Chapter 1353 Discord Between Monster Clans

And the most amazing thing is the blood shark king's big red tail, with a golden chain hanging on it, so red hot.From a distance, it looks like a raging flame ignited on the sea water.

She is indeed a well-deserved queen!
The location of the League of Beasts is a dense forest near the sea.Except for the Blood Merman Clan who originally lived in the sea, the Tiger Clan was the first to come.

That's why the monster three-eyed tiger in the Mahayana period dared to complain so unscrupulously.

The three-eyed tiger looked at the blood shark impatiently: "I said, you are a monster in the Mahayana period, so you can't transform into a human form? It's annoying to flick a fish tail!"

Tigers also belong to the cat family, and they don't have much resistance to fishy smell.Especially the big tails of the Blood Shark King, which send out the message "I'm delicious, come and eat" all the time, which annoys the three-eyed tiger very much.

These words made the Blood Shark King's face darken, and angrily transformed into slender and white legs and slowly walked ashore.

Suddenly the three-eyed tiger's ears moved, and finally said impatiently: "Okay, this buzzing sound is the moths and bees of the Zerg race. The little girl Phantom Butterfly is here!"

The Blood Shark King frowned, and his red lips moved slightly: "How do I remember that the Phantom Butterfly is a male?"

"Who knows!" The three-eyed tiger sneered, "A monster who is neither male nor female, let him go!"

While speaking, a colorful phantom butterfly crippled over, and finally turned into a human form, a fair and clean young man.

"Damn cat, who do you think is a monster with neither male nor female!" The boy in colorful clothes said coldly.

"It's you!" The Three-Eyed Tiger was not afraid of him, and blatantly sneered: "Why, last time I saw you, you were a little girl, but this time you turned into a man. What is it that is not a monster that is neither male nor female!"

"you wanna die!"

The terrifying Mahayana stage coercion on the boy's body was fully released, and he stretched out his hand to attack.The three-eyed tiger did not show weakness, and also released coercion.


The Blood Shark King stopped them angrily: "What time is it, you guys are still in the mood to fight! What kind of human race are you fighting like this? The internal strife is enough for you to toss!"

The Phantom Butterfly stopped her hands out of face, and looked at the Blood Shark King with a smile: "Sister Beauty, we meet again."

"You are several hundred years older than her, and you still have the nerve to call her sister?" The Three-eyed Tiger said coolly from the side.

"Okay, you all don't say a few words!" Phantom Butterfly looked into the distance and couldn't help frowning: "Why haven't the Flying Feather Clan and the Snake Clan arrived yet? It stands to reason that their speed should be faster."

Phantom Butterfly patted her colorful clothes, and said with a smile: "Who knows, maybe there was a fight on the way."

The phantom butterfly's words became a prophecy, and the two clans really fought halfway.

And the reason is very simple, the two races accidentally met.The Feiyu clan caught a few spirit snakes to feed their hunger during a break on the way, and the snake clan did the same, swallowing many of them.

When the two sides found out about this matter, no one would spare the other, and in addition to the fact that the two races already had a rift, it was nothing more than a normal thing for them to fight.

However, it is naturally the Snake Clan that has the upper hand, because their Mahayana Demon King, the Feathered Snake, is sitting behind.And the best cultivation base of the Feiyu Clan at the moment is nothing but Bai Lian.

It is not an opponent of the Feathered Serpent at all.

Fortunately, the Feiyu clan didn't suffer to the end, because Luo Anan took out the poisonous powder and drugged most of the high-level snake clan, making those monsters have no energy to shout anymore.The demon king Feathered Snake also had a headache because of this. Generally, high-level snakes are poisonous snakes, and they are very poisonous.Ordinary poisons are similar to tonics to them, and they are not harmful at all.

(End of this chapter)

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