Chapter 1471 xxx in public

Suddenly Niu Quan heard a chuckle in his ear, his expression froze, and he straightened his posture immediately.

The thief was watching from the sidelines, he couldn't lose his temper.Niu Quan pretended to be serious and put on a large pure white robe to cover up his original damaged clothes.Damn it, that thief seems to have a barrier-breaking formation in his hand.

Otherwise, he can change clothes in the enchantment!

Luo Anan saw that it was almost done, whistled, and said to Leopard: "Go back to the space."

It can be said that it was a coincidence, just when Luo An'an was worried about who would do such a trivial thing of stabbing people's ass yesterday, Bao Zhun left the customs.

An Baobao was overjoyed, even if all the staff were in the space, Bao Zhun was the most suitable staff.Sure enough, the move was so quick that even Niu Quan was done before he noticed it.

Leopard Zhun cheekily said to Luo An'an: "Master, that old man has caused a serious shock to my heart. This is a work-related injury, and I want to apply for a batch of mental damage compensation."

This time Luo Anan was in a good mood, so he didn't care about him, waved his hand and said: "Okay, I will find time to make some potions of medicine for you, go back."

"Thank you master!"

Seeing Bao Zhun enter the space, Lin Lang asked in Luo Anan's sea of ​​consciousness: "Master, what kind of wood did you let Bao Zhun insert into?"

"What else can there be, of course it's itching~" A certain one smiled wickedly. "Okay, let's go back and wait for the miracle to happen!"

The itch wood An Baobao took was a very fresh branch with a lot of sap in it, so...

The sacrificial speech that Niu Quan hadn't finished was interrupted again.

That somewhat familiar and dreadful itch came back, an itch that penetrated deep into the bone marrow!
A certain one sneaked up to the shit shovel officer, swaggered and sat on his shoulder in the body of a fox, covered its mouth and snickered: "Jiuqing..."

Before getting to the point, a certain fox couldn't help laughing, the smile was very obscene.

Mo Jiuxiao also used his mind reading skills to know the wretched things Luo Anan did.

Uncle Mo was slightly helpless: "Luo Luo, why do you always have trouble with other people's chrysanthemums?"

Fortunately, it wasn't my own fox who did it himself.

"Look, there is a reaction!"

One suddenly became excited.

Even with the lessons learned from the past, Niu Quan still couldn't hold back the itch, and stretched out his hand to scratch it quietly.The final result is nothing more than scratching more and more itching, but the movements are too small to be noticed.

Gradually, the slight strength was not enough to satisfy Niu Quan. He wanted to get up and leave the altar, find a room to pull out the things in his body, but his body suddenly softened, and he found that he couldn't stand up anymore!
This is poisoned again!
Niu Quan gritted his teeth and tried to ignore the feelings behind him by silently reciting the pure mind technique, but it was completely useless.And at this moment, he can't leave here...


As a last resort, he set up a barrier, and thought to himself: The thief just saw it, anyway, it's not the first time.As long as no one else can see it!Forbearance is calm for a while, and when the thief is caught, he must be cut into pieces, and I can't wish for death!
"Come on, come on!" A certain fox said excitedly while holding the scroll, but suddenly the shit shovel officer covered his eyes and the scroll was taken away.

An Baobao was angry: "Why are you not allowing Baobao to appreciate the fruits of his labor!"

Mo Jiuxiao said expressionlessly: "Luo Luo himself said that being alone is not as good as having a party, have you forgotten?"

"Let Leopard Zhun come out, put this scroll in front, and let all Huaxu sect demon cultivators see what kind of virtue their sect master is."

"That's right!" A certain one clapped its hands and its eyes lit up: "That's how it should be!"

(End of this chapter)

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