Chapter 1420 Provocation
Luo An'an thought very carefully, as long as Qingluan didn't deliberately expose herself to attract Dapeng's attention, this plan could be said to be foolproof.

"That's it, I see." Qingluan responded happily, but this attitude made Luo Anan even more suspicious that she didn't hear what she said in her heart.

Luo An'an had no choice but to make the final blow: "You must remember what I said, otherwise you and Bao Zhun will live in the same yard from now on, and it will remain the same for the rest of your life!"

"Don't!" Qingluan waved his hands in disgust and said: "Okay, I promise to remember, don't let me live with that stupid leopard, I really lose my life."

"It depends on your own performance." An Baobao was slightly speechless, and then said: "Then you should prepare first, and I will notify you when the time comes."

"By the way," Luo Anan suddenly looked at Lin Lang: "The speed of the seal breaking seems to be much faster these days?"

Linlang's little loli wiped her mouth and wiped her oily hands, and said, "I followed Mo Jiuxiao's idea and let those spirit-eating bees breed for a while. So... a group of spirit-eating bees must be faster than a few The speed of the spirit-eating bee is much faster."

"Ahem," a certain right hand clenched a fist and coughed, "What will these spirit-eating bees do after that, won't they exhaust the space?"

No way, these spirit-eating bees have an almost invincible stomach.It can eat anything and digest anything.If you really want to let go and eat, it will definitely destroy most of the space.

"You don't have to worry about that. The cultivation of these spirit-eating bees is getting higher and higher. When the time comes, the extra spirit-eating bee masters will be a big help." After Lingyue finished speaking, he smiled harmlessly : "Don't worry, master, as long as these spirit-eating bees bite and move, they will eat."

An Baobao was silent, that's why she always felt that these spirit-eating bees were very cruel.Give them a good pair of teeth, they can eat up the entire six worlds, too wide to be afraid of birds~
An Baobao lived in the space for a few more days, and then reluctantly faced the world full of beasts.

At the same time, Fenghuo Crested Ibis has not had a good time these few days.

He originally thought that Jin Wu had some good idea to fix Lan Fu, but the news came the next day that Jin Wu had put his own life on the line.Just because of Lan Fu's gamble, a great talent who once ranked in the Feiyu clan disappeared.

One can imagine how angry Zhu Xin was.Almost all the Feiyu tribe knew that Jin Wu had always listened to his words, but Lan Fu killed the bird so recklessly, and he couldn't see anyone for several days, hiding like a turtle with his head shrunken to retreat!

As the saying goes, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. Lan Fu's move is completely provoking him!But I want to get angry but why, what, all, find, no, to, someone! ! !How can you be aggrieved these days?
"Lord Zhu Xin, Lan Fu, Lan Fu has left the customs!" Zong Feiqin rushed into Zhu Xin's residence in a hurry, and said while panting.

Zhu Xin's reaction to this was to smash the table in front of him with a "slap", and said through gritted teeth, "Okay, he is finally willing to show up."

And Luo An'an here met a consonance as soon as he went out.

"I don't know why Master Lingxi came here?" Luo Anan calmly closed the cabin, turned around and said.

Lingxi saw that he seemed to be traveling far away, and couldn't help asking: "Where are you going?"

"If you don't want to go anywhere, just go to the cliff over there to gather some spiritual plants to study." Lan Fu said easily and recklessly.

"Zhu Xin has been trying to vent his anger on you in the past few days. If Master Bai Lian and I hadn't stopped your cabin, he would have demolished it long ago." The hornbill said bluntly: "You'd better not go out It's better."

(End of this chapter)

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