning!
Originally, the reason why Sima Yi was able to bear the pain to take out these five designs of Mohist mechanism beasts was because Du Yu, a vulgar man, could not master such a lofty ability as mechanism art.In fact, although many plot worlds have the inheritance of organ skills.But to learn the world of mechanics above level 5, the entire plot world is only Zhuge Liang/Huang Yueying in the [Romance of the Three Kingdoms] series, Mozi, Gongshuban in the Warring States plot, and the heirs of the Mo family in the [Xuanyuan Sword] series. Tang Shuanglong Biography] Lu Daozi and other few people in the world!

He was full of resentment, thinking that even if he gave it to you, how could you take advantage of it?
But who would have thought that Du Yu's cousin, Wang Yuyan, who is well-known and memorized, has already won the true biography of Master Lu, and has already practiced the mechanism technique to the 8th floor at this time!

Even if you want to make wooden cows and horses, you are only one step away!
This means that people are not as good as heaven.

Du Yu smiled coldly, and handed the five blueprints to Wang Yuyan, asking her to identify the authenticity.

Wang Yuyan had already made her way into the room in mechanism art, and she was deeply impressed. She glanced at it and smiled lightly: "It's true. This old gentleman must be in a hurry, and he doesn't have time to do anything."

Du Yu accepted the five treasures indifferently, and then went to look at the spoils of war that Sima Yi brought up.

Next, there are as many as 10 S-level props Ghost Soldier Talismans, and 3 S-rank props Ghost General Talismans.

Du Yurao was well-informed, so he couldn't help showing ecstasy.

What does the ghost soldier talisman do?

The tens of thousands of elite Gondor heavy infantry under the city were mass-produced by this thing!

A ghost soldier talisman can create 2000 ghost soldiers!Turn a thick and clumsy mud-legged man into a heavy infantry soldier who has experienced many battles and survived the bloody battle.

And a ghost general talisman can revive a just-killed elf king into your confidant, who absolutely obeys orders. Time is limited, but seeing Sima Yi use three elf kings to turn the tables in one fell swoop and break Helm's Deep from the inside, you will know how useful this ghost general talisman is!

In fact, the Ghost Soldier Talisman and Ghost General Talisman are also the precious results of the collusion between the Hou family and the Black Dragon Society, using the lives of countless adventurers to research, and finally successfully trial-produce them!
Each ghost soldier talisman is worth tens of millions, and a ghost general talisman is worth more than 6000 million survival points.

That's why the Hou family hated Du Yu so much that they gave Sima Yi the precious Ghost Soldier Talisman and Ghost General Talisman, which were freshly baked, and used them as the final trump card to kill Du Yu and Catherine.

Sounds like a lot of money, right?

But once Catherine died, there would be civil strife in Shinra, Datang would be involved, and the Hou family could take advantage of the situation.This kind of strategic opportunity cannot be bought with hundreds of millions of survival points!
Du Yu is the character Hou Shenjiang and Hou Xiaobai must kill and then quickly!

Speaking of which, it was also due to some strategic investment and an element of anger and revenge that allowed Du Yu to capture such an important and unrevealed fatal hole card!

Du Yu looked serious.

What he thought of was not to use the ghost soldier talisman and ghost general talisman to gain any benefits.

Instead, he was thinking about how to crack the Hou family's invincible ghost soldier talisman and ghost general talisman!

If the Hou family were to use this sinister magic on a large scale in the bloody city, their chances of succeeding in the rebellion would increase by at least [-]%.

Du Yu handed these two kinds of talismans to Yilin, who was best at deciphering them.

As a beauty who is good at fighting evil in Buddhism, Yilin immediately studied these two kinds of military symbols with Shi Feixuan and Wanwan with a dignified expression.

A smile appeared on the corner of Du Yu's mouth.

Although the ghost soldier talisman and ghost general talisman of the Hou family are extremely sinister, they are only better than the four words of surprise.

Even if Yilin can't figure it out, Du Yu can hand it over to Yimei after returning home.

