Chapter 1418 Best of the Field: French Fries
"Kachi, kachi, kachi." The closer they got, the more frequent the broken sounds became.

Broken, broken.Qingluan unconsciously chanted this word in her heart, as if she was getting closer to something.

"Crack." It broke again.

"Crack." The voice grew louder.

Qingluan enjoyed this sound very much, it was crisp and sweet, and it touched her heart.

Break it, break it all...

I don't know if it's from his heart, but Qingluan actually felt that his barrier was shattered little by little, cracks appearing in the sound of crackling again and again.

It's getting closer, we need to find the source of the sound!Qingluan couldn't wait to look at the source of the sound, the clicking sound at this moment was extremely pleasant.Hmm, something seems to be moving?Qingluan's spiritual consciousness stepped back slightly, wanting to see more comprehensively.As a result, you can see——

"Kachi kachi." Baby An praised Linlang's little loli while eating french fries intoxicatedly: "Linlang, your skill at frying french fries is really good! The french fries are delicious and crispy, much better than Huyu's before. tasty."

What!Qingluan was dumbfounded, could it be that all the heavenly sounds just now were the sound of French fries! ! !

She suddenly felt heartbroken.

"Crack." There was an extremely slight click sound, but this time it was not from Baobao An.Qingluan froze for a moment, her barrier seemed... broken?
In an instant, an overwhelming aura swept Qingluan's cave.

"It seems that Sister Ayu should have succeeded." Seeing this, Lin Lang's little Lolita breathed a sigh of relief, and the brows that were originally frowned out of worry gradually relaxed.

An Baobao didn't know why, but he still brazenly took all the credit for himself: "It's all about Baobao's good education. I'm really amazing."

After finishing the last French fries, Luo Anan wiped her oily little hands, and led Lin Lang out of here: "Let's go, let's go eat."

Three black lines appeared on Linlang's head again: Have you been eating for so long and still not full?
When Qingluan succeeds in breaking through, the first thing she does is to rush to Luo Anan and shake her shoulders frantically: "Ahhh, master, why do you want to eat French fries in front of my cave, why!!!"

An Baobao was dizzy from being shaken: "Don't turn around, what's wrong with eating French fries?"

A certain one is still a little bit guilty. Did eating French fries delay Qingluan's breakthrough?
"No!" Qingluan's expression was so excited that even her hair fell down: "Okay, that's great. If it wasn't for your bag of French fries, I wouldn't be able to break through!"

"That's it." A certain one breathed a sigh of relief, quickly eliminated the guilty conscience in its heart, and immediately roared: "Then why are you shaking, people are about to make you throw up, let go!"

"Eh..." Qingluan realized that he was about to shake off Luo Anan's hairpin, and Luo Anan himself was dizzy.She stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, and took a few steps back in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, master, I was too excited, and I made a mistake, a mistake."

"Damn it, don't let go!" Without support, Huohuhu took two unsteady steps and sat down on the ground. "Hey, why is there a rock on the ground, baby's ass!"

Seeing that she had gotten into trouble again, Qingluan wanted to slip away with oil on her feet.But he was frightened by Luo An'an's gloomy threat and stopped moving.

"You dare to take a step!!!" The angry tone coupled with the sound of teeth gnashing made Qingluan lift his feet a few centimeters and successfully stabilize them.

Qingluan sighed, turned her head miserably and blinked at Luo Anan to pretend to be pitiful: "Master, I was wrong, please forgive me~"

(End of this chapter)

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