Chapter 1452 The Eccentric Jinhao Immortal Venerable

Mo Jiuxiao put away the bottle as if nothing had happened, and said, "I don't know, it's something that Master refined before he ascended, and gave it to me."

A certain one wanted to cry but had no tears: "Master is eccentric, why doesn't the baby have anything?"

"I don't know, probably..." Mo Jiuxiao suddenly put his arms around Luo An'an, his starry eyes were full of smiles: "Master thinks we are one, and what is mine is naturally yours."

Mo Jiuxiao was too close, and his breath smelled like strong male hormones. His weak breath swept over An Baobao's neck, making An Baobao feel uncomfortable.

"Get up!" a voice transmission said, its cheeks turned red at some point, but it still said solemnly: "How can a little comrade be so unprincipled at such a young age, that he still wants to fall in love in such a dangerous environment. Really Not serious."

"go in."

Feeling shy seeing his own little thing, Mo Jiuxiao chuckled, and dragged the fox into the cave.

Niu Quan was unconscious at this time.

Luo Anan unceremoniously took off his storage ring, squinted his eyes and shook his head.

"There's nothing in it that we want."

It is reported that Mo Shachen's leftovers were all recorded in a booklet.In the end, even the brochures and other things were taken away by Huaxu.

"Jiuqing, will the item be in the hands of that Mahayana demon cultivator?" Luo Anan suddenly thought of this and asked.

"Impossible." Mo Jiuxiao said in a firm and deep voice: "Although the magic cultivator of the Mahayana stage of the Huaxu Sect is powerful, he just retreated more than ten years ago, so maybe he didn't know the existence of this thing at all. I won’t hand over so many things.”

"Then where is he hiding..." An Baobao murmured, narrowing his eyes.Suddenly a certain one hastily covered its eyes, unable to bear to look any further.

"Jiuqing," An Baobao, who closed his eyes, freed up a hand to tug on the sleeve of the shit shovel officer: "He, there seems to be something in his pants..."


Mo Jiuxiao's breath suddenly turned cold, he gritted his teeth and said, "What did you see?"

"... Obscene pants." An Baobao said weakly.

And it was a luxurious version of obscene trousers with bright red embroidered gold flowers.

It turned out that I didn't see the dirty things of the dead door master.

Otherwise, even if this guy was chopped off immediately, the little thing's eyes would have been stained.

"Huh—" Mo Jiuxiao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then pushed the fox out of the door with a straight face: "Luo Luo, go and stand outside, you are not suitable to watch what happens below."

An Baobao walked out obediently, but actually told Linlang to pay attention to what happened inside.

"Master, Mo Jiuxiao took off that demon cultivator's red pants!" Linlang's little loli returned excitedly.

"and then?"


Lin Lang's voice stopped abruptly in an instant, and An Baobao's heart was tickled: "Lin Lang, what's wrong?"

"...Master, Mo Jiuxiao has unleashed his sword." Lin Lang's little loli's voice was filled with great sympathy.It's so pitiful, she can still twitch in pain even though she's unconscious, and when she wakes up, she'll probably have to howl for days and nights?


In this regard, An Baobao had nothing to say except silence.The shit shovel is really ruthless~
"It's so pitiful!" Suddenly Linlang's little loli exclaimed again.

An Baobao couldn't bear it anymore, and swished into the space to check the situation inside.


An Baobao's image of the shit shoveler has suddenly changed a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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