Last time, Yimei worked with him to uncover the female adventurer's living body research conspiracy of the Black Dragon Society, and she is most aware of the dangers of this kind of biochemical weapon.After she got this thing, gathered the power of the Tang Dynasty, could it be that she still couldn't find a way to crack it?
As long as the imperial court is prepared, the Hou family's long-planned and painstakingly prepared insidious trump card will become the laughing stock of the world.

Thinking of this, Du Yu let out a mouthful of vicious hatred.

The Hou family, he is bound to deal with it.

And the third piece of sincerity that Sima Yi hid in the universe in his palm was unexpectedly a broken picture!
There are only eight big characters on it: "Aged in Jiazi, the world will be prosperous!"

Below is a blurry map that was torn in two. As a cultivator, Du Yu couldn't help being surprised and ecstatic.

Naturally, Du Yu would not be happy for no reason for a broken map. He clearly felt the spirit of immortality from the eight characters of "Jiazi, the world is auspicious" at this age!
Although this picture has been around for thousands of years, it still has a fresh, incomparably rich, and lingering immortal energy!

Du Yu naturally knew that these eight big characters were actually the second half of an exciting slogan that ushered in a new era.

The whole slogan is "The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, the year is Jiazi, the world will be happy!"

The creator of the slogan is a confusing and confusing figure in historical legends, with mixed praise and criticism—the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao!
According to the novel "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", when Zhang Jiao went to the mountains to collect herbs, he met an old man with blue eyes and a childlike face, known as the old fairy of Nanhua, who gave him "Taiping Essentials".After Zhang Jiao got the book, he studied it at Xiaoye, and finally achieved something, created the way of peace, and called himself "a great virtuous teacher"!
Judging from the fact that Zhang Jiao can heal countless people, and in just over ten years, he established the Taiping Dao empty-handed and created a massive Yellow Turban Uprising. Immortal cultivators are not surprised at all.

Du Yu couldn't help but asked Sima Yi who was struggling to support him: "What is this thing? Where did you get it?"

Sima Yi had already rolled his eyes, and with the only sliver of clarity, he said in a trembling voice: "After I became the Taiwei and Taifu of Cao Wei, I secretly excavated Cao Cao's tomb! Who told him that I was not a minister when he was alive? More suppression, almost ruined my life, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore"

When Du Yu heard this, he was very surprised and said: "Cao Cao is a suspicious person, and there are 72 suspicious graves. On the day of his burial, Zhang Xi and other trustworthy generals carried the coffin from the four city gates at the same time. You can judge his identity." Where is the real tomb?"

Sima Yi smiled wryly and said: "Cao Cao keeps a hundred secrets, even if he can deceive the world with 72 suspicions, can he really deceive his descendants, the cold food festival, the day of ancestor worship, and make himself a lonely ghost? Unable to offer incense and sacrifices to younger generations? Naturally, there is a secret edict sent to my descendants. After I killed Cao Shuang and became the Grand Tutor, if I press him a little bit, I will naturally be able to find out the real tomb from the mouth of the young master Cao Fang!"

He continued: "In the real tomb, although I got the treasure that Cao Cao searched for for a lifetime, it is of no use to me. What I cherish most is this half of the picture. And Cao Cao was still holding on to it until his death." This remnant picture that I'm holding!"

Du Yu's heart was pounding!

What is the treasure that can make Cao Cao, Cao Aman, who is rich and enjoys countless things, never forget until his death, hold on tightly, and be buried with him?
"Could it be?" Du Yuhan asked.

"That's right." Sima Yi smiled bitterly: "With Cao Cao's status and me, beauties, treasures, power, and even the world are not attractive to us at all. There is only one thing that we can't let go of."

"Cultivation of Immortals! Immortality!"

Du Yu said coldly.

"Yes," Sima Yi tremblingly said, "Zhuge Liang and Sun Zhongmou are also among the pursuers of immortality! Zhuge Liang once lit the seven-star lamp in an attempt to pray to God for a continuation of his life. Sun Zhongmou sent generals Wei Wen and Zhuge Zhi to lead ten thousand people. , called Fuhai Qiuyizhou and Chanzhou, but they are actually looking for Xu Fu’s immortal art and medicine! Hey! But only I have found the real way, which is to step through the void and enter the bloody city!"

"Cao Cao's solution is to find out Zhang Jiao's essential technique for peace!" Du Yu said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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