Chapter 1415 Breakthrough ([-])

The enraged koi carp had no idea that the fox that suddenly broke in was the owner of this space, and those who were appeased by Luo Anan gathered together to coax them, flicking their tails and splashing water on the big white fox's face.

Water droplets splashed everywhere, and some of them fell on the top of Luo Anan's head. Under the reflection of the sun, it was crystal clear and translucent, very beautiful.Seeing Luo An'an retreating in disgust, those koi thumped even more vigorously.

A certain one looked up and saw such a scene.

Hundreds, no, perhaps thousands of water droplets flew to the top of her head.With the bright sunshine, those water droplets also shine brightly in an instant, even more dazzling than the original sunlight, forming a daytime starry sky map.

This scene is so beautiful, as if time has slowed down.

Luo Anan's heart was inexplicably calm.

She heard the smiling sound of every drop of water piercing the air, and felt how these little dots left a beautiful trace in the air, and finally fell down with a "click" and reintegrated into the embrace of the blue lake.

The sound of "pata" and "pata" falling into the water is endless, and this extremely rhythmic sound seems to constitute the most simple and beautiful music in the world, which reminds Luo Anan of a poem——

Large beads and small beads fall on a jade plate.

Most of the water drops fell directly into the lake, and only a small number of "lucky ones" hit the lotus leaves with a slap. slide down the leaves.

"Ding dong."

After starting a short trip, fall into the water.A few drops were mistaken for food by greedy fish, and fell directly into the mouths of waiting fish as they slipped off the lotus leaf.

All of this was delicately perceived by Luo Anan.Not even the slightest ripple was missed.

Luo An'an's eyes were slowly closed, and at the same time, a powerful force of water and spirit slowly flowed into her body from the silver teardrops, nourishing every inch of her flesh and blood, and also moistening her slightly impetuous heart just now.At this moment, my heart seems to have just been nourished by the spring rain. It is wet and slippery, which is very suitable for the growth of grass.

At this moment, a seed broke through the ground.Something else was broken at the same time.The blue lake centered on Luo An'an suddenly formed a vortex, and at the same time, spiritual energy from all directions rushed into Luo An'an's body.It felt so gentle, so intimate.

It was as if all the extraordinary meridians on her body had been opened, and Baby An felt so comfortable that she wanted to groan.She can clearly feel the changes in her body even if she only breaks through to become a Jindan early stage.The spiritual power washed every inch of her flesh and blood, as delicate and gentle as washing the marrow and cutting the bones.

A certain one enjoys perceiving all these with eyes closed, his physical strength increases little by little, his dantian seems to become bigger, and his tendons and veins are a little wider, allowing the spiritual power to flow more smoothly.In the end, all the spiritual power gathered on the dantian, spreading it layer by layer like butter on bread.As the golden core became more and more compact, it became a full circle at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the last trace of spiritual power wrapped around the golden core, the nine-color spiritual roots in the dantian shone brightly, wrapping around the golden core in a more intimate manner.Even the golden core burst into a burst of golden light.

A certain fox opened its eyes in an instant: Jindan mid-stage, success!

Wow Kaka, finally broke through.

"Gulu Gulu..." Just when a certain animal just spit out the stale air in its body and wanted to sing, it realized that it was dragged into the water by something, and it was caught off guard and filled its stomach with water.

"Huh!" Luo Anan, who surfaced again, had already turned into a human form.Long silver-white hair floats on the water, with some diamond-like crystal water drops on the top of the head and a pair of cute and soft fox ears.

Looking down, he saw an otherworldly little face trembling with long silver-white eyelashes like butterfly wings.

(End of this chapter)

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