Chapter 1472 The Unrecoverable Scroll
According to Mo Jiuxiao's instructions, Leopard Zhun flew stealthily to the front, then enlarged the scroll and placed it at the place where all the monks looked up.

"What's going on, who put a scroll here!" An elder from the Huaxu Sect angrily said.

The key is that the scroll was played quietly, they didn't notice any spiritual power fluctuations at all!This made it easy for them to think of the thief that the door owner wanted to hunt down before!

"Forget it, let's open it first and see what's in the scroll." Another elder stopped him and said calmly.

Soon some disciples opened the scroll, but after looking at it, they were so frightened that they fell to the ground on the spot.


All the demon cultivators gasped, and then flew into a rage.

Ridiculous, simply ridiculous!
I saw two mirrors appeared in the scroll, one was aimed at Niu Quan's side, completely recording the painful and ecstatic expression on his face.

And the other mirror is aimed at the back of Niu Quan, that shining big white butt, and that certain piece of wood that is swallowing in the chrysanthemum...

This scene blinded the eyes of all the demon cultivators of the Huaxu sect. Even if they didn't want to admit it, they couldn't go against their conscience and say that the person masturbating with wood is not the master of the sect, Niu Quan.

Yes, masturbation.

At this moment, the white robe that Niu Quan used to cover up the destruction of his clothes had been lifted up his back, and his trousers were completely taken off.But the piece of wood that tortured him was not pulled out, but moved in and out...


"What's going on, it's unsightly, it's simply ridiculous!" A senior elder in Huaxu Sect blushed angrily, turned around and looked at the disciples beside him: "Idiot, hurry up and put away that filth!"

The elders present were naturally angry.Although sex and magic cultivation are very open things, sex and so on are commonplace.

But you have to distinguish the occasion!
What day is it today?Huaxu Sect's annual sacrificial ceremony, a sacred and solemn ceremony!How, how can you be so hungry and thirsty to do such a thing!Can't bear it even for a while!

This is blasphemy against the Demon God!

Although most of the demon cultivators don't really believe that the demon god can really bring them good luck, just because they obediently pay the "partial money" every day, we know that they are still a bit taboo about it.This is like something, a person who does not believe in Buddhism goes to offer incense, but the incense sticks prepared halfway are destroyed in front of the Buddha statue, and anyone who puts it on will feel awkward and unlucky!
Niu Quan has already committed public outrage.

"Master, Elder..." The disciple who went to collect the scroll was so anxious that he almost cried, "This scroll can't be put away!"

"Trash, I'll come in person!"

The elder Moxu angrily kicked the little Moxiu away, and went to get the scroll himself.But I took it and didn't move it!

This is really hell!The elder Moxu frowned, and then he used all his strength to retract the scroll.But in the end, instead of taking the scroll away, a burst of Buddha's light suddenly burst out from the scroll, hurting him severely.


The elder Moxu stepped back a few times unexpectedly, his skin was burned a lot by the Buddha's light.

Now no one dared to touch the scroll.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, one of the elders who had been at odds with Niu Quan on weekdays said thoughtfully, "Forget it, let's put this scroll here. It's only reasonable to let the sect master stop first."

The others felt that it made sense, and sighed again.

When such a scandal happened, we couldn't kill people like last time and slaughtered the entire Demon Sect, right?

Unexpectedly, the door owner is a serious and old-fashioned person on the surface, but deep down he is a very hungry old gay guy with old trees blooming!
(End of this chapter)

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