Chapter 1327 Infiltrating into the Monster Race
The golden eagle nodded timidly and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the first battle in these two days has been won, and the human monks are vulnerable to our beast army!"

"Oh?" Dapeng Niaohua turned into a human form, and asked indifferently: "Including those cities where the big sects are stationed?"

The golden eagle shrank its head, and said falteringly: "This..."

"You don't have to worry, your majesty. We're just trying to test it out now. Isn't it a matter of time before we win those sects?"

While speaking, the white peacock has been transformed into a...beautiful man with a charming figure and a gorgeous face!Wow, this little appearance is more feminine than Li Zhuo!If An Baobao hadn't noticed the sharp corners of his eyebrows and his flat chest, he would have mistakenly thought it was a woman.

But speaking of it, the male peacock is the most coquettish!This small face, those big watery and charming eyes, and those gorgeous red lips~, just an ordinary blink of an eye is quite seductive, looking at Baby An, um, the wolf's blood is boiling.

It's a pity that she was born as a daughter and didn't have the tools to commit crimes.Otherwise, you must tease all the beautiful little shoushou, and reach the pinnacle of life to attack adults!
As long as the shit-shoveling officer doesn’t come with me, otherwise——

罒ω罒, the result will be experienced by yourself.

The words of the white peacock sounded very comfortable, and the golden eagle hurriedly responded: "What Master Bai said is exactly the truth!"

The man incarnated by the roc is quite imposing, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, tall and straight, you don't need to look carefully to know that this man is full of muscles and very masculine.These words did not make his frown slightly relaxed, but his expression was still cold: "Hmph, the price I paid for taking down those sects will be very high. There are also many Mahayana monks in those sects , so what if you fight to the death? This deity can’t make any mistakes in this.”

The white peacock was taken aback, and asked softly: "Don't you want to unify the world of cultivating immortals, Your Majesty?"

"The greatest wish of this deity has never been this world of cultivating immortals, but to enter the demon world after ascension!" Dapeng's eyes were full of ambition: "If the ascension to the demon world leads the six worlds and ten thousand demons, then it will be the real prestige!"

Demon world?Luo Anan heard this with keen ears.Can all monsters go to the demon world after ascension?What is the demon world like?

"Hehehe," the white peacock covered his mouth and smiled lightly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry, everything must be done step by step. Maybe there will be a chance for the Majesty in this battle! Since our Yaozu has produced five Mahayana monks , It means that the way of heaven has already favored our monster race. With good luck, why should the king worry about the failure of the big event?"

"You're right!" Dapeng Niao's eyes sparkled with secret joy: "We, the Yaozu, are the real masters of this world!"

Luo Anan poked his head out to eavesdrop quietly, but was very troubled in his heart: what to do, although the baby is a divine beast, it is also classified as a demon clan.Alas, how is the way of heaven so cruel, let the baby endure such cannibalism!

Ling Yue sensed Luo An'an's heart, and couldn't help complaining: "Master, you usually eat a lot of monsters, so this can be considered cannibalism, right?"


An Baobao was choked, and then silently blocked Lingyue...

"Pass down the order, let the next batch of monsters be ready to go, wait for my order, and continue to attack Renxiu!"

The demon king waved his hand, and gave the order to go down majesticly.The other big birds chirped in unison and flapped their wings to inform their group.

For a while, only Dapeng and Luo Anan were left in the hall.

 Well, new January, new recommended monthly ticket, I love you guys~
(End of this chapter)

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