Unexpectedly, an inconspicuous Lan Jingwei on the opposite side killed most of his capable men!

The brown pupils of the Feathered Snake stood up into a thin line, and said in a cold hissing voice: "Tell the Feiyu Clan that the past few days of handing over the antidote are over! Otherwise—"

Of course, when this sentence spread to the Feiyu clan, it was strongly opposed by Luo An'an.

"No, absolutely not!" Luo Anan patted the table "angry" and said: "It's unreasonable, how come these words seem like we are rushing to make amends? They Snake Clan swallowed up so many subordinates of our Feiyu Clan, and they want to fool them casually. no way!"

Bai Lian agreed with Lan Fu's words in his heart, the Snake King's tone was too arrogant, and it was too humble to look at them Feiyu Clan!Lan Fufeng's words literally touched his heart!

But Bai Lian sighed on his face: "But what can we do, the king is not here at the moment, it is only natural that we are bullied."

"Oh!" Lan Fu sneered: "The snakes are too arrogant. Now they have something to ask of us. If there is no antidote for high-level snakes, they will be useless! Besides, if we keep carrying If there is no action, they must be the first to rush!"

"To reconcile, they must apologize!"

The Fenghuo Crested Ibis at the side said dissatisfied: "Master Lan is thinking too much. The other party is a demon cultivator at the Mahayana stage, how could he apologize to us!"

Luo Anan also confronted each other without showing any weakness: "Oh, according to Master Zhu Xin's intention, should we obediently offer the antidote to see the other party's face!"

"Enough." Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Bai Lian hurriedly raised his hand to stop him, "What you both said makes sense, let me think about what to do."

"Don't think about it." Lan Fu looked at Bai Lian above him seriously: "Master Bai, we must not show weakness to the snake clan. Otherwise, not only will the entire Feiyu clan lose face, but it will also embarrass the king. Besides, our trip is for the Ten Thousand Beasts League. Now if we are subdued and become small just because the king is not here, then the Snake Clan will still not take us seriously in the next meeting. Not only the Snake Clan will do this, but other Several races will do the same. What's the point of our participation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Union at that time?"

Luo An'an's words were impassioned and logical, which made Bai Lian involuntarily cautious, knocking on the table while meditating.

"you're right."

After a long time, Bai Lian finally spoke out: "... If you give in now, then there will be nothing for our Feiyu Clan in the conference."

Lan Fu looked at him happily: "That's the reason!"

"What's more, our king is also a demon cultivator in the Mahayana period. Everyone's cultivation base is about the same, so they should be equal. What's more, the king is just inconvenient to come. How can the snake clan despise us so much?" Luo Anan took another step forward while talking He said passionately: "Now the king is in seclusion, and his cultivation will inevitably rise to a higher level after he leaves the customs! At that time, it's time for the snake clan to bow down to us. I still don't believe it, the snake clan dares to disregard the king's face blatantly It will harm us, unless they want to provoke a battle between the Snake Clan and the Flying Feather Clan! In this case, it is impossible for the other clans to agree!"

Bai Lian got up and clapped his hands, his glamorous face was full of approval: "Well said! That's how it should be, the Snake Clan must apologize!"

Seeing this, Fenghuo Crested Ibis became anxious: "Master Bai, think twice! How could the Snake Clan be willing to lose face like this, why don't we reconcile!"

"Then we deserve to be humiliated by them!" Luo Anan took the opportunity to add fuel to the flames, and said righteously: "Zhu Xin, you have been speaking for the snake clan since the beginning, what is your intention! Is it possible? You are afraid of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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