Chapter 1439 Stinky

"Brother Mo, there's nothing you can do if you don't like me."

Li Zhuo looked at him gloatingly: "If you have the time, it's better to persuade you and adults."

"Oh," Uncle Mo snorted lightly, his cold eyes swept Li Zhuo up and down, and finally he only said one sentence.

"Li Zhuo, your brain is really the same as your face, it's just a decoration."

Come on, is this a ginseng cock?I just teased you, should I be so ruthless!

"Jiuqing..." An Baobao, who had vomited a lot, came out of the inner room with a pale face, and said, "The smell on the body is easy to solve, but other things are not easy to deal with."

Mo Jiuxiao hugged Luo An'an and said in a low voice, "I understand."

In fact, it is very simple not to want to smell the bad smell, just close your sense of smell.But sometimes the sense of smell plays a very important role, and the subtle taste is also a clue, so this method will not work, and we can only endure it.

On the other hand, Li Zhuo was a little puzzled: "Your Excellency, how to solve the smell?"

An Baobao raised her pale face and grinned at him: "Just now, my family Jiuqing, look at me if I don't deal with you!"
A few minutes later, a pile of durians appeared in the hut where Luo Anan and the others were resting.

"Here, are you going to eat durian?" Li Zhuo swallowed in horror as he looked at the stinky pile in front of him.

"No, Jiuqing and I eat durians, you eat this." Luo Anan took out a well-sealed frozen small clay pot from the space, which looked like it was taken out of a storage ring Same.

Looking at An Baobao's malicious smile, Li Zhuo couldn't help but doubt: "Your Excellency, isn't it filled with poison?"

"No, no, no," Luo Anan opened his eyes wide and innocent, "It's filled with fish and nothing else."

Fish, Li Zhuo is slightly relieved, he quite likes to eat fish.only--

Would Luo Youhe be so kind as to let him pass?
"Ahem, this clay pot can be opened and eaten after a while." An Baobao turned his head to look at Mo Jiuxiao, blinking his eyes: "Jiuqing, let's go to another room to eat durian."

Seeing the little thing's full stomach, Mo Jiuxiao immediately left quickly with one arm around the fox and the other on the durian.Only Li Zhuo, who was puzzled, stood there holding the can.

But he soon lost his doubts.

There was a soft "bang", and at the same time, an unbearable stench came.Moreover, the stench drifted farther and farther, and finally the place hundreds of meters near the inn was filled with that stench.

"Fuck, who is cooking shit, it's so ugly!"

"Uh, uh—"

"My God, why is everything smelly! Help!"

Those magicians scolded and fled in a hurry, and finally broke down and found that they couldn't escape the stench no matter where they hid!So they didn't care about anything and fled away with flying swords!
"Hahahahaha!" The instigator of all this is covering his nose and laughing next door to the source of the smell, laughing wildly~
Quack quack, the power of the canned herring is really big enough, it's worth adding some ingredients to it!It really is a biochemical weapon in the culinary world, hahaha!

Mo Jiuxiao frowned slightly: "Why didn't Li Zhuo move? Could it be that he was stink to death?"


The two looked at each other and realized that there was a possibility, so they rushed to the next door.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Luo An'an saw a fly stumbling and struggling to fly outward, and finally fell straight down and died because he couldn't hold on any longer.

The corner of An Baobao's mouth couldn't help twitching, is it that exaggerated?

Pushing open the door, I saw Li Zhuo's stiff back standing there motionless.His original moon-white robe was splashed with a little soup, and the clay pot had been turned into pieces and lay quietly on the ground.

 Popular science: Canned herring (Surstromming) is a traditional Swedish food. It is a canned food with a foul smell and a sour taste, which is made by putting processed herring into cans and letting it ferment naturally.

  Fermented herring is characterized by its ubiquitous, persistent stench.People who have never eaten pickled herring often cover their noses because of its pungent stench. According to reports, the Swedish government also stipulates that canned herring is not allowed to be opened in residential areas.International flights are also not allowed to carry such cans, because changes in air pressure may cause cans to rupture, with serious consequences.Its odor is equivalent to 300 times that of natto.

(End of this chapter)

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