Chapter 1459 Mo Jiuxiao breaks through again

A certain heart is blocked.

If I had known this, why would I come back? It would be nice to just accompany the shit shoveler.

"Where's Brother Mo?" Li Zhuo asked Luo Anan while looking at his clothes with disgust, always feeling that the stench on them seemed impossible to get rid of, what to do, as if to die.

"Jiuqing has something to do, so he left first."

Li Zhuo suddenly raised his head and looked at Luo An'an cautiously: "Master Youhe, please tell me, is Xizhou going to be in chaos."

"Xizhou should have been in chaos a long time ago." Luo An'an said bluntly, his eyes were full of undisguised indifference. "Do you think that Jiuqing and I are here just to fulfill our promise? You're wrong. The fundamental purpose of our visit is to disturb the muddy waters of Xizhou!"

Uh huh, who wouldn't know how to brag!Let you be an honest person every minute.

These words really frightened Li Zhuo, he really didn't expect that their courage is more talented than these two!Two fat sheep got into the wolf's den and clamored to kill all the wolves, isn't it a joke?
"Your Excellency, don't be impulsive!" Li Zhuo said with a headache: "This kind of thing is not just for fun, if something happens, how should I explain to Tianmenzong!"

"You don't need to explain, it's good that you can save your own life."

Luo Anan turned and left without hesitation, his back was very indifferent and cruel: "I'm leaving, take care. If you were still alive at that time, we could go back together."

Li Zhuo looked at Luo Anan's figure in a daze and disappeared in the same place in an instant. The real person stayed there as if struck by lightning, and it took a long time to react...

"Don't go!" Li Zhuo only dared to howl in his heart, unable to do anything about Luo An'an's insistence on leaving.

And Baby An couldn't wait to run to the sea: Baby Shovel is back!
She just noticed that the atmosphere around her seemed a little wrong, and she also had some bad premonitions in her heart.The shit shoveler must have not listened to her to give up cultivation, this is the rhythm to break through!
Breaking through in the Demon Cultivator's territory... is obviously courting death!

At this moment, in the deep sea.

Mo Jiuxiao's jade crown fell off quietly during cultivation, and his hair was ups and downs in the deep sea with the undercurrent. The dark environment contrasted his face like a crown jade, but there was a maturity and indifference between his brows that did not match his age .

It's almost time to break through.

Mo Jiuxiao opened his eyes suddenly, and the devilish energy around him increased greatly!The fish around immediately retreated to the distance, far away from the strange man.

"Jiuqing, no breakthrough is allowed!"

Seeing that the thin barrier was about to be broken, Luo An'an's voice suddenly exploded in Mo Jiuxiao's ears.

"Luoluo?" Mo Jiuxiao quickly looked up and looked around, and found a small silver-white dragon not far from him.

It may be too late, the moment Luo Anan spoke, Mo Jiuxiao was shocked by her voice.

The barrier is broken.

Before Mo Jiuxiao had time to say anything more, he immediately fell into cultivation again.

At this time, it was too late to use the stone for soul exchange. Luo Anan looked up at the sky anxiously. Sure enough, dark clouds slowly approached the sea area with the momentum of thunder. Such a powerful thunder calamity is said to be There are also people who believe in breaking through the Mahayana period.

Luo Anan was driven crazy, what to do, how to save the life of the shit shovel officer!
"Lingyue, come out!"

In the end, Luo Anan had no choice but to ask Lingyue for help, and said with a serious face: "You guard this sea area with a radius of several thousand miles, you can't have a fish or a shrimp! Those magicians and monsters must not know about it. what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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