Chapter 1445 Master Dead Fat Pig

A few days later, Luo Anan used space fermentation to make the first batch of canned herring, waiting for the inspection by the five magicians.

Speaking of which, these demon cultivators have been drinking and drinking every day recently, and have never cared about Luo An'an and the others.If Li Zhuo hadn't reminded them, they probably would have forgotten about it long ago.

"It's done, let's open it and have a look." A Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator said casually.

Luo Anan and the others consciously closed their sense of smell, and Li Zhuo ordered them to open the jar forward.

Fortunately, the jar was frozen in advance, and no liquid splashed out when it was opened this time.Li Zhuo breathed a sigh of relief, immediately put down the jar and backed away.

"Oh, I'm going!"

The stench dissipated quickly, and it spread very fast.Those demon cultivators jumped a few meters away, first they hid here anxiously, and finally thought of blocking their sense of smell.

"What is this, why is it so stinky!" Moxiu, the leader, walked over with a dark face, and his face became even uglier when he saw the red sticky fish in the jar.

"Okay, I think this thing is okay. Let's take it home and try it first."

"How much have you done?" Moxiu asked with a strange expression.

"Because the production is more troublesome, only five cans were made." Mo Jiuxiao said in a deep voice with his face covered.

The demon cultivator on the opposite side said impatiently: "Okay, we'll take the things away. You stay here and don't leave. If things come to an end, your benefits will be indispensable."

After speaking, they threw down a storage bag containing spirit stones, and then left.

"I don't know what they want this thing for?" Li Zhuo was a little puzzled, but looking at Luo'an Anmo Jiuxiao's expression, he felt that they had seen it through.Could it be that I have become stupid, so I can't see anything?


Huaxu Gate.

"Trash, it's all trash, what are you looking for here!" A greasy man with a body like a fat pig in a golden robe threw things and got angry, and everything in his hands exuded a disgusting smell.But none of them satisfied the earthworms.

The greasy, dead fat pig kicked his hands and gasped for exhaustion: "You, you bastards, give me all the things you found! Otherwise, this young master will destroy you!"

That's right, the greasy Young Master Fat Pig is Niu Zong, the son of the master of the Huaxu Sect. He looks ugly.The originally small eyes were squeezed to only a slit by the fat, and his movements were clumsy, and his temper was even more irritable and ruthless.The cultivation base seems to be okay, Jindan late stage.

It's a pity that this cultivation base was also piled up by pills. It looks powerful but it's a crispy scum, and it can't even beat the middle stage of Golden Elixir.

Those people flinched, thinking of the young master's ruthlessness, they didn't dare to beg for mercy, and just gobbled up the disgusting filth.

"Hahahahaha!" Young Master Fat Pig was happy watching this scene, and his eyes, which were originally slits, narrowed even more now.From a distance, it looks like it has no eyes.

Seeing this, Master Fat Pig's personal servant offered a cup of tea with winking eyes, and softly persuaded: "Young sect master, why bother to get angry with these people, let's calm down quickly. How about going to Mingyanlou to see Miss Yuqing tonight, she I was still thinking about you two days ago, why don't you have fun with her tonight, young master?"

Niu Zong was not interested in this today, and said angrily: "My young master has long been tired of looking at Yuqing's face! Father is also true, never letting me go to Zhongzhou. Who doesn't know that Zhongzhou has the most beauties?" , hundreds of times more beautiful than the women in Xizhou."

"That's right, that Mu Qiupei who came to the Hehuan Sect last time, she looks pretty good. But among the beauties in Zhongzhou, she can only be ranked in the middle. Who is this young master, of course she is worthy of being the best in the world. beauty!"

(End of this chapter)

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