Chapter 1314 Questioning
Luo Anan cleared away the distracting thoughts in his mind, and asked those people: "Are there any of you who know how to form?"

A person raised his hand timidly and tremblingly: "Hui, Hui Zhenjun, I have learned from you..."

"Well, if someone comes here in a while, you let them enter the formation from here, which is the gate of life, understand?" Luo Anan pointed to the formation.

"I know, I know..."

After Luo Anan finished speaking, he immediately flew out to save people.According to her observation, the monsters in the east of the city are the most dangerous and must be rescued immediately!
"Bastard, get out!" Many people struggled to attack the monsters with spells, but the monsters were all rough-skinned, thick-skinned and strong in defense, so they didn't have any effect.On the contrary, the spiritual power of the monks was exhausted.

A tiger monster took the opportunity to jump up and was about to attack, but everyone looked helpless and couldn't help it in time.Seeing that the teenager who was only in the Qi refining period was about to die, a blue light flashed, and the tiger beast's body was suddenly split in half!
Luo Anan descended from the sky like a hero, saved them, then turned around and said in a low voice——

"Are you idiots! Can't you use pills, spells, formations! You don't even have a spirit sword! You just fight monsters like this, and you think you are made of stone ah!"

An Baobao scolded and scolded, then turned to look at the boy he had rescued, and scolded him again, upset: "And you! You don't know how to run when the monsters come, what's the point of beating them during the Qi refining period! If you don't want to live, don't give food to the monsters, it's a shame to the human race!"

Luo An'an dealt with the surrounding monsters while talking, scolding those people dumbfounded.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Go to the city center!" Luo Anan roared frantically.

Only then did those people come to their senses, and helped each other to leave.An Baobao reckoned that there were quite a few people who were frightened and stupid like this, so he shouted again with the voice amplification technique: "Listen, don't fight with monsters! Use spells, arrays, and weapons to attack! If you can run, hurry up!" Run, hurry to the city center!"

An Baobao shouted that these voices were very useful, and many monks reacted to attack with spells and magic weapons, while children with weak cultivation and some old people also fled to the center of the city quickly with accelerator symbols.

But even so, many people died...

Luo An'an even used the avatar technique. One person acted as a messenger, and eliminated the monsters in the east of the city in sevens and eighties.But there are also many monsters fighting and attacking in the west of the city, the south of the city and the north of the city.What's more troublesome is whether the group of flying monsters in the sky cooperated with a sneak attack, making it impossible to guard against.

Luo An'an gritted her teeth, picked up the green killing bow and rushed into the air.


An hour after the beast horde happened, all major sects activated advanced warnings one after another!And some big cities had high-level monks sitting in the town, and opened the defensive defense array in time, so the damage was not too heavy.And the area with the least damage is probably the area under the jurisdiction of Tianmenzong. Because we have heard the news before and are always ready to be on guard, we can minimize the casualties!
Even so, Feng Qingyang looked at all the elders in the sect with serious expressions.

Suddenly a mirror on Feng Qingyang's table trembled, and then projected an image over the hall.

The heads of the five major sects, three valleys and one domain are all here, gathered together!
"Master Feng, what the hell is going on! Why did the beast tide suddenly happen?"

"That's right, how can you guard us against such a big matter! Feng Qingyang, it's too unkind of you to do so!"

"What happened, what should I do now!"

Everyone chirped and asked Xiang Feng Qingyang, and the originally heavy and quiet hall suddenly became noisy.

"Shut up, listen to me!" Feng Qing raised his flames!

(End of this chapter)

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