Chapter 1460 Life-Saving Matters

In an instant, tens of thousands of spirit energy and magic energy rushed into the sea water frantically, forming whirlpools one after another!

At this moment, such a vortex appeared every few miles in the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles, and it was quite spectacular from a distance!Under Lingyue's guard, not to mention not a single living thing in the sea, not even a bird on the sea surface.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the Huaxu Sect Demon Race and Phantom Butterfly.

"Is this going to break through?!" The indisputable voice exclaimed. "No, not like!"

Because of the seriousness of the situation, the two souls in Phantom Butterfly's body were all awakened at this moment.At this moment, the voice of the Phantom Butterfly has become a strange voice that looks like a man, but a man, and a woman, but not a woman.

"Ancestor, what's going on?"

Niu Quan, the master of Huaxu Sect, endured the pain of the chrysanthemum and asked the ancestor, "Could it be that someone is going to cross the catastrophe?"

The poison in Niu Quan has only been detoxified by half, so the toxicity will still occur from time to time.Chrysanthemum's injuries are always unhealed and new injuries are added.

The appearance of the ancestor of Huaxu Sect is unexpectedly young, he looks like a 30-year-old young man, and he is completely free of the oldness guessed by the outside world.

At this moment, he squinted his eyes, then shook his head, and there was a trace of vicissitudes in his voice: "It can't be a breakthrough. If it is a breakthrough, this tribulation thunder is even better than the Ascending Thunder Tribulation."

"Could it be that a heavy treasure or a strange beast was born?" Niu Quan finally couldn't help scratching the chrysanthemum, and asked after he relieved the itch for a while.

"Old, old ancestor, why are you looking at me like this?" Niu Quan's heart was pounding, the old ancestor couldn't have seen his indecent gesture just now, could he?
The ancestor of Huaxu Sect looked at him coldly: "...What do you think? Get lost!"

The ancestor of Huaxu Sect flew over the sea in displeasure to check the situation, but finally found that he seemed to be blocked and could not enter the sea at all.

Just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly saw that Phantom Butterfly was also stopped outside.

They just had a fight today, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they met.

Luo Anan swam around the shit shovel officer, circling anxiously.What to do, it's really hard to protect the shit shovel officer!Even if she rushed up to block the thunder disaster, that day Lei would probably beat around the bush as if he had eyes and shovel the shit officer.

A large amount of spiritual energy and demonic energy poured into the dantian, but Mo Jiuxiao's golden core was shattering little by little.Someone forcibly opened his eyes to comfort the little thing: "Lolo stay away, don't worry, nothing will happen to me."

"I'm not leaving!" Luo An'an had a stubborn expression, but he couldn't help but think in his heart that I don't want to see you being struck to death by lightning again.

That dream at the beginning made Luo An'an feel lingering fear every time she thought about it, she really couldn't bear to witness such a scene again.No matter what, you have to accompany the shit shovel officer!
Suddenly Luo An'an's figure froze, and he discussed with Lin Lang in a daze: "Lin Lang, if someone else helps Jiuqing overcome the tribulation, will the thunder tribulation be lighter?"

"It's unlikely..." Lin Lang was not very sure, "But you can give it a try. After all, the Dao of Heaven can ignore Mo Jiuxiao's karma, but other people's karma must also be considered. The worst result is nothing but It’s useless, it’s impossible for Heaven to kill other people as well.”

"It's a pity, we are all your contract objects, master, and we are separated from cause and effect. We can't help with this kind of thing." Linlang Xiaoliu touched her nose helplessly.Their identities are like Luo An'an's domestic slaves. If they don't do well, the housekeeper of Heavenly Dao has the right to kill them directly.

If he dies at that time, even if the master is angry, it is impossible to quarrel with the main god, right?

(End of this chapter)

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