Chapter 1370 Struggling
Luo An'an knew that Mo Jiuxiao had a seal on his body.

The words that the master said before suddenly sounded in her ears: "Never let Jiuxiao be enchanted, otherwise the heaven will really not tolerate him!"

At that time, Mo Jiuxiao's identity will be exposed, and what awaits him is endless pursuit.Son of God and Devil!These four words that Luo Anan deliberately forgot...

Can't escape after all?


Mo Jiuxiao's painful snort attracted Luo An'an's attention, and a certain animal immediately sent the gentlest wood spirit power to the excrement shovel officer, hoping to relieve his pain.

It's useless.Ling Yue just wanted to speak, but suddenly closed his mouth.

At this moment, Mo Jiuxiao's world was in chaos.

The demon came quietly.

"My lord, why are you doing this?" Xin Mo sighed as he watched Mo Jiuxiao struggling to beg his demon energy.

"What's going on this time!" Mo Jiuxiao asked with a cold face: "I used the power of the seal several times before and nothing happened, but why did an accident happen this time? Could it be that you have tampered with it!"

The heart demon immediately knelt down and stroked his heart: "I swear to the sky, my king, none of this has anything to do with me."

"If you want to pursue responsibility, it is also your fault, Wang. Haven't you noticed that the power of the seal has been weakening since the breakthrough in the golden core stage? This is the result of your demonic energy eager to return to you .”

"What's more, this time, my lord, you took the initiative to borrow the sealed power this time. So they thought you had changed your mind, so they kept pestering you." The demon explained calmly.

Seeing that Mo Jiuxiao was unmoved, the heart demon continued to persuade: "But isn't this good? It is because of this power that you rescued that lord. As long as you accept these demonic energy, the entire Lingguang Continent will be afraid of you." .When the time comes, you will not only be a demon, but the son of gods and demons!"

"As long as you are willing, all the demon soldiers from all realms can follow you to attack the way of heaven! At that time, the world will be yours!"

The heart demon's words were impassioned, but Mo Jiuxiao did not waver at all.


The heart demon's face darkened, and his frustration subsided.

"Get out of here too!" Mo Jiuxiao looked at the demon energy entangled in his body, and said in the same cold voice.

The demonic qi is all aggrieved, calling them Xiao Tiantian when they need them, and letting them go when they are done.

King, don't you think you're a little #ruthless?
Under the resistance of Mo Jiuxiao's cold face, the demonic energy had to turn into a puff of smoke and return to the seal.Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to open his eyes but found that he still couldn't regain consciousness.Suddenly a burst of warm wood spirit power traveled around in his veins, repairing the dark wound that had just occurred in Mo Jiuxiao's body.

Although the magic energy is his own, Mo Jiuxiao's body is not strong enough to hold so much magic energy.As a result, there are many hidden wounds in the body.

Mu Lingli flowed slowly, healing the wound and at the same time calming Mo Jiuxiao's restless heart.

This is Lolo's power...

Mo Jiuxiao felt as if he was in a hot spring, extremely comfortable and lazy, and his consciousness gradually became drowsy.

"have a rest."

In a trance, he heard the gentle voice of his own little thing.

Seeing this, Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately told Luo An'an: "Master, don't worry, Mo Jiuxiao is fine."

"Yeah." Luo An'an looked indifferent, and smoothed Mo Jiuxiao's frown: "I didn't worry just now."

"Huh?" Ling Yue was slightly puzzled, what does this mean?
(End of this chapter)

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