Chapter 1416 Poisoned, fleeing to death

The blue waves reflect the blue sky, the koi carp and lotus pond sparkle with water drops, and the girl in the lake who looks like a hibiscus emerges, all the beauty is like a painting.

Suddenly, the quiet and holy girl opened her eyes, making this painting come alive.only……

"It nnd, labor and management are going to braise your broken fish in brown sauce, and you dare to take me into the water!!!" A certain one who was forced to drink a few mouthfuls of lake water moved its ears, stroked the top of its head, and swears. there is no beauty anymore.

A certain fox leaped onto the shore angrily, changed into a set of clean clothes, and went straight back to Lin Lang.

Linlang could sense any movement in the space, so it was naturally impossible not to know that Luo An'an had broken through.According to Luo An'an's usual habit, Lin Lang immediately prepared a table of delicacies for the hungry fox to eat.

Sure enough, Baby An narrowed his eyes in satisfaction after returning: "Little Linlang is really caring."

"Congratulations, master, for breaking through." Linlang's little loli changed into a maid outfit, and cutely put all kinds of meat in front of An Baobao.A certain one stroked her chin and thought: Well, maid loli, I really have a good eye.Lin Lang is so beautiful in this dress, isn't she?

Hehehe, just look at Lingyue's unmovable eyes~
Luo Anan took a sip of the mushroom soup first, and then slowly said, "Lin Lang, how many days have I been in seclusion?"

"Fifth day." Lin Lang put down the last green tea cake and said standing by the table.

"Five days..." Baobao An meditated while biting the spoon, "It's still a long time before that big roc leaves customs."

"What is the master going to do next?" Sitting beside Luo An'an, Lin Lang squeezed a taro stick and put it in her mouth.

Luo Anan took a bite of the crispy chicken leg, and said angrily, "Poison me, escape!"

"Who was planted?" Lin Lang couldn't be more clear about Luo An'an's urination, after all, Baby An likes to kill two birds with one stone the most.And Lan Fu's identity must be killed to leave the Feiyu clan.Otherwise, the roc would never let Lan Fu's whereabouts go.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Luo An'an's mouth: "Who else can it be, of course it is Fenghuo Crested Ibis. Isn't this a ready-made scapegoat?"

"It doesn't have to be it?" Ling Yue pondered: "Since it's a good opportunity, why not kill a more powerful demon cultivator?"

Luo Anan wiped his mouth, and said calmly: "It's not so easy to plant, Dapeng is not a fool. One might suspect that my death is fake. Only the crested ibis and I have a long-term gap , I killed Jin Wu again, it probably hates me now."

"At that time, I will design a plan to take advantage of the opportunity to escape, perfect."

"Does the master go out after eating?"

"Well... let's stay for a few more days. I want to be clean for a few days yet." The hunger in his belly came up, and Luo Anan was immersed in binge eating again.Well, the shit-shoveling officers all said that they lost weight, and it seems that they really lost weight.You have to make up for it.

In the next few days, a certain dog was completely devoted to drawing talismans in the air, Ma Dan, where there is oppression, there is motivation!If it weren't for the fact that the master may spot check anytime and anywhere, how could this baby work so hard?
Now I still have to think about improving the spell, crying...A certain one was biting the talisman pen and pouted, thinking: It is said that the excrement shovel officer can also run spells, why didn't the master give Jiuqing the matter of improving the drawing talisman in the air?This kind of task seems to be entrusted to me all the time~ (Jinhao Immortal: Cure your laziness.)
Before Luo An'an could research anything, the aura in the space suddenly rioted again.

(End of this chapter)

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