Part of Chapter 1419's plan

An Baobao jumped up in a rage: "Don't learn the baby's special begging movements, it's not cute at all!!!"

"Okay." Qingluan straightened her waist, and Yujie Fan let it out in an instant.If there were more long cigarettes in her hand, she would be exactly the same as the eldest sister in the society.

Qingluan looked straight at Luo An'an with an indifferent face (a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water): "Tell me, how do you want to punish me?"

Luo Anan looked at her speechlessly: "Can you be serious, I want to talk to you about something serious."

"..." The surprise was a bit sudden, did this narrow-minded master not care about it?

A few sat down at the dining table, and everyone had a piece of crispy and delicious French fries with ketchup~
An Baobao is still complaining about Qingluan: "Ah, I didn't say you, why are you letting yourself go like this now? I think when I first met you, how domineering and charming you were at that time Ah! She is just a hot goddess. But how did she develop into a female nerve in the end? Do you still remember the Qingluan goddess in the secret land of Lianqiu Mountain?"

Qingluan heard about it, and humbly asked Lin Lang for advice: "What is a female nerve?"

The corner of Linlang's mouth twitched, and she summed it up in a few words: "It's a crazy woman."

Now it was Qingluan's turn to twitch the corners of his mouth.She was just being informal, how could she become a lunatic?

Seeing that Luo Anan wanted to say more like a monk chanting scriptures, Qingluan hurriedly said: "Yes, what you said is right, it's my fault. Now please talk about the business, what is it?"

Mentioning this, An Baobao's attitude became serious and serious in no time: "That's right, I'm working as an undercover agent for the Feather Clan. What is the Feather Clan? Well, it's the largest bird alliance in the Lingguang Continent. But, due to the reason of the guest officer In a few days, your master, I need to escape, so the Feiyu clan will have no undercover agents."

Qingluan quite understood what Luo Anan meant: "Master, you mean... let me continue to be an undercover agent instead of you?"

The three people on the opposite side nodded in unison.

"It's done, it's a trivial matter!" Qingluan agreed very happily: "I also wanted to see the strength of other birds and beasts in this Lingguang Continent, and this time just happened to be a chance."

A certain one helplessly raised his forehead: "You really heard clearly, asking you to be an undercover agent is not a fight!"

"Isn't it just to be an undercover agent? It's not difficult." Qingluan said nonchalantly, and changed from a serious sister Yu to a sturdy female man in a second: "Besides, my cultivation base is so high. If something happens, I can beat you up." kill them."

"Don't," An Baobao is really afraid of this hot-tempered beauty at the moment: "You are thinking too easily, King Jinpeng of the Feiyu clan is a demon cultivator in the Mahayana stage, ten of you are not enough to beat him with one move .Let's not be so impulsive, can you, you, just help me find out some news with peace of mind, and I will come back to pick you up when I finish my work."

"Mahayana period demon cultivator?" Qingluan became serious now: "Is it one of the five demon kings Master Linlang mentioned?"

"That's right." In order to make Qingluan more cautious, Luo An'an had to vaccinate her in advance: "Furthermore, there are not only demon cultivators in the Mahayana stage of the Feiyu clan, but also many demon cultivators in the stage of out-of-body distraction and integration." Yes. In fact, you are delivering food. So don’t be impulsive.”

"Also, I will let you sign a small contract with Lin Lang in a moment. In this way, even if you encounter any dangerous space, you can teleport to your location, so that we can save you. In short, there will be no harm in being an undercover agent. Dangerous, but only if you are careful yourself."

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(End of this chapter)

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