Chapter 1426 Go find the shit shovel officer la la la
At this moment, Bai Lian and Lingxi, who learned that Zhu Xin was looking for Lan Fu, also rushed to see this scene impartially.

"Oops!" Bai Lian immediately wanted to stop him.Unfortunately, it was still a step too late, Lan Fu had already been attacked.

"Ah—" An Baobao let out a scream of conscience, and then dodged into the space, leaving a fake Lan Jingwei outside.

When Bai Lianlingxi and the others extinguished the fire, all they saw were a few feathers that had been burnt to black charcoal.

"This, this..." After Bai Lian finished speaking, his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, and he grabbed the rhinoceros beside him: "Lingxi, where is Lan Fu? Did Lan Fu fall off the cliff?"

God, don't really get burned to the ground.

Lingxi also swallowed her saliva, and also paralyzed herself: "Yes, it must have fallen off a cliff, let's find it quickly!"

One of the two is in the integration period, and the other is in the distraction period of Dzogchen, but at this moment because of Lan Fu's death, they are at a loss.Stumbled and ran to the bottom of the cliff to verify their conjecture.An Baobao sat in the space and watched this scene, covering his mouth and laughing endlessly.

Only Zhu Xin stood there dumbfounded, looking at the hand he just made a move at a loss.Since that move was sent out, his rationality, which had been scorched by anger, instantly poured a basin of cold water, and he was completely awake.Him, what did he just do!Did he accidentally kill Lan Fu?

If An Baobao had learned of his thoughts, he would have said unceremoniously: "What a miss, you obviously murdered on purpose, okay?"
Luo Anan didn't intend to pay attention to their follow-up reactions, anyway, she had already done what she had to do.What is more fortunate is that the storage ring with the ninth-level spiritual plant is not a good thing, it can be completely burned by fire.This will not leave any flaws, so An Baobao can safely swallow those ninth-level spiritual plants.

Linlang Space quietly left Jinpeng Mountain, and when it reached the outskirts, An Baobao used the spirit beast bag and finally turned into pearls to leave the space, and quietly released Qingluan from the spirit beast bag.He conveniently gave her an earring for storage and said carefully: "This earring contains all the pills you will use. Well, the news is not very important, the most important thing is to protect yourself."

These words moved Qingluan a little, and he couldn't help but do a great job as the owner of the contracted beast, Luo Anan.They are raised with delicious food and drink on weekdays, and they live in a large place, unlike ordinary monsters who are kept in small spirit animal bags, and more importantly, they have enough pills, spirit stones and so on!

It was hundreds of times better than their previous days of freedom.

Now they are finally being used, and their safety is the top priority.Qingluan was so moved that she almost cried, but at the same time she made up her mind.

An Baobao looked at Qingluan with a strange expression, and wondered what he was thinking about secondary school.But at the moment, she can't care about teaching anymore. She has already made an appointment with the shit shovel officer just now, so she has to leave as soon as possible.

"In short, you remember what I said, or you can wait to live in the same yard with Bao Zhun. Yes, you need to add Hu Yu!" Luo Anan quickly flashed away after leaving this "threat" .

"Luoluo, let's meet at Yumiaozong."

These are Mo Jiuxiao's original words. By calculating Yu Miaozong, it is the midpoint of the distance between him and his own fox.You can also let them meet soon~
"Jiuqing, wait for me!" A certain one was so anxious that it set off by itself because it disliked the slow speed in the space, and ran towards Yu Miaozong's position quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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