Chapter 1371 I'm Really Angry
Luo Anan said lightly: "No matter whether he is enchanted or not, nothing can be changed. I will always be with him. He lives and I live, and he dies and dies, it's as simple as that."

Ling Yue was silent for a long time, then suddenly said: "Master, why bother!"

The same sigh, the same helplessness, these bystanders have no way to interfere.

Suddenly Luo An'an's hand was grabbed, and a certain one said in surprise: "Jiuqing, you're awake!"

"Yeah." Mo Jiuxiao sat up while supporting the rock beside him, looking at his own fox with an unfriendly expression, "Have you figured out how many days it will take for your butt to swell?"


Luo An felt guilty and was speechless.

Mo Jiuxiao's face was cold, obviously really angry: "I said earlier that I would not let you come to such a dangerous place, but you just didn't listen. If I don't arrive in time today, what are you going to do?"

Luo Anan mumbled the word Gulu, and Mo Jiuxiao raised his brows coldly: "Speak clearly!"

"... Self-destruct." Luo Anan lowered her head and scratched her palms, not daring to look up at Mo Jiuxiao's face.

"Hehe, blow yourself up!" Mo Jiuxiao gritted his teeth and sneered, so angry that he couldn't speak. "you……"

After not hearing it for a long time, Luo Anan carefully looked up, only to find that the poop shovel officer gritted his teeth and his eye circles were red, and he held back his temper.

"Jiuqing..." Luo Anan panicked, not knowing what to do.He had no choice but to hold Mo Jiuxiao's hand tightly and not let go.

Mo Jiuxiao didn't speak, but pushed her hand away firmly.

Luo An'an wanted to get entangled with it like brown sugar, and he would not dodge it even if he died.

In the end, Mo Jiuxiao didn't move, and just looked at Luo An'an fixedly: "Luo Luo, do you have a heart?"

Luo Anan was stunned by the deep gaze, unable to speak.

Suddenly she was hugged tightly by the shit shovel officer, and her neck was also bitten hard.All I could hear was the suppressed voice of sadness and anger: "How could you blow yourself up, how could you even think about blowing yourself up!!!"

Mo Jiuxiao bit the tender flesh on his neck mercilessly, with love and hatred in his heart: "Even if something happened, I didn't protect you well. Woolen cloth!!!"

As he spoke, Mo Jiuxiao's teeth loosened, and he lay on Luo An'an's neck and sobbed: "If I come to play a step... and come a step later... Lolo... how can you bear to let me not protect you from pain? I lost you again!"

"You don't have a heart, you really don't have a heart!"

Luo Anan was also silent, and at this moment, guilt swept her heart.She originally thought that she was right. It was absolutely right to go to the monster clan to inquire about news and instigate the monster clan to fight among themselves.

Even if Luo Anan's actions are very noble from the eyes of others, she is also very thoughtful.What if an accident happened?Just bad luck.

Ke Luoan now feels that she is wrong.

She no longer only belonged to herself, her life was linked to Mo Jiuxiao's.They seemed to be double-headed cranes connected to each other. If one had an accident, the other would not be able to survive safely.

But from the beginning to the end... She didn't seem to consider Mo Jiuxiao in her plan.

Luo An'an suddenly felt that the shit shovel officer was right, he was really heartless!
The originally silent deep sea became even more silent at this moment.

By the time Mo Jiuxiao raised his head, the piece of neck flesh that he had been biting and sucking had already turned red.

"Why don't you talk?" Mo Jiuxiao looked at her fixedly, his emotions no longer out of control. "I'll wait for your explanation."

"...I'm sorry." Luo Anan turned her head away after saying these three words.

In an instant, tears fell like rain.

This is Luo An'an's character.She seems a little pretentious and squeamish on weekdays, but to put it bluntly, it is the love between her and Mo Jiuxiao.One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.But when it comes to major events, she will endure hardship and be more decisive than anyone else.

In the same way, Luo An'an, the playwright, will shed a few tears because of some trivial matters in order to soften the shit-shoveling officer's heart.But after making a real mistake, she would not let Mo Jiuxiao see her cry.

Because she was wrong, Mo Jiuxiao shouldn't be soft-hearted.No matter how sad or sad she deserves it.

She deserves it.

(End of this chapter)

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