Chapter 1444 The reason for becoming a monk

Seeing the heroine vomiting blood while insisting on having the last sex with the hero, An Baobao finally couldn't help but pat Li Zhuo on the back and said: "Hahahahaha, I understand it, this movie It turned out to be a funny show hahaha!"

Li Zhuo simply didn't understand what was so funny about it, it was clearly a tragedy in the end, well, luckily Luo An'an was able to laugh so happily.

In all fairness, the director Moxiu who filmed this TV series is a very talented person.He captured all the plots that people like to watch very well, blood, struggle, passion, tragedy, even if it is vulgar, it is very eye-catching.In the last scene, the heroine vomits blood and insists on having sex, she looks very strong, and the blood stained the bed sheet with red stars looks very poignant.Can--

Hahahahaha, I can't stand the plot, it's too nonsense!No, baby really can't help it, wow ha ha ha ha ha!
Luo An'an couldn't help laughing again after laughing for a while, Nima, he died during the sex, the male lead must have a psychological shadow!From now on, maybe I won't lift it!
It just so happened that the TV series was put to the last point.Because the male protagonist was too sad, he cut off his roots of love and escaped into Buddhism, and since then guarded the female protagonist's tomb and ignored worldly affairs.

Of course, he doesn't want the father and family who raised him either.

In the eyes of others, this may be the end of a film that is bloody and literary, but An Baobao feels that his conjecture has been verified.

Hahaha the male protagonist must have become a monk after he stopped lifting!Otherwise, the ending of returning to the mountains and forests is completely possible, hehehe~

An Baobao was happily laughing, when suddenly the shit shovel officer flicked him on the forehead.

"Watching what this kind of thing does, I'm not afraid of becoming stupid." Mo Jiuxiao knew how brainless this TV series was by listening to An Baobao's voice.There are still little things that don't know how to lift them?It seems that there are still fewer books that I have collected.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Zhuo with unfriendly eyes: "If you find this kind of thing next time, there is no need to bring it, you can appreciate it yourself."

Li Zhuo had no choice but to leave resentfully holding the scroll.

Then Mo Jiuxiao hugged his own fox and went back to bed to rest: "Lolo, can that stinky herring be done now?"

"Okay," An Baobao lazily enjoying the excrement shoveling officer pinched his shoulders and rubbed his back, and was so comfortable that he almost snored: "This thing is actually very simple, as long as there are herrings. Go to the sea and catch a lot."

"But Jiuqing, do you think I should add some food to that ground worm?"

Mo Jiuxiao's movements paused, and then he said in a firm tone: "No need, you will die sooner or later, there is no need to waste your poison."

Luo Anan heard something wrong in Mo Jiuxiao's words, raised her head and held the hand that shoveled shit: "Jiuqing, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Mo Jiuxiao's expression was still very indifferent: "Suddenly remembered that the Huaxu Sect has some minor feuds with me. If possible, I would like to wipe out his entire sect at once."

Although the shit shovel officer's tone was very calm, but Luo An'an was sensitive to the infinite murderous intent under the plainness, and the still unknown bloody mania.

"Okay, I'll help you." Of course the shit-shoveling officer in his family wants to pamper him, not to mention one Huaxu Sect, even with the other four Sects, it will be destroyed together!

Well, I suddenly feel that sending a few is very masculine!
"Silly fox." Mo Jiuxiao laughed, and coaxed the fox to rest: "Okay, do you want to go into the space and wash it, why does it still smell like me?"

Luo Anan complained while jumping into the space: "Jiuqing, you actually despise the baby!"

(End of this chapter)

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