Chapter 1315 Fighting the enemy together
Seeing that Feng Qingyang got angry, everyone immediately shut up, and finally the hall became quiet again.

Feng Qingyang eased his tone, and said impatiently: "What do you mean I didn't inform you? Our Tianmen Sect only got the news more than ten days ago. Even if I told you, would you believe it? What kind of virtue do you have? Is it? Besides, we ourselves are not sure whether this matter is true or not, just now it was just an early warning."

Shang Shannian, head of Wan Guizong, tensed his face seriously: "Master Feng, what happened? Why did such a large-scale beast horde suddenly come?"

"According to the information we got," Feng Qingyang closed his eyes and said in pain, "It seems that there are five monsters breaking through the Mahayana stage from the demon cultivator! This battle is dangerous for the human race!"

"What!!!" The ten people on the opposite side exclaimed in unison!

"Master Feng, this is not a joke!" Hui Yi, the master of Zen sect, was holding the Buddhist beads nervously. To be honest, he would rather Feng Qingyang was joking in an unscrupulous manner at the moment.

Feng Qingyang asked with a cold face: "It's already this time, how can I have the mood to joke with you!"

"Now you are at ease, looking forward to my junior brother's ascension every day! As a result, without the suppression of his luck, the Yaozu side will get better, breaking through five Mahayana stages in a row! You are talking about what to do now! Let's go the right way Where can I find five Mahayana monks!"

"If this calamity does not pass, the entire Lingguang Continent will be destroyed!"

After being told by Feng Qingyang, the other sect leaders were speechless.Indeed, there are only four Mahayana monks in the righteous way.

"Oh, it would be great if Immortal Jinhao was still here." The Lord Wenyu sighed, and began to miss the days when Immortal Jinhao was there.

Others also silently agreed with this sentence. Indeed, if the immortal is still there, the five Mahayana periods are not enough for him to clean up alone.

Tan Song also pondered at this moment: "Master Feng, did the five Mahayana demon cultivators break through recently?"

"That's right, if my guess is right, the five demon cultivators of the Mahayana period just want to take advantage of the beast tide to delay time to stabilize their cultivation." The four Mahayana stages on our side have just entered this realm not long ago, and the demon cultivator is blessed with a strong combat power, even if we meet one-on-one now, there may not be any chance of winning. What's more—”

Tan Song sighed: "...What's more, there are only four people on our side, and five people on the other side!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent again.

After a long while, the head of the Hehuan Sect said in a low voice, "We humans may not have no chance of winning. Isn't there a Mahayana period for Moxiu..."

"No! It's only been a few years since the battle between immortals and demons, how can we join forces with demon cultivators! I don't agree!" Huiyi was the first to jump up and object.

The head of Hehuan Sect argued dissatisfiedly: "But it's a special situation right now..."

"Cooperating with Moxiu is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger, it's too dangerous!" Shang Shannian also said in a deep voice.

Seeing these people arguing endlessly, Tan Song turned to look at Feng Qingyang: "Master Feng, what do you think?"

Feng Qingyang pondered: "At this moment, the matter is of great importance, and I cannot easily make a decision!"

Wenyu suddenly spoke again: "Master Feng, I heard that your sect can still contact the immortals in the upper realm?"

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Feng Qingyang scolded in his heart which little bastard leaked the news, but nodded lightly on his face: "That's right, it's true."

"Then I would like to trouble Guizong to work hard, and let Jinhao Immortal Venerable help make up his mind on this matter?"

 Thank you for the 588 book coins rewarded by the "Dragon Poison" baby, thank you Da Linzi, oh, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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