Chapter 1427 Mo Jiuxiao Also Advances
According to the plan, An Baobao can meet with his shit-shoveling officer ten days later.But can Luo Anan arrive on time?
Of course not.

But this can't be blamed on Luo An'an, it can only be said that she is still a kind-hearted fox.Many small towns passed by on the road were attacked by monsters, and it seemed that they could not survive, so Luo Anan naturally couldn't sit idly by.

It's a pity to say that these small towns are remote and have no advantages, so they have not been taken over by big forces.When the beast tide comes, they can only struggle to survive in this troubled world.Luo Anan seemed to be making trouble for himself by taking care of them.But if you want to watch so many innocent people die, who can be cruel?

Lin Lang watched Luo An'an do all this, and inexplicably thought of the story that her former master Lu Bufan told her.The boy stubbornly picked up small fish on the beach and threw them into the sea. This behavior seemed boring, and no one cared.But for every little fish rescued, they care about themselves.

Now that Luo An'an has become that boy, it's just a matter of lifting her hands to do a favor for her, but it's life-saving for others!In fact, those ordinary people are nothing more than a few floating blobs to the noble Nine-Tailed Fox, and they are not worth mentioning.But for anyone, even if he is a humble beggar, he wants to live a good life.

It's hard to say anything more about Lin Lang's little loli.After all, she can't stop other people's lives, can she?

Fortunately, there is no return at all. Every time Luo An'an saves a city, she will release the name of Mo Jiuxiao, telling these people that Mo Jiuxiao of the Tianmen Sect is kind-hearted, so she is asked to help those who are suffering.

Therefore, without knowing it, Mo Jiuxiao gained a large amount of merit, even though the Heavenly Dao wanted to stop it and hummed and didn't want to give it.But these people have a clear goal of gratitude, and the way of heaven is not easy to erase Luo An'an's achievements at will.He had no choice but to let Mo Jiuxiao be blessed.

This directly led to a result, Mo Jiuxiao was about to break through.

Uncle Mo was originally a mid-stage Golden Core, but after breaking through, he naturally became a late-stage Golden Core.In this way, both of them lost a lot of time when they were on their way.Fortunately, they finally arrived at Yu Miaozong on the same day.


In the Yumiao Sect, Li Zhuo looked at Mo Jiuxiao, who was more at ease than him, speechlessly, and couldn't bear it anymore and asked that sentence: "Brother Mo, why did you and Master Youhe suddenly think of coming to my place to reconcile? "

And are these two people really stupid or are they just pretending to be stupid? Their reputation of "moving the treasure house" has spread all over the world of cultivating immortals. I'm not afraid that he has the intention of killing people and seizing treasures?Don't talk about this, let's just say that the cultivation base of these two Golden Core Stages is enough to make him jealous enough to kill someone, okay?

Unexpectedly, after he finished speaking, Mo Jiuxiao just turned his head and glanced at him, then lowered his head and continued to look at his scroll.

Root, base, no, reason, him!

What else can I do, I can only endure it!Don't say he doesn't have the guts, even if he really has the guts to do something to these two people, it won't be easy.Now there are different opinions in the world of cultivating immortals, and they are no longer so persistent in chasing and killing these two people.Who let them have an awesome master, and now they can still contact Immortal Jin Hao, who can guarantee the day when Immortal Jin Hao will not come back?
Such a statement may be ridiculous and outrageous.But the other party is Jinhao Immortal Venerable, so everything may not be impossible.After all, there are a lot of outrageous things that the Great Immortal Venerable has done in detail.

Well, even if their master won't come back, will they not ascend?Isn't it obvious how he will be dealt with by Jinhao Immortal Venerable after ascending?

"Come here, Mr. Mo's tea is cold, change another cup for him." Li Zhuo was not angry after being put on a cold face, but asked his disciple to change a new cup of tea for Mo Jiuxiao helplessly.

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(End of this chapter)

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