Chapter 1484 Research ([-])

The demon cultivator seemed very satisfied, but he still said: "Don't let your guard down, maybe someone from the sect master has sneaked in. You also know that the lord is currently retreating, so you must be careful in everything. If you can break through the gate successfully The master may have to be replaced by another person. At that time, we people will naturally rise with the tide—”

"You kid has caught up with good luck."

No matter what the other party said, Mo Jiuxiao nodded and shook his head uniformly. The magician soon became bored and waved him away.

Only now did Mo Jiuxiao have time to go back and watch the fox.

Luo Anan read the Lingzhi Daquan in the space all day today, but could not find any records about that red poisonous weed.No one has really paid attention to it, and it seems that it has left the Lingguang Continent, and there is no such spiritual plant in other places.

Emotion is still a specialty.Baby An closed the book, thinking about something quietly.

"Leopard Zhun, come here."

The prototype leopard ran over earnestly, and asked attentively, "Master, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, do you recognize this kind of spiritual plant?" An Baobao raised the hand-painted Lingzhi and asked Xiang Baozhun.

Leopard Zhun looked at it for a few seconds, and deeply felt that Luo An'an was deliberately embarrassing him: "Master, what is this you painted?" The red ball can no longer see any features except for grass.

Uh..., Baby An, the handicapped party, glanced at the scroll, touched his nose guiltyly, and waved him away: "Forget it, you can go to work first."

Humph, what's wrong with the baby who can't draw, the baby is just not good at drawing plants!

Just as she was thinking, Lin Lang's reminder voice came: "Master, Mo Jiuxiao is back."

As soon as the voice fell, the baby swished out of the space and jumped directly into Mo Jiuxiao's arms.

"what is this?"

Luo Anan curiously opened the jade box that Mo Jiuxiao put in her hand, her eyes lit up: "Is this a poisonous weed? Jiuqing, you are so efficient."

After speaking, he gave the shit shovel officer a reward kiss.

Mo Jiuxiao complimented the fox in his heart, but calmly and modestly said on the face: "It's just a coincidence, Luo Luo, can you see if you can grow a job?"

"Well, it's already been handed over to Lin Lang." Luo Anan turned the space of the jade box into a fox and jumped on the shit shovel officer's lap. After stepping on it, he found a comfortable position to lie on his stomach: "How about it, guard the dark city Mo Xiuduo?"

"It's not clear yet, but the Youzi Gate seems to be infighting, and it's taking advantage of us for nothing."

"Huh?" Luo Anan looked at him puzzled, his watery fox eyes full of doubts.

Mo Jiuxiao looked soft-hearted, and couldn't help rubbing the fox's head: "It's nothing, it's normal to fight for power."

"Then how to take down the dark city, do you have a countermeasure?"

"I have a rough plan, but I still need to think about it carefully." After Mo Jiuxiao finished speaking, he told An Baobao about his "unexpected" promotion today.

A certain fox scratched the shit-shoveling officer's robe and joked, "Then Deacon, how much has your spirit stone increased every month?"

Mo Jiuxiao said calmly, "I don't have a spirit stone, but I do have a bed warmer. Can I sell myself to pay off the debt?"

"o( ̄ヘ ̄o#), hum, you are so beautiful!" An Baobao rejected the cheeky bed warmer, turned back to the space to study poisonous weeds.


In the space, Leopard Zhun was shrugging pitifully, pulling his ears upright and erecting his two front paws, standing like a leopard.

It's a pity that he doesn't always stand firmly enough, and he can't help but walk a few times to keep his balance every few seconds.

Linlang's little lolita was watching ferociously from the side.

(End of this chapter)

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