Chapter 1440 Guilt
An Baobao is actually a little cautious about this scene, because she has already planned this scene.

Canned herring will produce a lot of gas during fermentation, even if it is opened at room temperature, the smelly soup inside will splash out.What's more, after heating, the gas expands...

Absolutely will blow the jars apart!If you are caught off guard, you can't escape even if you want to!
"Li Zhuo, Li Zhuo?" An Baobao tentatively called twice, but the other party didn't respond at all.

"Why, won't you be fooled?" A certain one said worriedly.

Mo Jiuxiao pondered for a moment, and finally concluded: "It's very possible."

After all, those who are on the brink of the storm can't stand it, and Li Zhuo is right there!

The two hurriedly took Li Zhuo to the next door where the enchantment was applied, during which Li Zhuo remained dumbfounded, allowing them to move.

Ten minutes passed, a quarter of an hour passed, and half an hour passed.

Li Zhuo remained motionless, letting those people move.

"It really smells so bad?" An Baobao looked out of the window and saw that the originally bustling street became quiet, and felt a little hesitant in his heart.

A certain one looked at the excrement shovel officer, and said tentatively, "Why don't you, Jiuqing, take a sniff?"

"Why me?" Uncle Mo was very indifferent and resisted: "Why doesn't Luo Luo try it himself?"

"Uh, the baby is afraid of smelly." A certain one said shyly, and then met Mo Jiuxiao's eyes full of "don't I hate smelly".

It seems that the shit-shoveling officer can't be counted on, and a certain one is just drumming for himself in his heart.Well, isn't it just the smell? There's nothing to be afraid of, it won't kill anyone anyway.

With this in mind, Luo Anan carefully opened his sense of smell and took the first breath of air.

Mo Jiuxiao saw the fox's face turn from white to red, then purple, and finally pale.

An Baobao's two lines of tears just flowed down.

"It's so fragrant, how can it be so fragrant!" Baobao An wiped her tears and took two more breaths: "It smells so good."

From the beginning to the end, Luo An'an never told Mo Jiuxiao to give it a try.

But curiosity killed the cat, Luo Anan said it was okay, Mo Jiuxiao would definitely be able to tell that it was a trap.but--

Poor Mo Jiuxiao Yingming I, failed to see the strangeness of Luo An'an.So I also tried to let go of the sense of smell.

Almost instantly, Mo Jiuxiao's face turned dark.I have been fooled by the little things!
For a moment, Mo Jiuxiao couldn't tell what it was like, as if he had entered a mountain of rotten corpses, surrounded by corpses crawling with maggots.It was as if he had fallen into a cesspit, and the disgusting smell made him have nowhere to escape, and it even made his eyes sting!
Looking at the faces of the two who were also too dark and purple, Li Zhuo, who had been dumbfounded all this time, finally couldn't help laughing while hugging his stomach.

"Hahaha, seeing Brother Mo's expression like this, I don't suffer in vain!"

"Li Zhuo—" Mo Jiuxiao gritted his teeth with a cold face, thanks to a little sympathy in his heart just now!This man really doesn't deserve sympathy.

An Baobao's face was also darkened: "You don't have to be polite, fellow Taoist, I still have a lot of clay pots like this, and I'll give you a hundred and eighty ones someday!"

"Just give him ten, and the rest would be a good gift for Feng Yu'er." Uncle Mo speculatively suggested.

"Yes!" Baby An also gritted his teeth: "When the time comes, tell Yu'er that these are gifts from Fellow Daoist Li! Fellow Daoist Li thinks these pots are very suitable for her!"

Xiao Mian, dare to bully us.Let's see who can have the last laugh!
"Do you want to do this?" Li Zhuo said speechlessly: "I haven't even thought about the fact that you asked me to open the clay pot! If you want to be angry, I should be angry, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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