Chapter 1453 Mo Jiuxiao's Eight Other Brothers
Draw a few wounds on the monster that made a mistake, and finally drip "itchy" sap on the wound...

Once the toxicity occurs, it will hurt if you scratch it, and it will itch if you don't scratch it.And that kind of itch seems to penetrate deep into the bone marrow, so you can't ignore it at all, so you have to endure the pain and scratch.

According to the records of the Feiyu clan, the final result is often that the punished monster scratched off all the flesh from the wound, and the wounds all over the body were bloody and eroded.What's more, even the bones were scratched a few marks, which was very painful.Can't stop like an addiction.

And the fun of this is that the punished person can torture himself to death without the need for others to do it.For those in power, they prefer this kind of elegant but more powerful blood rather than rude beatings.

After they went back, they meditated and rested for a while, and for the first time, neither of them felt sleepy at all.The rest of the time was spent snuggling together.

On the second day, a big event happened at Huaxu Sect.

The master of the Huaxu Sect was attacked by thieves, injured and had his treasure stolen.Now Quan Huaxu is smashing up and down the door to arrest this thief.

Obviously, this statement is beautified many times.Except for Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an, very few people knew the truth.Or in other words, there were quite a few people who knew the truth, but they were all killed.

In this regard, Luo An'an's attitude was only a slight smile.I don't know if there is a magic cultivator in Huaxu Sect that can detoxify, otherwise, even if Niu Quan's chrysanthemums are rotten, it will not be enough for him.

At this moment, Luo Anan turned back into a fox body, lying in the arms of the shit shovel officer and being patted down.

But following along, something felt wrong, Hu Tuanzi turned his head and saw the shit shovel officer unconsciously pulling his tail hair.

An Baobao's hair exploded, and he almost plucked all of Mo Jiuxiao's hair.

Mo Jiuxiao begged for forgiveness with a sullen smile, and shamelessly evaded: "Luo Luo, in fact, it wasn't me who plucked your hair just now, it was my brother."

A certain ferocious fried hair: "How dare you say it, how can you have a brother!"

"Yes, it was my eldest brother, Mo Yixiao, who slapped you just now." Uncle Mo hugged the fox carelessly and pinched his claws.

Luo Anan was stunned by Mo Jiuxiao's shamelessness: "..."

"Why, don't you believe me?" Mo Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows, and then said, "Well, maybe it's not Mo Yixiao, maybe it's Mo Erxiao, Mo Sanxiao..."

A certain one gritted its teeth: "In short, it's not you, Mo Jiuxiao, right!"

"Hmm!" Uncle Mo nodded contentedly.

"Let you talk nonsense!" A certain Eighteen Claws of Subduing Dragon slapped Shit Shovel Officer on the head, wanting to catch him very, very much.

"Okay, okay, I'm talking nonsense." Mo Jiuxiao said with a smile, and then became serious again, blowing into the fox's ear: "Does Luoluo know why I am called Mo Jiuxiao, not one, two, three, four, five, six, seven?" Yaxiao?"

An Baobao stared at him with round fox eyes, as if he was mentally retarded: "Because this baby has only heard of the highest Jiuchongxiao."

Whose parents have nothing to do to name their children "Qixiao" and "Baxiao"? Doesn't this obviously show that they are not as good as the child named "Jiuxiao"?

"Wrong," Mo Jiuxiao smiled lowly, looking narrowly at his little thing: "The reason why I am called Mo Jiuxiao... is because I can do it nine times a night..."


"Hehe." An Baobao laughed indifferently, and then rose up to blow the dog's head of the shit-shoveling officer.

"I'll let you brag! I'll let you do it nine times a night! Come and show me once you're capable! You really know how to put gold on your face!" said a certain "vicious".

(End of this chapter)

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