Chapter 1328 Undercover Fox

After everyone left, a sinister smile appeared on Dapeng's face.He flew to the top of the palace, landed on the stone beam of Phoenix and began to practice.

Luo Anan originally wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped and narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, the world in Luo An'an's eyes has completely changed. In the world filled with colorful spirit balls, a certain blood energy in the sky gradually gathers on the Dapeng bird!

An Baobao's heart skipped a beat, this kind of roc practiced not spiritual dao, but sorcery!He cultivated with blood!
Luo Anan suddenly caught something in the blink of an eye, and a terrible conjecture appeared in his mind.If..., if all the monsters in the Mahayana period use blood energy to cultivate, then their purpose of attacking human cultivation is self-evident!
They don't want to take down the world of cultivating immortals at all!
From the beginning to the end, what they need is huge blood!And blood energy can be produced only by fighting, whether it is the death of a human cultivator or a demon cultivator, it will be beneficial to them without any harm!The even more wonderful thing is that people and Yaoshu kill each other, which just conceals their purpose, and they don't need to try their best to cover it up!

Luo Anan shook his head, thinking of all reasons to overthrow this theory.Maybe she made a mistake, Dapeng should be the only one practicing this sorcery.Dapeng should not share such a good thing.

But even so, it was terrifying. Once the beast horde started, it would not end, and the fighting would naturally continue to exist.So what if her conjecture is revealed, can it stop the monsters from attacking?Could it make the monk not resist the attack?
No way! ! !

This is really a difficult problem.

Luo Anan didn't think of a solution, so he had to fly down from the palace temporarily.In fact, there is also a way, and that is to kill the roc as soon as possible.But the difficulty is too great, even if the Tianmen sect is willing to send out a Mahayana monk to kill the roc, the chances of winning are not very high.If it unites with other sects, it will definitely attract the attention of several other demon cultivators.Wouldn't it be worse if the cultivation of blood energy was leaked?
A certain one touched the little red mole behind the ear in annoyance. It would be great if the spirit could come out, so that it could kill the roc directly.

No, you can't think like that.Luo Anan patted her face, trying to be more sober: she can't rely on Lingyue for everything!She is obviously a more powerful beast than the roc, why can't she solve it herself?

Is it just this way...

Luo Anan fell on a tree unconsciously in a daze, suddenly raised his eyes and saw a small and delicious fruit, and had an idea in his mind.

A certain one transformed into a graceful and elegant man.It's just the breath on this body...

It is a Blue Jingwei.

Lan Jingwei is a branch of the divine bird Jingwei clan, with a trace of extremely rare Jingwei blood on his body.But in the low-level plane of the Lingguang Continent, it can be considered very important.

Luo Anan retreated to the outer mountains, and walked in openly.

"Who came here, trespassing on Jinpeng Mountain!"

A group of monsters jumped out.

Luo Anan smiled slightly, turned into a blue spirit Wei Ming and said: "I'm here to join King Jinpeng, I hope you can introduce me!"

As soon as Lan Jingwei's wings came out, he faintly released some coercion.The blue sparrows guarding the gate couldn't help but flinch a few times when they saw it, and immediately flew in to pass it on!Because Lan Jingwei is considered very honorable in their bird clan, these little blue sparrows dare not neglect.

Luo Anan waited unhurriedly for a while, and sure enough, after a while, the group of blue sparrows came back respectfully: "My lord, please come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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