Chapter 1428 This dog food is so good that chickens are too full

On the other hand, Mo Jiuxiao was not in the mood to drink tea, and was indeed a little impatient.Originally, I came very late, but I didn't expect the fox to come yet! ! !
Although I knew that the little thing was fine through contact with the Shenyu card, it should be here today, right?Why haven't you come yet?

Mo Jiuxiao has been sitting here since the morning and waited. Seeing that the sun was about to set, there was still no news from Luo An'an.The air pressure around Mo Jiuxiao also became lower and lower at a speed visible to the naked eye.Li Zhuo Jian hid far away earlier, so as not to become cannon fodder.

It wasn't until the last ray of light of the sun was about to fall that the disciples of the Yumiao Sect reported the news of Luo An'an's arrival.

As soon as he finished speaking, the disciple who sent the message raised his head and could no longer see Mo Jiuxiao.In a trance, just after hearing a "swoosh", the person disappeared.

"Your Excellency, please come this way." The disciple of the Yumiao Sect carefully led the way for the little ancestor, for fear that if he didn't greet well, his little life would be ruined.


Mo Jiuxiao rushed up and hugged Luo An'an, and at the same time said dissatisfiedly: "Luo Luo, you've lost weight."

It's been so long, and the fox has lost weight again!How come the little thing doesn't know how to take care of himself!

A certain one sticks out its tongue, and lays flatteringly on the shoulder of the excrement shoveler: "Baby, the belt is getting wider and you will never regret it, and you will be haggard because of Yixiao!"

"Naughty." Mo Jiuxiao pampered the little fox's nose. Although he knew that someone was just flattering him, he had to say that it was really nice.If one day the fox can really miss him and lose weight, he will be satisfied.

Seeing that Mo Jiuxiao's air-conditioning had subsided, Li Zhuo who came out of nowhere dared to say hello: "Long time no see, Master Yau!"

It's a pity that he was full of enthusiasm, and the two people on the opposite side just turned their heads and glanced at him before continuing their affection.

Well, I checked the eyes, it's someone who doesn't want to talk to me.

"Ahem," Li Zhuo clasped his fists in a little embarrassment and said, "You two, why don't you go to the palace first." Showing affection in public is really ruining the atmosphere!Consider the feelings of a single dog!

When Li Zhuo mentioned this, Luo Anan was too embarrassed to let strangers watch.She gently pinched the shit shovel officer's waist: "Let's leave first."

"Let them see, we won't lose a piece of meat anyway." Uncle Mo was very dissatisfied with Li Zhuo's interruption, kissed the fox loudly, and then looked at Li Zhuo provocatively: "Is there a problem?"

Li Zhuo: ...No, no, it's up to you, up to you.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Luo An'an noticed hundreds of faint gazes around her, and was so ashamed that she almost slipped into Mo Jiuxiao's arms. "If you make trouble again, I will be angry."

"Be good, don't be angry." Mo Jiuxiao kissed one more rascally, a bit showing off and complacent.After An Baobao blushed like a tomato, Uncle Mo happily left with his arms around the fox.

The peeping crowd: ... hiccup, this dog food is so frustrating!

The most tragic thing was Li Zhuo, because he happened to hear Mo Jiuxiao say in front of Luo Youhe impartially, "It's because Li Zhuo is jealous of us, so don't take it seriously."

Luo Anan comforted the shit-shoveling officer: "Forget it, Yu'er will stay in Tianmen Sect for the rest of his life. It's only natural for him to be jealous. Maybe if he's not careful, he'll be single for the rest of his life?"

Li Zhuo: ... Nima, this dog food also comes with personal attacks, do you have any sense of being guests at someone else's house!
If it were an ordinary person, the young master would have kicked him out of Yumiaozong long ago and listed him as a refusal to come and go.
After finally enduring the pain of blinding the dog's eyes to the main hall, Luo An'an gave Li Zhuo another painful blow.

(End of this chapter)

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